Peak of Fighter Realm

The days passed by with nothing major happening. Heavenia has planted various seeds in Castle of Black Iron such as potato, soybeans, wheat and many more. She has also start mutating the plants. Yaoshen has given her the yeast fluid for her to mutate the enzymes until it becomes super enzymes. Super enzymes can be made into an all-purpose medicament. He also asks her to make another mutation until it becomes a high power alcohol which can be used as fuel and many more. But he will the fuel in the eastern continent as that place is much bigger and more prosperous after all. Yaoshen also sends in some earthworm for her to mutate to make it better.

These days Yaoshen have been going to the Wild Wolf Valley when he was not working. He has already eaten 13 Wild Wolf Seven Strenght Fruit. He has also reached LV6 Fighter. He still has not killed any spider so he can't materialize totem yet. (Totem is materialized when you kill something specific. Level 6 Black Spider Fighter need to kill mutated spider to materialize Soul Fire which needs to be absorbed to create the totem)

Right now he is in the Castle of Black Iron

"System, can I buy soul fire from you?"

[Yes host, you can buy it from System. Do you want to buy it?]

"Buy me the best spider Soul Fire suitable for me."

[Deducted 5000 SP]

[Congratulation host for gaining Spider Emperor Soul Fire]

[Do you want to absorb it?]


Suddenly, a golden fire that was 15 m big appeared in front of Yaoshen. The fire went toward Yaoshen and entered his body. After a few minutes, a gigantic spider in golden around 90-100 m in height sprang up behind Yaoshen. Behind this terrifying scorpion, a shadow of a huge humanoid dragon obscurely radiated.

"System, why the hell is my spider so fucking huge? And what the hell is that dragon radiating behind it?"

[Scorpion Emperor is known for its size and strength. And the shadow behind it is the shadow of Overbearing Dragon. It shows up because of the Tyrannical Dragon Art you are cultivating.]

"I see"

Yaoshen then consolidated his realm and totem and starts to lit up his surging point again.

After he lit up another 13 points, he promoted to LV7 Fighter

"System buy me a huge centipede Soul Fire next"

[Deducted 5000 SP]

[Congratulation host for gaining Centipede Empress Soul Fire]

[Do you want to absorb it?]


Another Golden Soul Fire then appeared in front of Yaoshen and Entered him. Then a huge golden centipede materialized behind him with 40 m or so bigger than the spider with the shadow of a dragon behind it.

Yaoshen then consolidated his realm and totem again before he lit up his surging points. After a while, Yaoshen has lit up 24 surging points and advanced to LV8 Fighter

"System buys me the Soul Fire of the snake and the scorpion."

[Deducted 10, 000 SP]

[Congratulation host for gaining Mother Snake Soul Fire]

[Congratulation host for gaining Scorpion Ancestor Soul Fire]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

"Absorb the Mother Snake Soul Fire and absorb the Scorpion Ancestor Soul Fire shortly after I advanced to LV9 Fighter"

The golden Soul Fire appeared before him and entered him. Then the Mother Snake materialized behind him with the shadow of a dragon as usual. The size has increased yet again by 20-30 m.

Yaoshen consolidated his realm before liting up the surging point again. After some time, Yaoshen promoted to LV9 Fighter.

Then the golden Soul Fire appeared in front of him and entered him again before materializing as a Bloody Scorpion totem and a shadow of a dragon behind. The size has increased to 200 or so meter.

"I am finally done cultivating to the peak of Fighter realm. I should advance to the Expert realm after I consolidate my current realm."