
Jian frowned looking around and Sergei sighed saying, "Your mother went to work, she said there was an emergency, and she would be back by noon."

Jian smiled saying, "Thank you," as she pressed the elevator button. The elevator opened and she smiled at the person saying, "Good morning." He smiled walking out asking, "How are you feeling?"

"I am good," Jian noticed him looking behind her and she smiled continuing, "Ah, we're getting breakfast, and mom had to leave for a little while due to work, she'll be back around noon." He nodded saying, "Alright, we'll do a full checkup when she returns."

Jian nods as he walked away, she went inside the elevator as the other's waited for her. "Jian who's he?" John asked as the doors closed and she smiled saying, "That's Doctor Lawson, my doctor."

"Ah, he's the new Doctor," Soren said and Jian turned to him as he explained, "He moved here in January, he's also taking care of Mr. Luca, but by now I think he's ready to quit."

Jian nodded and John reached out to hold her hand asking, "Are you sure you're feeling better?" She smiled saying, "Yes, I feel better." She held onto his hands as they walked out and towards the cafeteria.

"So, what do you wanna eat?" John asked and she smiled saying, "Something light and simple, I was told to avoid caffeine and fried food." He smiled asking, "Tea?" She nodded as they walked away the others also went to get their choice of a meal.

"John I can carry my own tray," she said as she reached for the tray and he smiled saying, "Ya but you're just getting bread so let me carry this, plus you have tea in your hands."

Jian sighed saying, "It's cold tea." He reached for it saying, "If it's too cold I could hold it for you." She shook her head taking a sip as they reached the table. He placed the tray down before moving a chair for her to sit.

"John you should get her some fruits they should be over there," Soren said as he pointed towards a section of the room and John left immediately as Jian sighed. She turned to Soren asking, "Do you really need to do that?" He smiled saying, "It's better than watching you two play house."

She sighed taking a sip of the tea as she heard Mr. Luca ask, "Jian, I heard from John he wanted Wednesday off because he was helping you, what are you two doing exactly?" Jian smiled as she explained, and he listened carefully.

"So, you're a designer?" Soren asked as she finished and Jian nodded saying, "Yes, but I mostly do custom designs." He nods asking, "Do you design clothes for kids, I have a younger sister she's 9 and turning 10 in mid-August and she loves fairies. I want to surprise her with something so maybe a custom fairy outfit would be nice."

Jian nodded saying, "I can give it a try, I am going to need to meet her to get some measurements taken." He nodded passing her his phone saying, "Here just give me your number and I'll try to set up a meeting for you two."

She nods placing her number in sending herself a text before saving the number to her own phone. Jian smiled asking, "Do you know the colors she likes," He thought for a few seconds and nodded saying, "She like blue and purple, like the stars."

Jian nodded adding that to her notes as she noticed a plate of fruit appeared. "They didn't have much, but I got your favorites," John said sitting down and Jian smile saying, "Thank you."