Well I Quit

It's been a week since the incident, and since Avery's visit to the hospital. She avoided talking about Javon or seeing him, Belle and Jamal respected her decision, not wanting to crowd her with questions. Jamal was happy about her decision, he'd never seen him before then but he didn't like Javon one bit.

She had been discharged from the hospital, two days after the incident, even though she was okay to be discharged the same day she was admitted. It was Jamal's request for the doctors to take care of her for the extra days she had spent.

He had wanted her to stay longer, they argued so much about, very loudly, but they ended up compromising when the hospital staff reprimanded them because they were starting to cause a scene at the hospital because they were disturbing the peace of the patients.

It was a new week and Avery was going to continue working, and even though Jamal wasn't happy about it, he'd have to deal with.

Two days ago...

Jamal was over at Avery and Belle's home, he was coming over a lot especially since Avery disagreed with him when he said she should move in for her safety.

She wasn't going to move in just because of a silly mistake on her part.

Belle wanted to watch one of her favorite soap operas while Jamal wanted to watch soccer, they were fighting over who'd get the remote like little kids

"My show starts in a few minutes" Belle said as she held one side of the remote, struggling to get it from Jamal's hand and not ready to let go.

"And this match ends in a couple of minutes, why can I watch it while you wait?" Jamal queried holding the other side of the remote and using little to no force.

"But this is OUR house, why can't you go watch it at YOUR house?" Belle asked challenging him to say something else.

Both of them eyed each other, sending hate glares, non of them were about to back down. So they did one the only logical thing

"AVERY!!!" They both shouted, waiting for her input on the matter.

Avery had been watching them with the bowl of popcorn on her laps.

"I'd choose this show any day to any of your shows" she giggled as she took another handful of popcorn.

They both looked at Avery like she had three heads while she laughed harder at their reactions.

They ended up watching Belle's show, since the match had already ended, Jamal didn't argue and watched it with them, massaging Avery's foot which he finally got to put on his lap after Avery's protests against it.

There was a part of the movie where a lady was in her work place in her work outfit.

"I miss work" Avery sighed dropping her foot and grabbing another handful of popcorn.

"I've been thinking about it and I've decided to go back to work" Avery casually said taking another handful of popcorn.

"Why?" Jamal asked.

"Because I want to and because I can" she retorted, daring him to say that wrong.

"You're pregnant and you need a lot of rest" Jamal

"I'm pregnant not sick Jamal, and besides I'm the one carrying the babies, so I know my limits." she argued, dropping the popcorn she had grabbed back into the bowl.

"I don't want you stressing about anything, I don't see a reason why you would want to work." Jamal tried to make her reason with him.

"I'm starting work on Monday and there's nothing you're going to do about it " she affirmed, dropping the bowl of popcorn and standing up from the sofa walking away from the living room.

"Oh, there is. I'm your boss remember and I have the right to say who gets to come to work". Jamal retorted, following her out of the living room, not happy with her decision to resume work.

"Well then I quit, I'm getting a new job" She yelled, shutting the door to her bedroom in his face...

(Author's note: Hello everyone, thanks for the views, I really appreciate it. But it really saddens me when little or no one comments or vote. I'd love to know what my readers want to see.)