Before Leaving

"I don't see why you're so against this," Yan Mei continued to pout as she looked at Yan Mei.

"As powerful as we know Fei Lei is going to become, you know that the odds are more women will come rushing to his side and try to court him, and maybe even some political marriages may occur that might involve the whole empire. We might not get a choice in that matter."

"I know, even daddy has another wife, but, for now, I want him to be all mine," Yan Mei replied as she stared at Hina and followed up by saying, "Besides, I knew him first!"

Hina laughed and replied, "You wish that to be true, but its the farthest from it."

Hina looked at her with a puzzled expression before asking, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't tell him, but, during a lot of his training period with Master, I was watching out for his safety, and I have been ever since he was 13-years-old," Hina answered putting her finger to her lips.

Yan Mei's jaw dropped as she bumbled out, "T-t-t-t- that's not fair!"

Hina smiled and moved closer to her, "I was jealous when you two started hanging out, but after a while, I came to the conclusion that only way to be with him, is to be with you too." Hina raised her arms and started to mover her fingers around like she was reaching for something.

Yan Mei blushed when Hina suddenly went on the attack. Yan Mei's breasts were then mercilessly assaulted by Hina's hands as she groped around relentlessly and shouted in a joke-fueled tone, "It's these monstrosities that tempted my innocent Fei Lei!"

After a while of Yan Mei begging for mercy, Hina stopped and allowed Yan Mei to catch her breath.

Yan Mei cowered on her side of the bed while Hina showed a healthy glow to her complexion for some reason, and with a satisfied smile, Hina said, "We should do this more often."

Yan Mei sniffed as she said, "You beasts."

Hina laughed and lifted the depressed mood in the atmosphere when Yan Mei turned her head and asked, "What is it that made you fall for him?"

"His determination and grit, for one! I saw him deal with problems that would make most grown men I know cry out for their mommies. It was during his weakest moment in life, and when he was on the brink of death, that I saw Fei Lei for who he really was. After he survived and persevered through that ordeal, that was when I fell in love with him."

Yan Mei grew interested, "What happened?"

"He was up against a 2-Star Magic Beast that was almost 3 times his size and weight. At the time, Fei Lei hadn't discovered how to use his Sigil yet, so he was just a really strong human, and when was beaten to an inch of his life, I thought that I would have to intervene, however, Fei Lei showed me up, he never gave in, and fought for his life."

Yan Mei gasped as Hina recalled Fei Lei's first battle against a Lion-Rat and the Tiger Magical Beasts.

"There he was, his back against the ledge, I was seconds away from revealing myself when I saw Fei Lei's eyes burning with a desire for survival. It was a look that I had never seen before and caused me to pause, then suddenly, Fei Lei managed to secure an unexpected victory by jumping off a cliff. By risking his own life, Fei Lei managed to impale the beast through the heart!"

Surprised to hear that Fei Lei succeeded to take down a 2-Star Magic Beast without a single compression or magical item, Yan Mei couldn't help but be proud of the boyfriend she managed to snag.

Yan Mei asked with a pleading look, "Can you tell me anything else about childhood?"

Hina agreed and continued to brag about her experiences secretly watching Fei Lei from the shadows, so the two ended up spending most of the night getting to know each other.

Fei Lei had woken up the next morning feeling completely refreshed, he decided to check on some of the items he found in the dungeon, first was the spell written on the large mystery beast fang, after he looked over it he discovered that the Spell was called, "Mana Vision!"

It was a Level-2 Non-Elemental Spell, and this surprised Fei Lei greatly, "Could it be that the item drops are suited for the person that strikes the final blow. I'll have to ask Hina if this theory can hold up to speculation. "

The Mana Vision Spell, allows one to create a pair of additional organs in their eyes that are made entirely of magic, and with it, the caster can see the Mana itself in the form of particles sized objects.

The Spell can also allow one to see the magical auras of others, the auras appear as many bubbles comprised of many, colors, shapes, and measurements. The greater the quantity of magical essence, the greater the size of the person's aura.

However, if the targets of the spell are more than a single level higher than the caster's mage ranking, or if they suppress their mana with an item or spell, then the Mana Vision Spell will have no effect.

Fei Lei smiled as he desperately wanted to start breaking down the spell matrix, but something was stopping him. Every time he tried to read the spell, his eyes would blur.

Fei Lei sighed as he put the fang away and said, "I can read the spell's description, but not the spell matrix! I guess I'll have to figure it out when I get it appraised."

He then pulled out the monkey's paw from his spatial ring, Fei Lei could think of several legends involving monkey paws, however, he highly doubted that this thing would grant wishes.

Other than the Heavenly Headband, the rest of Fei Lei's treasures remained unusable.

Standing up, Fei Lei stretched around doing his early morning exercises and breathing routine. After he finished, Fei Lei made himself a quick meal, and while he ate he wondered how the girls were doing.

Yan Mei and Hina were already dressed and ready to leave. Hina had woken up early to do the same exercises and Yan Mei joined her shortly after.

She tried her best to mimic the breathing technique but still had no luck.

Seeing Yan Mei's overzealous attitude, Hina couldn't help but chuckle before she smiled and said, "Since you're going to be marrying Fei Lei, I'm sure our teacher won't mind if I educate you a little."

Yan Mei blushed and thanked her as she bowed and said, "I can't wait!"

Hina then stood up and suddenly gave Yan Mei a serious expression before she said, "The Breath of the Nature Gods is something that takes a while to learn if you don't have the foundation breathing techniques. I know if you were to ask Fei Lei, he would teach the breathing technique to you as well. However, he's way too soft on you, so he won't be as strict as I am, and you may end up missing out on making quicker progress."

"Are you sure you just don't want me spending more time with Fei Lei?" Yan Mei said with a grin.

To which, Hina replied by bopping Yan Mei on the head with a ruler that she pulled out of her spatial ring.

"You will address me as Master or Teacher!" Hina shouted.

"Ow! Why is a ruler in your spatial ring?" Yan Mei cried out.

With another slap to Yan Mei's head, Hina yelled out, "Why is a ruler in your spatial ring, Teacher?"

Yan Mei gave Hina a dirty look, which earned her another smack to the head.

"First, start with breathing inward until you reach the limit of your lung's capacity!" Hina ordered waving the ruler in her hand.

Yan Mei had tears in the corners of her eyes as she said, "Yes."

"Yes, what?" Hina shot back.

"Yes, Teacher Hina!" Yan Mei shouted out in fear of the ruler in Hina's hand.

For the first two hours, Hina drilled in the basics of Fei Lei's Breath of the Nature Gods into Yan Mei's head.

After a half-hour into her training, Hina discovered that Yan Mei did indeed have a talent for breathing techniques, she started to pick up the most basic benefits from the technique within the first hour and a half into their training.

Yan Mei felt her body getting slightly brighter in complexion and healthier than ever before, however, she couldn't tap into the power of Ather yet, so the benefits were the same as she would get from doing basic exercises.

Three hours into her training, Yan Mei began to pull trace amounts of Ather in through her pores. A barely visible golden outline of light formed around her body as the phenomena generated by the Breath of the Nature Gods showed that Yan Mei had reached the basics of being able to use the technique.

Around this time, Fei Lei finished his meal he went outside and knocked on the girl's door before saying, "Good Morning!"

The two opened the door and came outside wearing form-fitting gym clothes, they both had sweat dripping down their bodies and their faces were flushed red.

Fei Lei felt his blood rumble as he stared at their curves, his face turned red, a single whiff of their pheromones made him want to jump on them both and he had to force himself to calm down by activating his Human Transfirguation Sigil.

"Seriously, what is wrong with me?" Fei Lei thought to himself as he shook his head.

"Good morning Fei Lei!" Yan Mei gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Hina smiled and tried to give Fei Lei a smooch too.

Yan Mei held Hina's face back with her hand and talked to Fei Lei while ignoring her presence, "I managed to get a hold of some of my father's contacts and some old friends from outside the family. They said they could find a few Iron, Silver, Gold, and Copper Mines for cheap. They also said they'd keep an eye out for anything like lodestones."

Fei Lei smiled and picked her up, "That's great! Thank you, Yan Mei! Those resources will greatly improve our city's foundation, and with the Silicon-Mine, I think I can really get to work and start making lots of fun stuff."

Yan Mei giggled as Fei Lei nuzzled her cheek, seeing them acting lovey-dovey, Hina placed her finger on her lips and said, "That looks like fun, me too!"

Fei Lei laughed as he saw them fighting with each other, Yan Mei jumped on Hina's back and started gnawing on her head, Fei Lei laughed even harder, when, all of the sudden, Yan Mei pointed he finger at Fei Lei and said, "It's not funny! Am I going to have to swat away every woman that comes your way?"

Fei Lei placed his hand behind his head and his laugh came to an awkward halt when he said, "Come on, you know Hina's doing this to get at you, right?"

Yan Mei and Hina gave him a blank stare as they both sighed thinking, "Dense, moron!"

Just as they were about to say something, everyone heard a familiar voice call out to them, "Hey, so you guy's ended up here as well?"

They turned around to see the members of the Sky Wardens stepping out of their shared rooms with Eriks at the front of the pack.

Eriks and Momo came out of the same room while Udo and Hatchi came out of the other.

Hina and Yan Mei both eyed Momo with a knowing grin on their faces.

Momo looked over at them and them staring at her.

Hina gave a thumbs-up to Momo as she noticed the light sleepwear they were wearing. Momo's face turned red as she suddenly deviated avoided their line of vision.

"Hey, guys! Glad to see you're all alive and well!" Udo said waving his hand.

"We thought you died before we got the chance to thank you. If not for you we would have never learned that Tyrant Cores were the key to evolving our Sigils," Momo said bowing her head.

Fei Lei smiled and then replied, "If you really want to thank me, then I could use your help in making some things that would require your...powers."

Everyone looked puzzled by what he said, only Yan Mei and Hina had a clue regarding what they were speaking about.

"What can we help you with? I owe you, and Yan Mei, if I can help you, I'll agree, just as long as it doesn't go against any of my morals," Eriks declared while scratching his chin.

"I can promise you it's nothing like that, I just want to use your ability to control lightning to help me make Lodestones or magnetized metals," Fei Lei said before looking at Yan Mei.

"You see, if you have a powerful enough source of electricity, you can magnetize just about anything. A Lodestone mine would be helpful, but, there rare and dangerous to mine. If we can make our own, there would no need to look for one anymore," Fei Lei explained.

Yan Mei nodded her head and said, "Sorry, I still have a lot to learn about lightning spells. The Huǒ clan is all about Fire Magic, they have some wind and lightning spells, but they were nowhere near as powerful."

"Based off on what I've seen, you'd need to at least know a level 4 lightning spell in order to mimic the full power of a bolt found in nature," Fei Lei said pointing to Eriks.

"That's all you want? My ability to control lightning?" Eriks questioned.

Fei Lei nodded his head and pulled out some parchment and a pen, after writing down some directions, he handed it off to Eriks and said, "I'm going to be sticking around for another day, and tomorrow we'll be heading out to this location. If you're not busy, you can join us. If you do decide to, then follow those directions and we'll welcome you once you arrive."

Eriks took the paper and nodded his head before saying, "I think about it."

Fei Lei then turned to Yan Mei and said, "Now, let's go pick up the resources Yan Mei helped us purchase."

After they walked away, Hachi stepped beside Eriks and asked, "Well, Boss? Where are we headed to?"

Eriks pulled up the paper in front of Udo's face.

"That's way out in the middle of nowhere! Are you sure we can trust him?" Udo asked after reading the directions.

Eriks frowned and said, "I owe him, whether I trust him or not hasn't been decided yet. Buy a teleport stone with some of the funds we earned during this raid, we won't go in unprepared."

Momo nudged his elbow, "So, we're still going, right?"

Eriks rolled his eyes and said, "Shut up."

Momo laughed as she headed off with her crew and said, "Still, what a strange group. A royal, a nobody with way too much power, and a prodigy from the most prestigious Water Magic school."

"I'm sure they will go far," Hatchi said with a knowing smile on his face.

"Augh, who cares?! I'm hungry, let's grab some grub," Udo followed up.

Eriks watched as Fei Lei left and mumbled out, "Fei Lei, huh?"

Fei Lei's headed down to the busy part of Galleria and met with many different merchants that day.

Although purchasing the mines proved to be expensive, it was nothing compared to a magic ore, such as Orichalcum, a focal metal used in Mage Wands, or Magicore which is a powerful imprinting material that allows for Spell Matrixes to properly function on the created treasures.

Over the course of several hours, Fei Lei had managed to occupy an Iron, Copper, Silver, and Gold Mine for one thousand and three hundred 1-Star Mana Cores.

As they worked out the trade specifics, such as where they will deliver the ore, and how much the miners will be paid.

Since it was years off before Fei Lei could make proper Merchant channels and routes, he decided on using this city to pick up point. When the shipment arrives, Fei Lei would have to make the trip himself and move all the resources back to his kingdom by transporting the resources in spatial rings.

After concluding their business with the merchants, the Mages of Fantasia left to go see the sights.

As they walked through the city Fei Lei turned to Yan Mei and asked, "Do you know where we can find some good shops? I also want to check out the Alchemy Center, and the Merchants Guild to get my items appraised."

Yan Mei smiled, grabbed the hands of both Fei Lei and Hina, and started running through the streets before she said, "Just follow me! I know a couple of good places around here!"

Fei Lei and Hina laughed as they were led to a large 3 story building, the words 'Hunter's Paradise' written in pure golden lettering were hovering over the store's sign like a hologram.

"This place is owned by the kingdom, normally, it was for nobles only, but the recent Eastern Emperor said that it was a waste to supply only Noble Mages; and that because they were hoarding all the best resources, they were weakening their own Empire's infrastructure."

"Makes sense, better weapons means more common mages can survive the cruel world of cultivation, and in turn, there will be higher chances for new noble families to rise up through the empire's noble rankings. Though, it couldn't have been a popular arrangement for the other Nobles," Fei Lei said, glad that the Empire of this nation wasn't a total buffoon and knew how to run a society.

"Yep, they tried to object, even rebel, but unfortunately for them, the Mana king happened to be a Reincarnator!" Hina said smiling.

"A Reincarnator?" Fei Lei said with eyes wide open.