The caravans are here!


Marc can not help but sigh! It's been a week since he arrived in town.

'How can I start my revolution?' He thinks as he remembers his conversation in the tavern.

dararurum (sound of harps)

"HAHA HA! this captain jack is a brave man! "one of the miners speaks! I'm just telling my typical lies, but in this exchange of stories I've already got enough information from these men!

I'm in the small town of Ironwood, most of the population here are farmers and lumberjacks. The town is handled by a family of cultivator's too, however there is another family of cultivator's installed here!

The members of the ironwood family seem to be good governors, most of the time they spend meditating inmates so the chief executive is the one who takes care of the city, he is a moral and very intelligent man, all these miners speak his name with bright Eyes.

As for the second family of cultivators, they are an outside part of a large family of merchants. It basically has no power, but they have still been given manuals to be cultivators. Although they are arrogant, their presence here, makes twice as many commercial caravans pass through the city, so they are very well received.

I continue to talk to men, they are simple people, but all good-humored, at the end of the night I was invited to sleep in the house of one of them. he lives in a small house of wood and mud, but he received me very well dividing the little he had.

My heart is warm, perhaps because of the ill-treatment I have received since I came to this world, I enjoy that feeling. Since I'm in a stable environment, I created some small missions to test my system.

The next day I get a job as a lumberjack. manual labor is terribly difficult. but I have a constitution and strength far greater than these mortals. I adpit fast and continue to make friendships.

And today my hard work paid me!

[mission accomplished]

[Get an honest and simple job!

condition-receive your first salary

Reward: bonus on charm with mortals!]

[Fortuna mission: One hour sharpening and 10 minutes cutting]

[to become the best woodcutter in the city of ironwood

condition- Recognition of your companions (time limit 15 days)

Reward: Bonuses in Charm with Mortals

Bonus Mission - cut a tree in less than 3 hits.

reward: Increased affinity with ax!]

those were my missions, initially I did not know what to work with, so I simply wrote a mission fortune for every job spot I found!

My salary was delivered by the mayor's assistant, apparently we have to pay a tax for cutting his trees, but he was the one who gave us the task of cutting trees, but none of the other lumberjacks find this strange, I'd rather not complain. But the good news is that my salary was the highest, 73 copper pieces! But none of the woodcutters are envious of me, on the contrary, they seem to be very happy and all are satisfied with their own wages. That must be my reward effect.

This makes me very shocked, The system can affect people around me quietly!

Without noticing my shock, the assistant comes and talks to me.

"Marc, you're doing an excellent job. Ironwood trees are very difficult to cut, but you are cutting more than twice as much as other woodcutters! they were all telling me that you spent hours honing the ax and then, with three beats, you were able to cut down the tree! this is very impressive, in the future children will see you as a hero! hehehe "He is a man in his 35s, he does not have a beard and his hair is long, he is always cheerful and encouraging others, most of his job is to pay the salaries of the villagers and collect taxes!

I get a little embarrassed, and scratching my head I reply:

"Hehe, I'm just trying to do my best!"

"that's the spirit! if you go on like this, I can give you some good words for the mayor! "he says with his thumb up.

After a little conversation, we say goodbye and I go back to my room in the tavern.

I made an agreement with the owner, to rent one of the rooms above the tavern, (these rooms are usually only used for prostitution) I will pay only 15 pieces of copper a week, for other woodcutters this is more than half the salary, but for me it's a good deal! of course, I still have to pay for my meals, so there goes another 30 pieces of copper. I also have to pay rent for the ax, 5 pieces of copper. Which means I have 23 piece to spend with luxury this week! I have high hopes that a commercial caravan will arrive!

As I am lost in how to start my revolution, I will simply live my life, quietly and do small missions! Since I am living my life in a simple way I can not help but feel happy, with the arrival of the commercial caravans, after all, they are the biggest distraction of this city, after the tavern.

3 days later,






nheeeee ... BOOOM!

I knock down another tree, this is the last of the day. I look back and see two of my colleagues, waiting for me

"Hey hey hey, Marc, I really admire you, you're already swinging the ax like a pro, it looks like I have no talent at all to be a woodcutter!" He said, a yellow, skinny, short hair and you can barely see your eyes so tight they are. He's a funny guy and a little lazy. But he's a good person!

"Ma Gou, our Brazilian brother can not be compared to us! But since you're so talented, drinks today are on your own. "Says the other man smiling, he's a little older than Ma Gou, has sunburned skin, and a muscular body. at almost 30 years old he is one of the best lumberjacks in town, and a great drinker ... he is a good person, though he always make me pay for it! his name is Yung Cheng

we continue our path and leave the trees felled in the forest, tomorrow we finish cutting them and send them to the city. We talked all the way, I was telling him about the carnival, they seem to like the party a lot and say they want to attend one day.

arriving in the city, we see a large caravan with almost 20 carts. we immediately rush to get our wages up front. The process is very fast, it picks up our salary average, and records our name, next week we receive the spread, or we pay what is missing to complete the loan. very simple and friendly. now I have another 73 pieces of copper, almost a silver, with all the money in hand, I separate enough to pay for my accommodations and food.

The others do the same, but I do the math for them, they know how to do it, but at the speed of a 7-year-old. after we keep the money for necessities we go to the central area of ​​the city, there the merchants are stationed and setting up their tents. Right from the start, we see exotic carpets and animals.

Blue bird of the ax beak, it is a bird bigger than a rooster, it has majestic radiant blue feathers, and a powerful beak, it is not uncommon for them to attack and kill some distracted villagers. I continue to look at other beasts, but none catches my eye, I go to the next lot, it is from plants and fruits. the tent is full of ladies and gentlemen. they buy medicines for longevity and vegetables for the new generations to grow stronger. I have no knowledge of plants, after observing for a few seconds Yung Chan pulls me to the next tent.

I was speechless ... he made me buy a wine of 15 pieces of copper saying that he would call me for a special dinner and we would drink together.

after this purchase I moved away from Chan, my biggest goal is to buy books! I go through ironmongery and jewelry stores and finally I reach what appears to be a book tent, there are several books scattered on the floor, some with a 2cm thick and some with less than 10 sheets. I start to leaf through them. when I feel a threat coming from behind