Finally found the darned thing

The next day, Yaoshen get to know the member of the Hit-Plane Brotherhood better and 'finally' know the purpose of this organisation.

After school he went to Donder shop and did his work. After some time two guest went inside and waned to sell something which looked like a gold ore but is actually an common pyrite.While at work he said to system 'system is there anything for me to buy to be able to instantly remember anything?'

[Host, there is such ability called Perfect Memory which let you remember anything like eiditic memory and let you remember it back with just a thought]

[ The price for Perfect Memory is 2500 SP]

Well, how much do I have right now system

Right now you have 977000 SP

The SP has increased by 2000! SP Generator really is a good thing to have.

System buy me the Perfect Memory and use it

Yes host.

Congratulation Host for buying Perfect Memory

Using Perfect Memory on Host

Suddenly Yaoshen mind felt clear all of a sudden. He remembered thing very clearly now. With a thought he can remember what he does even in his previous life. Suddenly Yaoshen had an impulse,'what if I look through the novel to remember things that I may have forget! But before that let's read the chapter about the Castle of Black Iron first'

As Yaoshen read the novel, he found the event familliar..... 'Wait, didn't it happen just now'

Yaoshen felt exited because he can finally get his hand on the Castle of Black Iron!

After work hour is over, Yaoshen went to the pyrite and found the pyrite smacked into two halves. Yaoshen then saw something shiny.

Bending over, he pretended to squat to tie his shoelaces. When he found nobody around, he picked up the two pieces and placed them in his inventory.

He then rushed into his house. Reaching house, his mother who was making rice brew shouted to him, "Supper is ready. It's still hot, so eat slowly!"

"Thanks mom" replied Yaoshen.

After eating he went to his room, light up the oil lamp and sat down on his bed. Taking out the common pyrites from his inventory, he took the out something similiar to egg but smaller in size.

'So this is it, the the reason Zhang Tie become the strongest in the novel.'

'System buy me a dagger. A strong dagger using 2500 of my SP'

[Deducted 2500 SP. Congratulation host for gaining Sharp Dagger]

[Remaining SP is 972000

'..... 'Sharp' dagger? Seriously system. Well that's okay too'

Yaoshen used the dagger to make a cut on his finger. He put his hand atop the the crystal like thing and let several drop of blood fall onto it. Then the cut at his finger recovered rapidly not even leaving a scar.

Yaoshen saw the blood penetrated into the crystal egg slowly. The blood mark gradually shrunk and became round. It slowly condensed into a drop of fresh blood at the top of the crystal egg. When the fresh blood condensed, the crystal egg began to shine brighter.

Yaoshen felt the crystal egg became hotter. But Yaoshen skin is strong enough to fend the heat but not long after, he let go of the crystal because it became too hot for him to hold. Then he saw the crystal egg was steadily suspended in the air in front of the oil lamp with a faint glow. The small drop of blood finally came into being at the top of the crystal egg and dropped towards a small sapling in the center of the egg.

Yaoshen then saw the glowing crystal egg flying towards him. Almost at the exact same moment, he felt a sharp pain between his eyebrows. It seemed as if something had suddenly drilled into his brain, and as a result, Yaoshen saw his vision dim and passed out...

After a long time Yaoshen woke up. He was glad that he passed out while on the bed so his body doesn't feel too uncomfortable.

Yaoshen then searched in his mind and found the brilliant arched door on the shell of the egg. The arched door was suspended in his deep consciousness. When Yaoshen concentrated on it, it expanded quickly and became increasingly clear…

As Yaoshen gazed at the arched door, he become excited and say 'Enter!'