Tough Opponent

Being the closest to the cry of distress, Fei Lei's group charged over to the source to discover June with an arm missing.

She was bleeding profusely while using a Level-3 Healing spell on her body to seal off the wound.

They then looked over to see Terry being attacked by a giant 8-foot and 6-armed, yellow furred gorilla.

"Run!" Terry shouted as she created a giant tornado over the beast.

Unfortunately for her, the magical beast was a 5-Star Beast, and a powerful one at that.

As it walked out of her attack without a single scratch, the gorilla swung its fist knocking Terry into the air.

Terry coughed up a mouthful of blood as her broken body was flung to the air.

Fei Lei used a telekinetic hand to grab Terry out of the sky and used another to grab June before sending them both flying into the hands of Yan Mei and Hina.

He then stood in front of the Gorilla and said, "This could be trouble,"

The gorilla slapped its chest and howled as it charged towards Fei Lei. The gorilla then swung out with the entire left side of its body, aiming to crush Fei Lei in a single move.

Fei Lei's eyes widened as he noticed just how powerful the 5-Star beast was.

The speed in which it moved was almost too fast for Fei Lei to perceive.

Quickly activating both his Accelerate Spell and Boost Spell, Fei Lei barely managed to dodge the creature's attack.

As he jumped out of the way, the massive golden gorilla's fists hit the ground around him exploded out in a cloud of dust and debris.

Fei Lei tried to run up on of its arm when the creature suddenly reacted and threw all six of them into the air.

Fei Lei's body was flung from the creature's forearm and went flying upward uncontrollably, the gorilla then jumped up after him, reaching out to grab Fei Lei in the palm of its hands.

As the creature's fist was about to grab hold of him, Fei Lei created a telekinetic platform in the air and used it to escape.

The gorilla roared in confusion as Fei Lei turned back and shouted, "Get the injured out of here!"

"What about you Fei Lei?" Yan Mei yelled back in worry.

Fei Lei quickly dodged the giant ape as it jumped up and tried to swat Fei Lei out of the sky.

Fei Lei spun down towards the ground and shouted, "I'll be fine, but I can't go all out with you guys around!"

June and Terry wore an extremely thankful expression on their faces, while Yan Mei bit her lip and shouted, "I'll be back in a minute, Hina, help him. You're the strongest one here, so you have to protect him."

Hina nodded her head as Yan Mei cast a Lightweight spell on both June and Terry, she then looked back at Fei Lei one last time before she used her Scorching Step to blaze out of view.

As Yan Mei left, Hina used her whip to curl a stream of water around the beast's legs, she then used her level 4 spell Frigid Blast.

The legs of the beast began to Ice over as Fei Lei punched the creature in the head as hard as he could.

The gorilla roared out in pain as it punched at Fei Lei with all of its arms.

Fei Lei quickly made new air steps as he dodged each of the creature's fists within a thin margin of space.

While the air pressure passed by his skin, Fei Lei felt like tiny blades were constantly assaulting his flesh.

He gritted his teeth as the last two punches came his way.

He barely managed to dodge one when the last fist suddenly moved even faster, "That damn monster knows how to use a feint?"

Suddenly Fei Lei created several telekinetic barriers and braced himself. Just as the punch was about to connect, Hina created a water barrier around Fei Lei's telekinetic walls, reinforcing them several times over.

However, it was no use, the creature suddenly surrounded its arm in a Level-5 Earth Spell 'Gaia's Armor!'

The Ice around the gorilla's legs shattered as the creature's body was covered in a thick coat of rocks, and like a moving comet, the gorilla's fist shattered through the spells and hit Fei Lei's cross-blocked arms.

The force from the blow sent Fei Lei's body hurling back through the forest while knocking over several trees along the way.

Hina cried out his name in worry as the gorilla turned its attention to her.

Fei Lei pulled himself out of the rubble and coughed up a mouth full of blood as he struggled to stand up.

Fei Lei felt as if all the bones in his body had shattered and that his movements were more sluggish than a lead-snail.

Fighting through the pain, Fei Lei desperately tried to force himself back into the fray, and while he struggled to stand up, Fei Lei noticed Hina in the distance.

Hina was fighting the gorilla by herself by using the Level-0 Boost Spell and some kind of Water Armor that covered the entirety of her body. The spell that Hina used was the Level-4 spell, Undine's Battle Dress.

Hina sent out her whip and aimed for the creature's vitals, her whip slammed across the gorilla's eye making it scream out in pain as the attack sent blood spewing out from its wound.

In retaliation, the creature sent all of its hands slapping down on top of Hina's position.

Fei Lei suddenly appeared in front of her as he shouted, "Limit Break!"

His fist connected with the monster's before causing a massive gust of wind that sent everything around them flying back, Fei Lei included.

Fei Lei bounced off the ground a few times before he leaped back up on to his feet, showing dozens of new wounds.

His sclera had turned red as blood dripped down from the top of the skull, cuts and bruises covered his body, his breathing was ragged and unnatural, and his head was buzzing in constant pain.

Fei Lei did everything he could to stay conscious as he felt his body screaming for the release of its pain.

The magic beast snorted in anger as it lowered its leg in an attempt to stomp on them both.

Fei Lei jumped up and Hina used her whip to speed him up by swinging it against the bottom of his feet while creating a platform made of ice at the tip.

Fei Lei felt thankful to her, and as Hina cracked her whip, he used her the force it generated like a springboard and flew directly towards the creature's head.

Fei Lei avoided the monster's foot, and while it passed by him, it continued stomping down at Hina.

In response to the impending foot, Hina used her whip to latch onto a tree and tugged pulling herself out of harm's way just in the nick of time.

The ground underneath the gorilla's hairy foot fractured before splintering and rising out several large chunks of the ground into the air.

Fei Lei roared as he was seconds away from landing his punch, when all of a sudden, the gorilla swatted at him with three of its arms.

Fei Lei punched out knocking back the creature's palm and causing hundreds of hairline fractures to run up his arm. The second punch caused his whole body to creak out in pain, but that too knocked back the creature's second palm at the expense of further damaging the bones in his arms.

Fei Lei attempted to kick out and stop the third attack but the gorilla's fist came too fast.

Using his level 0 spell Lion's Roar to dampen the attack, Fei Lei shouted out and managed to lessen the damage slightly as the creature's fist slammed into his chest.

Fei Lei's body once again was sent tumbling into the forest, cuts and bruises covered 60 percent of his body's surface as he bounced against the floor.

Hina dashed over and caught him with a stressed expression, she was trying to think of a way out of this predicament, however, the monster would never let them go, much less give them the time to come up with a plan.

Lifting up a massive chunk of the earth, the savage gorilla hurled it through the air at them.

Fei Lei reacted as quickly as he could and use his telekinetic hands to push them out of the way.

Their bodies flew away from each other before they avoided the attack and landed on their feet.

Hina grabbed the bolder and wrapped it up in her whip before sending it flying back at the creature's head.

The earth shattered across its face causing the gorilla's body to fall back and create a plume of dust that spread into the sky as it crashed onto the ground.

Fei Lei took this chance to try and aim for its eyes again, however, the monster knew better than to get hit while it was down.

It began to swing its arms out wildly and started to stand back up.

Fei Lei was forced to give up his chance to attack and jump back to avoid the gorilla's wild barrage.

As he landed next to Hina with a great deal of blood dropping on the ground, Fei Lei turned to her and said, "You okay?"

Hina panted heavily, smiled as sweat dripped from her skin, and said, "Peachy!"

Fei Lei pulled out some bandages covered in the last of the healing potion Yan Mei gave him and used his telekinesis to quickly wrap himself up to stop his bleeding.

The gorilla, charged at them while throwing out large piles of earth and stone the size of boulders.

Fei Lei and Hina jumped around the battle dodging them when Fei Lei noticed the strain from the Boost spell beginning to wear down his ally's stamina.

Hina was beginning to sweat profusely and her muscles were shaking from the abundant overuse.

Fei Lei raised up his Clear Mist Blade and turned it into pure ice, "Hina assist me."

Hina undid her Boost spell and created a massive pillar of water around the blade with her level 4 spell, 'Torrent Geyser!'

This pillar of water shot into the sky and didn't stop until it reached 15 feet.

The gorilla skidded to a halt as Fei Lei swung down the blade with all his might, the creature then reacted by placing its six arms up and using a triple-layered cross block.

Fei Lei frowned and thought, "Damn! This creature is learning in the middle of combat!"

As the blade reached maximum velocity, Fei Lei turned the ice back into the water and used his telekinesis to start rapidly rotating it like a saw.

Sensing the threat of death, the gorilla then created a thick earthen armor that surrounded all six of its arms.

Fei Lei frowned as his attack connected and pushed down on the creature causing a massive shockwave to echo out.

Fei Lei shouted as the water saw cut through the earthen armor. Suddenly, a large quantity of blood splashed out from the creature's arms while Fei Lei continued to cut through them, causing the monster's top pair of forearms to fall to the ground.

The creature cried out in pain, but Fei Lei refused to stop there.

As he continued to cut down cutting halfway through the creature's second pair of arms, he got halfway before the water dissipated.

Fei Lei's body was reaching its limits, sweat dripped mixing with the blood on his body and pooled onto the ground beneath his feet.

Fei Lei began to feel faint as he almost fell down in exhaustion, when all of a sudden, the creature pushed itself to the ground and threw one of its decapitated arms at them.

Hina pushed Fei Lei out of the way causing her to get hit instead.

Her Undine's Battle Dress splashed across the ground as she slammed into a tree knocking it over, blood then pooled from Hina's mouth from the internal damage her bones and organs took.

Dozens of her bones were shattered, her stomach had turned into a dark blue tint, and as she fell to the ground, Hina lost consciousness.

Fei Lei screamed out in a panic, "N~o~o!"

He didn't want this to happen, he didn't want to have to see another friend die.

Fei Lei then felt that his body was beginning to boil as he shouted, "Boost!"

Suddenly, and without care for his wellbeing, Fei Lei cast the Level-2 version of the Boost Spell causing his body to inflate.

This was the only Level-2 spell he knew how to cast, it not only quadrupled his physical parameters instead of doubling, but it also multiplied the strain on his body several dozen times over.

Fei Lei's physique was pushed to its limits, his muscles were almost at their snapping point as blood began to pour out from his pores. His injured body started to heat up causing the blood to turn into reddish steam that surrounded his body.

Fei Lei couldn't waste much time in this mode, so with a great blast of speed Fei Lei sent out a powerful kick, the gorilla grabbed the remaining forearm that had been chopped off and used it like a sword chopping down at Fei Lei.

Fei Lei's kick landed and caused the creature's arms to be blown back, making the beast lose its grip on its severed forearm.

The dismembered arm flew into the creature's face covering its only remaining eye in blood.

The gorilla stomped its feet like a whining child as it reached out with its hands and tried to wipe the blood out of its eye.

Fei Lei took the chance to rush at him at full speed, the earth at his feet shattered as he kicked off the ground and sent out a pile of debris shooting behind him.

Fei Lei felt the wind resistance reach its peak as he saw a thin membrane of some sort in front of him. He didn't know it, but, if he moved any faster he would have broken the sound barrier.

Fei Lei felt like his body was seconds away from catching fire, he roared against the pain and managed to create a single finger of his telekinetic hand that surrounded his body and pointed it towards that invisible barrier.

Suddenly there was an ear-shattering noise as they air around him combusted, turning Fei Lei into a streak of flaming red and yellow light.

Suddenly the creature slammed the ground sending a massive quake that destabilized Fei Lei's footing causing him to be sent flying through the air at Mach speed.

The gorilla attempted to move out of the way, but all of the sudden a crimson red arrow shot into the creature's remaining eye, causing it to explode in a haze of blood.

Fei Lei's body crashed into the beast's heart and shot out the other side holding onto the extra-large Mana Core in his hands.

The beast's body began to chip away into dust as an Item fell from its body and slammed into the ground.

Yan Mei could be seen running over in worry, Fei Lei's body was covered in blood and his injuries were severe, nearly fatal. His bones were cracked and there was a large hole where his natural bone armor for his ribs was supposed to be, and a large piece of it was floating near his lungs.

Fei Lei quickly activated his Sigil forcing the bones back into position before casting his Quick Recovery spell.

Fei Lei screamed out in pain as he started to lose consciousness, the feeling of his bones snapping back into place and his fractures closing was almost too much for him to take.

Before he lost consciousness, Fei Lei shouted towards the approaching Yan Mei, "Get Hina! She's worse off than me!"