Getting Ready

The week passed by in an instant as Jian went to school during the day and sew evening. She was done by Wednesday evening and hand stitched the outer dress to the inner dress before she worked on the white dress. By the end of the week she had finished both dresses and was starting to feel a little nervous.

"Jian's there is no need to feel nervous, just think of it as dinner. Plus, I will be with you," John said over the phone as Jain put her head down on the pillow. He smiled reassuring her again and Jian sighed saying, "Ya, I know, it's just-" she sighed.

The two stayed on call till Jian went to bed and Johnny cut the call continuing his workout. The next day was peaceful as Jian woke up around noon. She got up and showered before she walked outside to see her mother had prepped some lunch.

"Good afternoon, Jian." Jessica said as worked on her computer. Jian smiled sitting down next to her asking, "Mom, are you busy today?"

Jessica shook her head, "No, did you need something?" Jian nods asking her, "I need a little help putting my dress on and I was hoping you could do my makeup and hair, please?" Jessica smiled asking, "Alright, how do you want it done?"

"I want curls and a simple look with the same colors as my dress for the eyes," Jian said and Jessica nodded saying, "Go eat first then dry your hair."

Jian nods, getting up to eat while Jessica gets her makeup bag from her room. She displayed them on the table before she continued to work. It was around 3 when Jian finished drying her hair and came outside asking, "Mom, do you want to see the dress on me or just look at it?"

Jessica took a few seconds before saying, "It's better if it's on you." Jian nods asking, "Can you help me with the back?" Jian asked and Jessica nodded walking towards her room.

"Did you make this?" Jessica asked, noticing the same fabrics in smaller cuts in the bags. Jian nods and Jessica smiles, saying, "It's nice on you." Jessica smiled as she blinked away her watery eyes. Jian didn't notice as she walked towards the outer dress. Jessica helped Jian dress before doing her hair.

Johnny arrived around 7 to pick Jian up. "Hello Johnny," Jessica said as she walked back into the living room after opening the door for him. "Good evening, Miss Kim, is Jian ready?"

Jessica nods, turning towards Jian who walked out of her room carrying a small red purse with her dress. It was a baby blue checkered one sided dress with its left side missing which let the sunset colored underdress show. It flowed from the angled waist towards the ground with a split on the left leg.

Jian smiled asking, "Johnny do I need the invite?" He shook his head saying, "No, I have mine, you look great by the way."

Jian blushed a little as she walked towards him and he smiled as he asked Jessica, "Miss, what's our curfew?" Jessica smiled saying, "11:00, and have fun." He nodded, opening the door for Jian as she walked out and he followed after.

"Jian, trust me there's no need to be nervous, just think of it as a fancy dinner. Also, let me know if you want to leave early or feel weird," John said and Jian nodded as the two entered the elevator. John asked, "Do you want me to take your pictures?" She nods asking, "Do you think we can get some nice shots, I want to add this to my portfolio later." John nods saying, "I know a few good places where people don't normally go."

Jian nods as they exit the elevator and walk towards John's car. "Did you get another car?" Jian asked, noticing the color was a red and not the dark blue he had before. "Yes, my father is using the other car so I am borrowing my uncle's car since it would match your dress." Jian nods as the doors open and the two get in. The drive was close to half an hour long as Jian and John talked about her website.