32 c: Breeze and beach

" Who said she is alone" I heard from behind Alex....It was Sam, Samuel and Hardin. Sam pulled me behind him. Alex smirked. He looked at my brothers and then at Hardin and said " Oh I see you have your brothers here and Oh what a surprise Hardin" .

Hardin looked angry. Hardin pulled me and hugged me on one side and said " What do you want Alex? "

Alex knew what he was doing and said " I'm just teasing my future girlfriend " winking at me. Sam caught him by his collar. Sam said " Behave yourself Martin. I won't mind hurting you ". All the people that were there turned towards us and then surrounded us.

Samuel pulled Sam " We don't want any trouble Alex....Just stay away from my sister and we will be fine ". Alex nodded in frustration " Whatever. Get lost losers ".

Hardin pulled my hand through the crowd and my brothers followed behind. We crossed the road and stopped at the footpath. Sam and Samuel joined us. I wanted to ask them about how they knew that guy and why they were so scared of him but they looked furious.

Hardin told my brothers to go ahead so Sam and Samuel went ahead. Hardin turned towards me. He looked at me and sighed. " Are you hurt? Did he say anything " . Hardin looked concerned now. I smiled " I'm fine. He was just introducing himself and nothing else ". He hugged me, I was taken by surprise. He patted my head when he was hugging and said " Stay away from him. Okay?". I nodded being too flustered to answer.

We went back to the fireplace and lit it. Everyone stayed awake till 2am playing games and singing stupid songs and laughing. Honestly it was best time of my life.

The first tent was for us girls, the second tent was a bit bigger compared to ours so Victor, Sam, Samuel and Hardin were sleeping in that one, the third tent was for Tanmoy, Nishan and the driver.

At around 2:20 everyone except me went to their respective tents to sleep. Even though the guards wanted to keep watch. I asked them to take some rest since they were working whole day and had to work tomorrow also.

I wasn't sleepy. The sky was too beautiful and even though it was chilling....the fire's warmth was very nice. It felt nice. I didn't want to sleep in the tent so I bought my sleeping bag out, carefully so that I don't wake up the girls. I put the bag next to the fire and sat there. I was feeling a bit sick because of the cold wind earlier but now I could feel a headache coming.

I went for a walk. 3am walks on the beach are the best. I walked for some time and then went back to the tent. I could see Samuel and Tanmoy up from a distance....probably thirsty.

When they saw me approaching, Samuel came running " Hey, Where did you go?"

I looked at him. He looked worried. Oops.

" I wasn't feeling sleepy so I went for a walk."

Samuel looked at me and sarcastically replied " Jesus Sara, this is not our garden. You can't just go strolling "

I stuck my tongue out " I know I know. I'm sorry. "