Preliminaries Part 6

As soon as the match began Fei Lei dashed forward and pulled out his earthy treasure, Clear Mist.

Sheng Tai did the same and pulled out a large thorn whip that he used to cut his own hand.

As the treasure fed on his blood the whip seemed to come to life as it wiggled around his body. Suddenly the blood from his wound covered his body and turned into a steel metallic-like matter.

Sheng Tai grinned as he shouted, "Die scum!"

Fei Lei was then assaulted by the large vine whip's wild movements, as it got closer to him, it grew in size and split off into branches.

Fei Lei swung his sword and used his Telekinesis to create a razor-sharp edge from the hiltless sword. As he cut through them with ease, everyone gasped at how fast and flexible Fei Lei was.

Fei Lei continued to dodge every new whip lashing that came for him, cutting when necessary while making small advances towards Sheng Tai's position.

Small sonic booms echoed throughout the ring, as the thorn whip grew more violent the closer Fei Lei got.

Everyone was shocked at the battle being witnessed. They couldn't believe an Adept Non-Elementalist was capable of such a thing. The crowd even began to attribute his power to the weapon he was holding, saying that it was probably some high ranking treasure.

Fei Lei was halfway through the tangled weave of the thorn whip. When all of a sudden, Sheng Tai charged at Fei Lei like a madman.

A loud clanking noise was heard as Sheng Tai's metallic blood seeped out of his wound and formed into an armor that ran across the surface of his skin.

When he reached Fei Lei, Sheng Tai was fully cloaked in his metal blood armor as he swung his fist back and punched out with all his might.

Fei Lei released his adrenaline and swung Clear Mist at full strength.

The force from his swing created a massive gust of wind that matched Sheng Tai's, and as the two felt their attacks connect, Fei Lei felt a great strain in his wrist while Sheng Tai barely skirted back.

Fei Lei then used his Telekinetic Hands to squeeze Sheng Tai's leg and got ready to throw him. When Fei Lei tried to lift his opponent's body, Sheng Tai's whip circled around his telekinetic hands and started to crush them.

Sheng Tai was taken aback by the invisible force that attacked him when Fei Lei suddenly appeared in front of him with boiling red skin.

Sheng Tai's eyes widened as the vine-like thorn whip that was wrapped around his waist like a belt swiftly shot off of him at towards Fei Lei's head.

In response, Fei Lei swung his sword outward away from his body deflecting the whip's attack. When the attacks clashed, the thong of the whip branched out like a rapidly growing plant and dashed towards Fei Lei's face.

Sheng Tai though he had Fei Lei by the ropes, when, without any warning, Fei Lei's speed shot through the roof as he disappeared from his vision.

Suddenly twisting his torso, Fei Lei invaded Sheng Tai's personal space and let out a single fierce upper-cut.

A loud clang rang out as Fei Lei's fist smashed directly into the center of Sheng Tai's gut.

Sheng Tai's body only flew a few feet off the ground before his thorny vines wrapped him up and then quickly transported him away, once again regaining the distance Fei Lei had fought to take away.

The metal-blood on Sheng Tai's armor started to crack and fall to the ground while the crowd looked in on the match with the highest levels of bewilderment.

Everyone was just saying that he was relying on the power of his weapon, but it was the fist that drew first blood.

"Damn you! How do you know that spell?! Hina said she would never teach it to anyone! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!" Sheng Tai shouted as if he was losing his sanity, his real motives for wanting Hina to join his party spilled out.

"Disgusting," Hina commented with an appalled expression.

"Sis, can your friend win?" Yan Mei and Hina heard the voice of the two children Fei Lei knocked out.

They turned to the side to see both of the kids jumping into Hina's arms.

"Why did you leave?" Hicka cried.

"Why are you still an Erudite?" Recka growled.

Hina patted their heads and said, "I had things to do. Sorry I couldn't explain. As for you, Recka, don't get cocky, you should prepare before becoming a Sorcerer. The more you know about your element, the better the Sigil will be, and he hasn't even created his Mana Skin yet. He's what we call a trash mage."

Yan Mei cooed at the children as she said, "So, cute!"

"As for your earlier question, Fei Lei will definitely win, Hina spoke with confidence as patted the kids on the head.

The sound of stone being shattered took their attention back to the fight. Sheng Tai was slamming his fist on the ground while repeating the word, "Damn you, damn you, damn you!"

His armored body was starting to bulk up and grow a few feet, while his pretty-boy face stayed the same size.

Fei Lei couldn't help but snort as he thought, "He's like a reverse T-Rex, he has a tiny head and really big arms."

Sheng Tai then started chanting some words as all the whips tails started to react. From out of the tips of their thorns, they began spitting out highly pressurized blasts of water that shot small holes through the arena's stone surface as if it melted.

The entire dynamic of the battle changed, Fei Lei began using his Telekinesis and Detect Intent spell in conjunction to doge water jets it mid-air while still avoiding the sting of the whip's deadly thorns.

The longer the fight went on, the more accurate, Fei Lei's predicting abilities became, and by the time he decided to make a move, Fei Lei's new spell, Detect Intent, had been completed.

Fei Lei chased after Sheng Tai by hopping on to the footholds he made in the air, the vines grew countless branches as they chased after him.

He saw where they would hit ahead of time and slipped passed their attacks as he made subtle adjustments to his movements.

Every time Sheng Tai attacked, Fei Lei used the least amount of energy and effort to dodge.

Fei Lei led the vines around the arena and tied them up in knots as he swung out with his blade. This time, however, Fei Lei began vibrating the molecules around the edge of the blade before he swung the clear surface of the blade downward.

When his sword made contact, Clear Mist erupted into vibrant natural flames.

As the fire traversed through the air, Fei Lei used his Telekinesis without the aid of the Clear Mist's assistance, to manipulate the flames with far less strain on his brain than if he were to use Pyro-Kinesis alone.

Just like a cascading effect, the closer to the flame the air was, the easier it was to speed up the neighboring molecules.

Fei Lei's Telekinesis was working at maximum efficiency, thanks to the sword being a fire starter he didn't suffer any headaches or nosebleeds this time around.

Without any warning, the battleground was suddenly covered in roaring flames, and while every one of the spectators dropped their jaws in amazement, they sweated bullets.

The heat from the arena was no joke, not only was it hot, they couldn't sense any mana since the fires were made from natural causes and not magic.

As the whip burned, Sheng Tai let out a shout of anger before he created a massive bubble of water in the sky and then exploded it.

Rainfall poured over the arena causing Fei Lei's flames to begin fading. The steam from the interaction and the falling raindrops revealed the shape of his invisible sword for the first time since he started the tournament.

"Wait isn't he a Non-Elementalist, how did he use fire?" Someone from the crowd yelled out.

"Something's not right, did he fool the test somehow?" Another Mage questioned.

Many of the people in the crowd began murmuring, they couldn't figure Fei Lei out at all, and the only thing going through their heads was, "Is he a Non-Elementalist or not!"

Sheng Tai frowned as well, unable to figure it out, he decided to chalk it up the earthy treasure being responsible for the flaming phenomenon.

"I'll admit that your weapon is impressive, but choosing fire against a water user is a rather dumb move!" Sheng Tai laughed.

Fei Lei started to laugh as the sword suddenly changed into an ice blade and the temperature suddenly started to drop.

Fei Lei used his Human Transfiguration Sigil to increase the flow of his blood and resist the frigid temperature, he then raised his hand as frost tree formed from the blade.

Everyone in the crowd was shocked to their cores again as gasps ringed out around the stadium in record number.

"Two elements? Does he have dual roots as well?!" A fellow Mage yelled in surprise.

"It has to be the weapon, there's no other explanation as to how a Non-Elementalist can use two elements!" Another Mage commented.

With a single sweep of Fei Lei's sword, all the mist and rain caused a sudden flash freeze to engulf the terrain.

The whip's vines suddenly locked up as the crystal frost enveloped it, Fei Lei then swung Clear Mist and shattered the thorn whip, completely destroying an Earthly treasure.

Sheng Tai roared in anger as he felt the connection between him and his favorite magic treasure shatter, he then turned to Fei Lei and shouted some words in an ancient language while his sigil appeared over his forehead.

Sheng Tai then pushed his finger into his heart and shouted, "Level 4 Spell Blood Golem!"

Suddenly a copious amount of blood began to cover Sheng Tai's entire body.

However, Fei Lei noticed that most of the blood seemed to be coming from inside his spatial ring and not his wound.

Within a few seconds, Sheng Tai had become an 8-foot hulk of a monster made of pure blood.

"Level 4 Spell Blood Iron Skin!" Sheng Tai shouted after saying his spell verse in an ancient language.

Suddenly the entire humanoid construct turned into a steel suit of armor, Sheng Tai then charged at Fei Lei like a lunatic, tearing up the ground below him with every step.

Fei Lei put his sword away while he dosed his body with combat drugs.

Adrenalin, endorphins, and dopamine flooded Fei Lei's blood-stream as he activated his boost to the fullest of his limits. With the level one boost spell tripling his strength, Fei Lei charged back at the Blood Mage.

The two combatants punched out at the same time.

When flesh and steel met, a massive shockwave echoed and shook the space around them.

Fei Lei feet skid back against the ground as the entire upper half of the blood golem shot back and twisted towards the sky.

Fei Lei jumped back in and the two fighters punched out again. This time Fei Lei opened his hand and grabbed the underside of Sheng Tai's golem arm, and using the giant metal construct's weight and motion against it, Fei Lei flung him into the air.

Sheng Tai saw the sky spinning as his back slammed into the ground and shattered the stone surface around him.

Fei Lei then jumped up and created a foothold directly over top of Sheng Tai and landed upside down on the underside of the telekinetic platform, with a powerful leaping kick, he shot down at his target like a bullet.

Fei Lei surrounded his hands with his Telekinesis and punched as hard as he could at Sheng Tai's chest.

A loud 'ding' rang out as Sheng Tai's body sunk down into the ground, Fei Lei hovered in the air as he continued to slam his five-foot Telekinetic hands against the blood iron giant in a barrage of wild blows.

Fei Lei then tapped his feet against an air hold and landed at the side of the crater he made.

The crowd had gone silent, they had no idea what they were even watching anymore. The damaged arena grounds began to self repair the damage done to it with Sheng Tai still buried beneath.

When the arena completely healed up everyone thought the fight was over, when all of a sudden, Sheng Tai's hate-filled yell echoed out from underneath the floor.

As the ground cracked and quaked, a slightly smaller golem-shaped armor appeared from out the arena floor, the excess matter from its originally bulky body had formed into large metallic wings before Sheng Tai took to the sky.

Sheng Tai looked at Fei Lei and shouted "Die! Just fucking die already!" Without notice, a large set of metallic blood-blades appeared from his wings and shot towards Fei Lei at high speeds.

Fei Lei looked at the giant storm heading towards him and smiled, he then activated his first two original spells, 'Accelerate!' and 'Turbo!'

The effect of the spell Accelerate doubled his physique's reaction speed and Turbo gave the ability to absorb information at 5 times the normal rate.

Suddenly everything began to slow down, Fei Lei was using his mana to enhance his perception of time, furthermore, thanks to his body's ridiculous base speed he could act and move at a moderate speed.

Fei Lei hopped on to the sword attachments and started running up them, and as if the steel swords had a mind of their own, they started to track Fei Lei's movements.

Fei Lei jumped and dodged the attacks bits of the blades here and there touched the surface of his skin drawing blood, but thanks to his enhanced reaction speed, he could avoid them.

He could feel the moment the cold steel touched his flesh, and in that exact moment, Fei Lei moved slightly out of the way, leaving only superficial wounds on his body.

"How, how are you dodging all my attacks?!" Sheng Tai shouted as he watched Fei Lei leap from his own projectiles.

After a few minutes, Fei Lei wasn't even getting hurt anymore, his eyes were closed, and little by little, Fei Lei got closer to his target.

While he carefully avoided the blades homing in on him, Fei Lei jumped to and from the extending swords and finally moved into striking range.

Suddenly, all of the feather-like blades redirected themselves and charged at Fei Lei, trapping him inside a cage of swords.

"I have you know, you little shit! Just try and dodge this!" Sheng Tai said before laughing.

Fei Lei was inches away having his body skewered when he activated the final spell he inherited from his teacher, the Level 0 spell, Limit Break.

Steam rose from Fei Lei's body as he pulled out Clear Mist, all the muscles in his body began to flex and bulge. Normally, such an expansion would tear a human's muscles to shreds, but thanks to his Super Human physique, he was able to resist the total destruction of his body.

The Mana was ripping through Fei Lei's body overriding and pushing his body past 100% to 110%.

Fei Lei still felt a great strain on his weigh down his body, his muscles were screaming out in pain, and because of him using the 'Limit Break' spell on top of his Accelerate spell, it placed his brain under a condition of extreme stress.

Like an engine injected with nitro, if Fei Lei continued stacking the spell for too long, he risked bursting the blood vessels in his brain and could end up with permanent brain damage as a consequence.

Fei Lei suddenly shot through the cage of feathered blades, shattering the blood steel around him as he ran up his telekinetic footholds.

With a very fast spinning motion, Fei Lei then raised his Earthly treasure and extended the telekinetic blade's size to around 10 feet.

Rapidly cutting in a diagonal chop, he cut through the golem's neck creating a loud screech and tightly gripped the hilt as he followed through.

Fei Lei's attack quickly shot through the blood golem's torso and severed Sheng Tai's head from his shoulders.

Sheng Lu shouted in horror as his brother's spell unraveled and his lifeless body fell to the ground, "N~O~O~O~O~O!"

Fei Lei grabbed his spatial ring and stood with his foot on top of Sheng Tai's head.

He looked utterly exhausted and covered in blood, with a quick stomp down, Fei Lei crushed Sheng Tai's skull into a pulp.

Fei Lei then undid his spells and fell backward on to the ground. His entire body felt like it was suffering from severe muscle fatigue so intense, it felt as if they were almost dead and numbed.

Yan Mei and Hina ran to his side and picked him up before cheering him on with cheered him on, "Congratulations!!!"

As they let him down, Hina asked with a shocked expression on her face, "How did you do that?"

"Because my Man is amazing!" Yan Mei shouted making sure all the girls staring at Fei Lei with lustful eyes backed off.

Yan Mei then pulled out some bandages that were previously soaked in healing potions and started wrapping Fei Lei's wounds up.

Fei Lei laughed as he struggled to stand up. Yan Mei started to carry him over back to the rest of the group with Hina right beside him, his face was pale as he chatted with his teammates, and it was more than obvious that he was exhausted.

Seeing his weakened state like a wild predator seeing an injured prey, Sheng Lu shouted, "I wish to challenge Fei Lei for his slot in a death match?"

Fei Lei laughed, and looked to the announcer, who in return said, "You can choose to forfeit the slot you gained and forgo match altogether."

As the announcer said this, Sheng Lu sent a burst of killing intent towards him and shouted, "Shut up! Stop interfering!"

Fei Lei laughed even louder while Sheng Lu looked to him with maddened and revenged fueled eyes.

"I guess you're too cowardly to accept, you, SLAVE!" Sheng Lu shouted out, hoping Fei Lei would take the bait.

Fei Lei started to stifle his laugh as he said, "You're just as dumb as your brother! If you want to offer up your head on a plate, then who am I to stop you? I accept!"

Yan Mei looked at him in worry and said, "Fei Lei, at least ask for some time to recover!"

The announcer, however, disagreed with her as he said, "The match has already been agreed on, return to the ring!"

Fei Lei smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek before saying, "Relax, I'll still have plenty of stamina."

He then walked back out to the center arena and raised his hand in his usual fighting stance as he said, "Well, come. Meet your death!"

"Vengeance for my brother!" A level 3 sigil for Flooding Wave appeared over his forehead as a deluge of water covered the arena.

Fei Lei pulled out his sword and started walking towards the massive wave in front of him.

Using his recovery spell, and using a large dose of adrenalin to counteract the drowsiness of the spell effects, Fei Lei's body began to heal faster.

With his stamina returned, Fei Lei used his level 0 boost spell and pulled out his Clear Mist before he cut out with a chilling attack, sealing the massive wave in ice.

Sheng Lu seeing that his most powerful spell had been thwarted, began to panic. As the sweat dripped from his chin Sheng Lu tried to surrender, but suddenly, he felt that his mouth was being held shut by a large pair of invisible hands.

Fei Lei then lifted his hand, and as he gently tapped on the ice wall, it shattered into pieces. Next, he leaned down in front of Sheng Lu, then proceeded to give him such a kind and innocent smile, that it sent shivers down Blood-Mage's spine.

It was the kind of expression that would make an innocent child seem like a corrupt devil.

Fei Lei then slowly lifted his arm and shot out his finger with a single poking motion. Sheng Lu pulled out a wand and tried to stop his attack with a water barrier, but Fei Lei's hand rushed easily through it.

A single finger entered Sheng Lu's skull and pierced into his brain, the fangirls screamed out for terror as their eye candy was just killed like simple livestock.

Before Sheng Lu's body fell to the ground, Fei Lei grabbed the ring from his finger and gripped it alongside Sheng Tai's ring.

Fei Lei's adrenalin levels had returned to normal, causing him to wobble as he started to fall asleep.

As he fell over, Hina caught him and laughed before she said, "Thanks Fei Lei, that guy has been nothing but a stain on our school's reputation. I would have done him in myself if it weren't for the law against students fighting each other."

Yan Mei ran over to check on him as well, placing his head below her lap.

Fei Lei smiled at the two women before him, his eyes then started to droop as he said, "I'm going to nap for a few hours, can't use my breath in front of so many people. Sell my slots to the highest bidder!"

Yan Mei nodded her head as she replied, "I got it! I'll watch over you."

Fei Lei looked at Hina while his vision started to blur, feeling the familiar sensation of being held by her, he said, "Weird! Déjà vu!" and passed out.

The announcer gave everyone a quick question, "Would anyone else like to initiate a challenge?"

The crowd was quiet and the contestants didn't make a peep.

After confirming that no one wanted to fight the announcer shouted out, "Then I conclude this tournament to be over, tomorrow morning you will all meet up at the dungeon entrance."

The announcer then threw out a golden slip to the remaining contestants, and 3 to Fei Lei.

The crowd started cheering.

"I wonder what Magic Items will come out of this dungeon."

"Didn't you hear, this year the Mana build-up was enormous, they're expecting a flawless or grand creation dungeon core to appear."

"Get out of here! The Enchanters will probably be lining up to purchase the materials this year."

As the crowd gossiped, Yan Mei, being the genius she is decided to use this time to sell the additional slots.

She started an auction right then and there. After a furious crowd rampantly placed their money on the line, Yan Mei ended up netted them 150 Million Gold Bills, she sold them both for 75 million apiece.

The person who bought them was the other contestant, the 4 Elements Roots owner Eriks.

Yan Mei bowed to him and handed off the golden passes before she said, "Thanks for the purchase!"

Eventually, Yan Mei and Hina brought Fei Lei back to his hotel room, as Fei Lei rested, she stood by his side the entire time, watching over him with a loving expression.

It took almost all night until Fei Lei woke up, he felt that his arm was still numb and discovered Yan Mei sleeping on it.

Smiling as he ran his hand across her cheek, he lifted the hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead. Yan Mei smiled as Fei Lei said, "Thank you."

Yan Mei grumbled as she started to wake up, seeing Fei Lei smiling at her, she jumped into his arms and declared, "We did it, Fei Lei, we got into the Raid Party!"

Fei Lei smiled and held her close to his chest before saying, "So, what happened after I passed out?"

Yan Mei quickly explained as she handed him the spatial rings full cash.

Fei Lei sent his mana into the rings and smiled as he said, "150 Million, not bad."

He looked at the rings Eriks had given and smiled. They were both Earthly Grade rings capable of holding 150 Cubic Meters, and compared to his measly Mortal Ranking Ring, these spatial rings were leagues better.

Fei Lei then emptied the contents of the spatial ring he got from Sheng Lu, discovering a few dozen 4-Star cores, however, most of them were fragmented, and only a few were in perfect conditions.

Next to the Mana Cores, a small pile of worthless Mortal ranked items was placed out over the ground.

Fei Lei looked through all of them and didn't see anything he liked.

"If we sold all of these, how much do you think we would make?" Fei Lei asked as he moved through the items.

Yan Mei looked over them and said, "If we sold everything here, you could make around 125 million or so."