Dropping the Dresses (1)

"Will's here," Nicki said as she noticed his car. He walked out towards them with Kira following behind. Nicki rushed to hug him, and he smiled at her.

"So, when's Ethan coming?" Nick asked and Jian smile saying, "He's two minutes away, Nicki, I sent you the address and Nick you're riding with Ethan, so I am sending you the address."

"You're driving with Johnny?" Kira asked and Jian nodded saying, "Yup, you could just follow us but it's good to have the address just in case, and I warned you guys my place is small."

"Yes, babes we know, let's get going, I am sure John's gotta get back to work, no?" Nicki asked and John smiled saying, "Nope, I have today off since I finished everything before leaving." Jian smiled at him as he rested his head on her shoulders.

She reached up to pet his head like normal and Kira smirked teasingly before saying, "She's got you wrapped around her finger." John smiled saying, "Yup," before reaching for Jian's hand and kissing it lightly.

Kira and Nick frowned glancing at each other saying, "Ugh, couples as if one wasn't enough." Jian smiled saying, "Alright, let's get going it's the drive to the warehouse is at least an hour and with traffic it'll be more, oh and Ethan is here."

Kira nodded going over to follow Will to his car as Nick asked John, "John, you going to the pool party on the 16th?"

Johnny smiled saying, "I might, but I need to check my schedule again." Nick nodded as he walked away towards Ethan's car. John smiled opening the doors for Jian asking, "Have you asked your mom about the party?"

Jian nodded saying, "She said she's fine with it, and you were right, there's something mom isn't telling me about, but she needs some time so I can wait."

He smiled asking, "You're sure you guys aren't moving right now." She said yes as he started the car driving out the parking lot. There was a slight race once the three entered the roads as John, Ethan, and Will tried to overtake one another.

"John, you should slow down there are too many cars on the road," Jian said as she held onto to the side of the door. He smiled saying, "Alright," but soon after he speed up again as Will passed him. Jian frowned taking her phone out as she received a text from Nicki.

Nicki sighed getting out immediately after Will had parked, she had already told him to be careful when driving and he proceeded to speed up.

"Come on, Nicki I am sorry I didn't mean to worry you," Will said following after Nicki as she stormed out the car. Jian sighed getting out on her own after her as John frowned. She didn't wait for him to open the door.

"Hey! You two it's fine we're okay," Kira said rushing after the two as they hurried into the elevator. Jian and Nicki glared at the boys as the elevator closed. "Nicki, Jian they were just having a little fun," Kira said and Jian sighed pressing the button as Nicki smiled saying, "Don't worry, we're just a bit upset."

Jian nodded and Nicki continued saying, "The road today wasn't open and if they're transporting the dresses like this with traffic on the way, the dresses could get damaged, and Jian's hard work will be for nothing."

Jian smiled adding, "The bigger concern is if any of us get hurt on the way, it's okay for them to speed up but not when there're so many cars on the road." Kira nodded as the doors opened and the walked out frowning at the sight in front of them.