"Are you hiding something?"

"Do you like the surprise?" Will asked and Jian smiled saying, "Very much, thanks." He nods as they take a seat and the waiter approaches their table.

"Good evening, have you all selected the champagne for tonight?" the waiter asked as Will nodded giving him a name before he left. Nicki glanced at him asking, "Will, are you sure? You have to drive later." Will smiled saying, "Don't worry, this one has the lowest alcohol content."

She nodded asking, "John will you be, okay?" John smiled saying, "I'll be fine with just one glass, I am driving Jian home, so I am not trying to risk it."

Jian smiled as she turned asking, "Did you drive?" He nods saying, "Uncle let me borrow a car, and I was wondering, should I stay over tonight so we can leave by 6 am tomorrow?" Jian nods as Kira frowns asking, "What's happening tomorrow?"

Jian smiles answering her saying, "We're going to the ranch to see Adrien, it's been a while plus I want to relax for a bit." 

They nod, and Nick smiles, asking, "Isn't 6 a little too early?" Jian glanced at her teasing expression and smiled gently saying, "There will be traffic if we leave any later, and we'd rather not get caught up."

Nicki nods saying, "That is better than being stuck in the city." Will smiled at her as she leaned towards him, saying, "I wonder when we'll be able to go on drives like that." 

He pecked the top of her head saying, "Just let me know when you want to go, and we'll go." Nick frowned at their affection as he turned to Kira saying, "We'll be in the back seat," she nodded in response as Will rolled his eyes.

They continued the dinner talking about what they had coming up and soon the waiter returned to take their orders and soon they ended dinner.

"Hello, Jian, do you want me to pick you up?" Jessica asked as Jian smiled saying, "No, it's alright, Mom, John's here and we'll be home soon. We are stopping by his place to get his clothes for tomorrow, so I just wanted to let you know we'll be home a little late." Jessica nods saying, "Alright, then I will see you two later."

Jian nodded as she said goodbye before she glanced at John before he drove out of the restaurant parking. "John, is something bothering you?" Jian asked and he took a few seconds before saying, "No, why?" 

Jian frowned slightly before saying, "It seems like there's something you're hiding." John laughed before asking, "What would I have to hide from you? Anyway, what are you planning to wear tomorrow?"

"I'll wear shorts and a shirt, I want to dress casually tomorrow," Jian said and John nodded asking, "You want to take a change of clothes for dinner tomorrow?" Jian smiles saying, "Of course, then do you want me to select your outfit for tomorrow later?"

"That sounds perfect, and I'll take a quick shower then we can head out after," he suggested, and she nodded as they talked about a few more things before they arrived at his place. 

Jian sighed as she walked into the closet after John had left for the restroom. She glanced around, it was messy compared to before when she visited so she picked up the clothes on the floor and placed them inside the basket before putting away the shoes and socks he left out.

She then tidied up the clothes on the hanger, rearranging them as best as she could while selecting a few things to make an outfit for tomorrow.

"Did you clean up?" John asked as he walked inside, she nodded turning around and asking, "You are normally not one to be this messy, were you too busy?" He nodded, beaming after noticing the light blush, she had and as he picked out a pair of sweatpants he asked, "Do you want to watch?" 

Jian scoffed before saying, "There isn't much to see." His smile dropped and she walked out closing the doors behind her. He came outside in seconds frowning with his torso still exposed and Jian giggled before calling him over with one hand as she held the blow dryer in the other hand. He sat down in front of her on the chair as she asked, "Did my comment upset you?" 

"No," he sighed before saying, "It's just that I am a bit insecure about my thinness and it is really difficult to gain weight, so I am upset, just not towards your comment." Jian nods asking, "Is gaining weight meant to help you build more muscles?"

John nods saying, "Yes, as we talked about yesterday, I eat out often since it's easier and less time-consuming but because I'm busier with work now, I haven't had time to exercise, and I think I am losing weight to top it off."

Jian frowned asking, "Would home-cooked meals be helpful?" John nods saying, "If I eat a lot of it then yes, but then I also need to make time to exercise."

Jian nodded as he smiled asking, "Were you worried about me?" Jian nods saying, "Of course, I'll be worried, especially when your expression is that bad." John sighed saying, "Shall we finish picking out an outfit for tomorrow then, my lady?"

Jian nodded as she turned off the dryer placing it away while John went inside the closet to put on a shirt. The two left after they selected an outfit for the next day and soon, they arrived at Jian's place.