Starter Pack & Integrating Bloodline

So I reincarnated into the protagonist Zhang Tie! This mean all his fate is now for me right like getting the Castle of Black Iron and all that sh*t.

'Oh yeah didn't you tell me that i got something in the inventory?'

[Yes host. You got a starter pack waiting to be opened and you to be surprised.]

Why the hell did my system has so many words to say...not like others at all...maybe because its special...

[does host want to open the pack or do you want me to throw it away?]

'Open it open it!! Don't throw it away! Who in the right mind would do something like that?!'

[opening starter pack]

[Congratulation host for gaining complete Emperor Level secret method Supreme Godly Emperor Sutra]

[Congratulation host for gaining Shop Point Generator]

[Congratulation host for gaining God Emperor Immortal Bloodline]

[Congratulation Host for gaining True Body Refining Method]

[Congratulation host for gaining a drop of True Pinnacle All Encompassing Lifewater]

huh.....(Yaoshen soul stopped working for a sec) WHAT THE HELL IS-

come on Yaoshen keep your composure. Breathe in...Breathe

'okay... system what's that all about'

[Supreme Godly Emperor Sutra is to be used when you break through the LV10 fighter. More will be explained when you break through LV10]

[Shop Point Generator is able to generate a random amount of Shop Point everyday and is already doing it's job]

[God Emperor Immortal Bloodline is the long lost forgotten by all the supreme bloodline which appear once in all omniverse]

[True Body Refining Method is able to refine your body using qi.If you are concious, you can still use it even in the womb]

[True Pinnacle All Encompassing Lifewater is able to make any immortal tree to enter it's growth spurt until the tree is in it's peak stage with only one drop]

'Isn't everything is absolutely OP, system? That's like... the best starter pack ever!!'

Epecially that Pinnacle All Encompassing Lifewater. If I use this on the karma tree wont it be like the best!

[Do host want to integrate with the God Emperor Immortal Bloodline now? Integrating it now will greatly lessen the pain]

'Oh you're right. Start integrating the immortal bloodline now'

[Yes host]

Starting to integrate in 3..2..1..0




hmm.. system where's the pain I expe- AHHHHHHHHHH

and Yaoshen when to sleep for several days


ha...ha...ha... system...I thought you said the pain will lessen greatly...what a liar

[The pain has indde lessened host. If you were to do it after you were born, you will be out cold for several weeks]

wha..several weeks!! That's scary..must hurts a lot.Oh yeah I still didn't ask system that do I

'System how much time do I have till birth?

[Host still have 1 year until host is born]

huh... did he say a year..?

'system did you just say a year until i'm born?'


How did that happen?!To me

[because host has integrated with the God Emperor Immortal Bloodline, host original 9 month till birth has increased into another month and this is already supressing the bloodline to shorten it]

[If not, host would take 3 year just to be born]

thre-three years?! Thats long like crazy

[By the way host It's time for you to....