I kissed Li Cheng

The next day Zhang Lihua visited Yuan Huan, she explained the things that transpired the previous day to her.

Yuan Huan was angry. She always thought Liu Qiang was the perfect man for Zhang Lihua. When they broke up, she tried everything within her power to get the both of them back but she was too late.

"You would have called me to assist you"

"I didn't want to disturb you, besides you were busy"

Yuan Huan worked as a receptionist in a 5 star hotel in Beijing. The hotel was under the Liu Corporations. Simply put, she was under Liu Qiang and Zhao Biyu. She wanted to stop the job when she found out she was under them but she had no choice. That was her only source of lively hood.

"I would have taken a day off, as for the boutique she opened, I will ask my friends not to patronise her"

"You don't have to go that far, just forget about them, something else happened that night"

Yuan Huan asked curiously "What happened?"

Zhang Lihua voice grew lower "I kissed Li Cheng. The thing is that I was drunk and loosed control, I even narrated my past and the incident that happened to him, he conducted a background check on Liu Qiang and Zhao Biyu the next day"

Yuan Huan mouth widened. Her friend really kissed her husband without been forced "OMG! you kissed Li Cheng, that is good news"

Zhang Lihua knew the thoughts that were going through her friend's head, she stated plainly "Yuan Huan I said I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing"

Yuan Huan laughed lightly "Girlfriend, people express their hidden feelings when they are drunk, you kissed him because that is what you always wanted to do..."

Although Zhang Lihua didn't want to admit it, when she thought about the kiss, she felt a lingering feeling to kiss Li Cheng again

She interrupted Yuan Huan "That's enough, I kissed him and so what? I was just happy that he didn't take advantage of me"

Yuan Huan was surprise that her friend couldn't see through the fact that Li Cheng loved her "Lihua are you dumb to the extent that you can't understand the feelings of people around you? He didn't take advantage of you because he loves and respects you, he even conducted a background check on Liu Qiang and Zhao Biyu because of you"

Zhang Lihua didn't want to fall into her friend's trap so easily and admit to the fact that she felt that Li Cheng liked her, she wasn't sure, so she didn't want to jump into conclusions "Yuan Huan do you want to force me to believe something that's not real? Li Cheng only did that because our marriage is an arranged one, I will divorce him after my family business is stable."

Yuan Huan was almost speechless when she heard Zhang Lihua mention divorce "Are you kidding me? You still have plans of divorcing him, wake up girl."

Zhang Lihua raised her hand "Yuan Huan that's enough, I didn't come here because I wanted to hear all this, I came here because I wanted to spend time with you so change the topic"

Yuan Huan knew her friend was really stubborn, she knew she wasn't going to admit to the fact that she was beginning to like Li Cheng or she already liked him so she didn't push further. She replied with a smile "Yes ma'am"

Zhang Lihua ended up spending the entire day with Yuan Huan.