Hunger Games part-2

POV Max Jacob


An Obese man was sitting on a HUGE ASS chair in front of him was huge stacks dollars the room was filled with crates of guns and money on the middle was Max Jacob smoking a cigar under the table was a girl giving him a blow**b he looks at the girl and grabs her by the hair

Max :[ Fuck off with that sloppy mouth of yours ] kicks her aside when she was on her way out he picks up a handgun and shoots her in the head killing her instantly. he put on his pants and was about to walk out the door and tell guards to get rid of her body when he was suddenly teleported onto a platform at first he was In daze about where he was. he looked around saw he was surrounded by forest and was on a platform he thought he was kidnapped using some drug and someone was playing with him he got angry and shouted for them to show them self he saw some of his men getting of the platforms but as they got off sound of explosions were heard and the people who stepped off were blown to bits after no one dared to move Max was sweating suddenly a big pile of stuff appeared out of thin air like magic then the realization hit him Hunger games he swore in his mind knowing his bad luck as he was fat and couldn't survive for long he was doomed to die today when the being's voice was heard he cursed his luck as there was no way he could get that reward and will lose his life so he tried to reason with the voice but when he heard he was going to die either way as the voice told them there lifespan had come to an end he frowned so he tried to bootlick the voice to give him at least a chance to win and the voice agreed and gave them new faces and bodies. he thought now at least he has a chance because he is a martial artist. as the cannons resounded I ran to the nearest sword and a backpack and ran away as it was best to wait it out there were many pro assassins within his organization so he better play it safe. when he reached deep in the forest he checked his backpack within it was an empty stainless steel water bottle, hunting knife, rope, medicine and food which will last him 3 days at most.



everything was going as same planned Max survived by using the coward's technique and hiding till the end technique same thought of joining the game so he did some of the people were working together so they can have a mans fight in groups he changed his appearance cause if any of them saw him things might go not as planned and he appeared in the forest as he was walking he saw a person with bloody clothes as I was moving towards it to put it out of its misery I heard the voice of that person [ GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME ] same was surprised as it was the voice of a girl he reached out his hand to pull the mask that was covering her face she screamed again [DONT TOUCH ME CREEP] she was unable to move because of the wounds and she couldn't stop sam. sam took off the mask and saw a beautiful goddess her beauty was unmatched by any he started to wonder who she was and why is she in the organization Sam asked the all knowledgeable system [system who is she and why is she here ]

[Ding... Host, you wore the one who told me to teleport everyone in the organization to this place]

Sam : [... what I man can you give me her details]

[Ding... Host, she is 16 and she was trained to be an assassin at a very young age she joined Max's organization to kill him as he killed if the host didn't intervene she is the one who would have killed him

in the future]

when Sam heard this he was shocked as he just realized as he was going to kill someone who had the same past as him and also the same goal so he along with here teleported out of the dimension into a new dimension where he healed here in an instant she was still asleep so he left telling the system to keep an eye on her.

5 days after

the people left in the game are only 5 so I teleported them all to an empty room they all were dumbfounded at first when they say themselves appear in a different place it was a white room suddenly they heard a voice [ Welcome you are the last 5 now fight let's see wh... ]

when I was about to finish all of them started attacking each other like a wild pack of hungry hounds fighting for food it went on for some time but as you know the match was already fixed and the only winner would be Max and I told the system to make sure that Max is the only winner without anyone noticing. I don't know how but everyone's movements got worse and they got a little bit sleepy of which max to an advantage of and slashed at them and eventually killed all of them. after the Slaughter ended. Max looked at me with a face exploding with happiness. i l

looked at him and said [Max how are you feeling]. when max heard this he found this weird but didn't show it and replied [ O great Being I am feeling great ]

Sam heard this and started Laughing like crazy but calmed himself down and said [Max do you really think I would reward you I just wanted to see your expression so I could crush them you might not remember me because I was just one of the kids of whose your parents you killed ]

when max herd this he knew he had no chance of survival he got angry [O great being plz have mercy on my soul ] he kept crying for mercy sam got annoyed and send him to a dimension where time doesn't flow so max won't age and some golems to torhcher him for all eternity.

[Ding...Host the girl has woken up]