Fei Lei's Rebirth and the Maiden of Fire

Fei Lei stood up and walked over to a stone platform that was over the exit tunnel for the subterrene stream.

Next to him was an 8-foot pile of 2 Star Magic Beasts Bones that he piled up in preparation for this event.

Fei Lei used his telekinesis hands to crush and compress the matter into a 3-inch spherical Pure Bone Pill.

Placing the 80-pound pill under his tongue, Fei Lei sat down in the lotus position and activated his Personal-Sigil. The room lit up with a grey light as he flooded his brain with the natural painkiller dopamine and morphine.

His body began to make creaking noises, and his muscles began to squirm like millions of worms were crawling along the surface of his skin.

Little by little the muscles began to collapse into singular fibers and shrink into his body. Slowly Fei Lei began weaving them back together like a spider's web when suddenly the molecular structure of his muscles took on a new property.

It had both the same strength and endurance as before but became just as flexible as spider silk.

As Fei Lei's muscles reformed they all slapped down onto his bones with incredible pressure, he could feel his new muscles fracturing every bone in his body.

Instead of backing off, Fei Lei gritted his teeth and pushed even harder, suddenly crushing his bones into dust.

Even though he had doped himself up, Fei Lei still felt like he just experienced the most painful thing in his life. He screamed out in pain as he felt his body growing limp.

Using his telekinesis, Fei Lei held the shape of his bones together and slowly began to reshape it.

Through the entire process, Fei Lei felt like his whole body was soaking in lava. Fighting through the agonizing pain, he barely managed to swallow the pill as he felt his body become charged with additional marrow to manipulate.

He quickly directed it to his bones and began to shape his new skeleton, he started by adding in armored joints, he didn't add any new elbows or knees, but created several sections of joints, linking all of his limbs together and reinforcing them several times over like armor.

Next, he worked on his torso, Feil Lei had slowly changed the shape of his ribs, they grew out a cover layer removing the gaps between his ribs like dragon-scale weaved chainmail.

Fei Lei started tucking in his organs and covered them in a thin but dense webbed exoskeleton of bone so they wouldn't rattle around or be as pierced as easily.

Now was the most important part, his spine.

While he rebuilt his spinal cord, it received a massive influx of Marrow and started to glow as he reshaped the thin cord into an extremely complex webbed structure.

The roots of his spinal nerves began to branch out in the shape of conducting wires. Fei Lei spun and fabricated trillions of filaments, millions of times over in a concentric stranding, this would give his nerve endings incredible flexibility and durability that were unlike any human before him.

After placing over a thick and flexible layer over his spinal nerve roots, Fei Lei then created an outer conductor by building like an additional hard nerve mesh covering over every nerve and blood vessel in his spine.

This would increase the rate in which electrical impulses could travel through his nerves, thus, there would no longer be a lag between the messages sent from his brain to his body, they would act as one, perfectly in tune with each other, as well as increase his overall reaction speeds.

He began to alter the structure of his skull to perfectly fit his brain when it reached full maturity. He estimated and judged how to shape his skull based on the current growth of his brain.

Once fully matured, there would be no room left for Fei Lei's brain to be shaken.

For his eyes, Fei Lei started to add several new cones in his vision receptors, creating trillions of new cones and rods that would enhance his sight beyond far beyond human levels.

Lastly, he completely reformed the outer layer of his skeleton while increasing the carbon density of his marrow.

His bones turned into a dark grey color while his marrow suddenly began to producing denser and stronger, red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. Each of his cells radiated with just a bit more energy, making his body temperature a half degree hotter than normal humans.

Suddenly, his body began to glow as he focused in on his Nature God's Breath. It was as if every cell in his body came to life and learned to breathe, pulling in the oxygen sending a powerful source of vital energy throughout his physique.

He stood up completely naked, once again covered in the filth of impurities and dried blood.

Jumping into the river, Fei Lei washed off the sludge and blood before jumping back out of the water with a completely new body. Not an ounce of his muscle could be seen and he looked like a starved and frail lady killer.

Fei Lei breathed in and felt the wind start to gather around him, his skin had turned a light pinkish color from his recent lack of sunlight, brought on by his closed-door training, and you could see his ribs poking out of his chest.

After stretching out, Fei Lei walked back to his room and put on his Combat Gi, he then headed outside and felt the world anew. All of his senses were heightened to an entirely new plateau, it was like experiencing the world all over again, or discovering a new color.

His body felt lighter than air, but carried all the mass of a 300 pounds of muscle, he took a step forward didn't make a single noise.

His sense of movement was finely honed it was as if his body was as light as feather. He smelled the air around him noticing that he could distinguish the different scents of everything in a 10-mile radius.

Looking out into the distance, Fei Lei discover his eyes could see as well as a hawk. Even his sense of touch was amplified, of course, he could control this so that he could numb it to normal human levels.

However, at max sensitivity, he could feel the direction and wind force's exact MPH as if he were reading the air like some sort of machine.

He lept out into the forest, his body reborn as a superhuman being. Fei Lei's speed was incredible as his image turned into a blur when he started to leap across trees and the forest terrain, jumping off the top of the tallest tree's branch in view, he shot into the sky.

As he took to the air, Fei Lei saw the whole forest in its beauty. He started to laugh like an innocent child as he created footholds with his telekinesis and ran across them going full speed.

After having fun strolling around for hours in the sky, hunting, and eating his prey to recover his physique, Fei Lei saw that the sun was starting to set.

Since the stronger monsters come out when its dark to hunt, Fei Lei considered now would be a good time to head back to his cave.

While Fei Lei ran through the sky, not too far away from his location, a precarious event was taking place.

Far from his location, near his cave, a young girl could be seen riding on a land-running bird-like creature. A group of men was in hot pursuit riding on the same type of Magical Beast.

"Come on Kuro, their catching up!" The girl said as she tapped her legs against the bird's waist.

"KURRA!" The bird chirped as it began to run even faster, when all of a sudden, it made a hard turn to avoid falling into a river.

The force from the sudden change in direction knocked the young woman off her saddle and underneath the river water that was connected to Fei Lei's cave, while the bird continued to run off in another direction like a bat out of hell.

For the people that were chasing her, it was so dark out that they couldn't see that the woman had fallen and foolishly continued to chase after the fleeing bird, who was only getting faster now that it had ditched its rider.

The girl was struggling to swim as the current led her through an underground passage, every once and a while, she would find gaps where she could pop her head out of the water to take in large breaths of air.

After a short while, she came to an open area with a shore and swam her way to the nearest piece of land that she could find.

As she pulled herself out of the water she laughed and said, "You failed to kill me again, cousin!"

While she continued to laugh with a sense of sorrow, the young maiden she stood up and cast a level 0 fire spell, Dry.

Her cloak and everything on her body dried up as it emitted a glow of faint steam from her body.

She started to look around and was standing in front of Fei Lei's house as she said, "Where the hell am I? Did I die and end up at King Yama's castle!?"

She was fascinated by the architecture and depictions of legendary beasts as she approached the construct, placing her hand on the bridge, she walked over the moat towards the center of the castle.

"Hello, King Yama!? I've been a good girl and don't want to be sent to hell!" the young girl's pleasing voice called out.

After not hearing any answer she pinched her cheeks and felt some pain before she decided to go inside while thinking, "Okay, so I'm not dead. Is this an Inheritance Site left by some great ancestor?"

She started to get her hopes up, especially when she uncovered Fei Lei's storeroom.

It was filled to the brim with rare materials that he had gathered over the time he had spent hunting and gathering. What attracted her attention the most was 300 or so chests full of magical beast cores that shined like blood rubies.

She noticed that it mostly contained 1 and 2-star ranking cores, but the smallest chest was actually filled up with 3-star magic beast cores.

She was about to reach her hand out for the fire-cores, ready to start helping herself to the hoard, when suddenly, a cold voice frightened her as it echoed out behind her, "Get out!"

She turned around to see one of the most handsome men she had ever seen in her life. Even the scars across his cheeks added a hint of danger to his baby face, making him seem all the more desirable.

The killing intent rolling off his body frightened her at first, but after using an expensive item to scan his Mana Ranking, she scoffed and said, "I found this place first! I don't know who you are, but don't you know the rules on inheritance sites and world dungeons?!"

Fei Lei growled, "This isn't any of those things! Everything you see here I built and obtained with my own two hands! This is my home! What you are doing now, is stealing. Now...LEAVE!"

"You honestly expect me to believe that a weak Adept like you is capable of that? I..." Before she could continue, Fei Lei disappeared before her eyes and reappeared directly in front of her.

"Last chance, leave my home before I throw you out on your ass!" Fei Lei growled in anger.

The girl was stunned as she thought, "How did he move so fast? Did he use the wind Spell, Haste? I didn't see him move or cast anything!"

"How dare you to use such foul language in front of a noble, apologize before I burn your mouth off!" The girl shouting wasn't actually going to do as she said, she merely wanted to scare him and let him know that she was a rank higher than him.

She waved her hands when flames started to manifest, as a level 1 Spell Sigil appeared over her forehead. The Scorching Blaze-Heart Sigil shot out radiant flames towards Fei Lei.

In response, Fei Lei took in a deep breath causing his stomach to inflate before shouting at the top of his lungs, "GET OUT!"

The flames vanished when it made an impact with the sonic vibrations of his powerful voice. It scattered across the air and shoved the girl over, sending her rolling back into a pile of Magical Beast Furs in surprise.

"What the hell was that!?" The girl thought in fright, she felt her entire body aching as she tried to sit up, but then suddenly, she felt her body become weightless as the young maiden was lifted into the air by an invisible force.

Fei Lei started carrying her with his telekinesis hand and walking towards the entrance of his house.

While he was gripping her like a doll, the girl was too stunned to think properly and couldn't say a peep.

Fei Lei took his time as he led her towards the entrance of his cavern home while mumbling, "Can't believe someone lucked into finding my house!"

Seeing how well he knew his way around the cave tunnels, the girl began to realize that Fei Lei was probably telling her the truth about him living here.

She tried to struggle free, but couldn't even gather the strength to lift her hand to complete a spell, and with a subtle expression of realization appearing on her face, the girl knew that she was stuck in a no-win situation.

As she got closer to the exit she started to remember the assassins that her own family member had sent after her and that they were most likely still roaming the forest in search of her location.

She started to break down in panic and began crying, "Sniff! Woo, WAA! I going to die! Mother, father, I'm sorry I won't be able to see your smiling faces again! I'm going to be violated and tossed away like a piece of trash!"

Fei Lei froze and said, "I don't know you, nor do I want you in that way. I just want to get you out of my home and for you to forget this place exists."

"Now this moronic brute of a monster thinks I'm talking about him! WAAH!" The girl cried even louder.

The way she phrased her sentence made Fei Lei frown before shouting, "Did you lead other people here!?" Fei Lei shouted.