The Point Of No Return:

The boy said with a carefree voice, "I know that it can't be quenched but I will, I will find a way to quench this thirst and until I do I will kill them and continue to till my last dying breath. Although if you want to sugar-coat it I can say that it's to protect others so they don't experience what had happened to me." Akhiko had laughed and then said,"Ya, you can help there are a pair of spare gloves in the drawer by the kitchen. Get them and then we will go out."

"He had a confused expression on his face, but in his head he was elated saying that he had found the perfect test subject!", said the boy walking behind Akhiko as is to narrate his thoughts. "Ha-ha", Akhiko said with a sarcastic expression. He walked outside and told the boy, "No, funny guy, you stay here I'm going to get the body you dig a 6 foot hole in the ground. After all we don't have any place to put her do we.", he said looking at him smugly. "I guess not", he replied then grabbing the child sized shovel that he had been given and dug a hole in the ground, chucking out the snow and unthawed ground load by load.

As Akhiko was carrying the boy's mother's body he did some reflecting and then realised two important things of which he had forgotten to ask the boy. One was his name the other, being less important to him which was whether he was willing to sacrifice himself and destroy his body with such a small success rate and chance for success. Even though his resolve was solid the moment it was made it would be basically throwing his life away, normal as it would get from now. Now though it was first to bury the body of his mother and go to eat lunch. He carried her back now with enough strength, more than before in retrospect at least. He reached the cabin and there he saw the boy, a hole dug, exactly six-foot. He gently placed her in the hole and the boy with no emotion on his face had started to cover the grave back up. Akhiko went to go find some incense in the house and when he had returned he found the hole had been covered and a rock placed on the top of where the head of her body was. Akhiko told him to go inside and go wash himself up whilst he had begun to inscribe the pattern of the Yin and Yang sign on the stone.

He finally came back out and by that time he had completed the sign on the grave. Along with the one's that were in the back of the house, his mother's being on the side of the house. They started to go to each one and light incense praying that each soul was safely guided off this world. Then they lastly prayed for his mother, after they were done the boy said that he would stay by the graves a little longer. Akhiko thought to himself that there was no better time so he then asked he boy for his name and he replied, "Its Jin though the last name doesn't matter anymore, now does it."," Aren't you going to ask what's mine." Akhiko asked. "Did you forget I told you that I read your research, no I didn't I remember I told you isn't?" the boy said. "You do know that your name is on there?", he said with an overly scarcastic tone and smug look on his face. Akhiko gave him a silent stare and then walked away, back into the forest. "Where are you going?" Jin asked him.

He replied with a smug look on his face saying as he carried a wheelbarrow, "You should know, you read my research didn't you?". He went back to the site of where it had all happened emptying the wheelbarrow of snow as he walked, thinking to himself 'Why didn't I use the wheelbarrow to carry everyone in the first place?'. He then picked up the corpse of the Minotaur looking mutant, lugging what parts were remained and attached at least. It's heavy body parts still dripping with blood, as it hung by the muscles and tissues. He loaded it into the wheelbarrow and thought to himself as he walked back, 'Still I wonder why such a high-level creature with so much evolution to its form and over mutated DNA was doing in the forest attacking people', it was probably the most developed level one that he had seen.

Now before he could worry about it anymore he reached the cabin where he used the a plank in the side initally for firewood to make a small, and unstable ramp by the stairs to ease it into the house. He found the boy inside eating the bacon that had remained in the microwave, he had an abnormal expression one that reminded Akhiko of himself when he often went into the cafeteria in the lab and ate somebody else's food and he now finally understood their anger. Looking at the succulent pork being devoured by Jin, on the plate with the sticker that said don't touch. He cried in silence as he continued to push the wheelbarrow down the hall into the basement. Then carrying it out of the wheelbarrow and placing into a futuristic looking chamber which was filed with some liquid then a bath tub looking device with a heater and then beakers and test tubes. The machine too complicated or irritating to talk about, so much so that only the main purposes should be mentioned.

Jin then followed him peeking with the last piece of bacon in his mouth. He then finished the bacon and asked Akhiko, what the purpose of the device was. Akiko replied that it's sole purpose was to extract the blood of the Minotaur in it's purest form, and to only extract the mutated gene from that of which little percentage that had remained human. He then asked Jin the question that was the deciding point of his fate, 'Whether he would reach the point in which he would lose his humanity or retain it?'. He told him that if it went to the worst that he would change into the creatures that he had hated if it went remotely right he would be able to gain their powers and kill them. Then the final possibility was that it went completely right and no almost inevitable shit happened that his genes wouldn't be corrupted and that he would be used as the templated for the cure of the dead shot virus. That he would be able to give people new chances, but that theoretical possibility depended on the subjects attributes including mental, physical and emotional state, also the type of blood that was used to initially create him in other words a high-level order creature.

He told him, "Okay, looking know you're eager but take some time and think it over. It will be ready by tomorrow and you can tell me with assurity then, have a good rest so if you still wanted to go that route that you'll would be able to withstand it in your peak." He went to guest room and decided to go take a nap and Akhiko was converting the blood by diluting it, then extracting it by, removing the liquid and then letting it settle so that the heavier mutated blood would sink with its pitch black appearance that could make its distinct and further more purifying and refining it until the consistency was thicker then used motor oil and as lifeless in colour. He was letting it refine and had now gone to bed this was not too long. Now woken up by a barrage of shrieks and cries if pain. He first thought to himself that, "That idiots going to kill himself.", he ran into the lounge. Panting as he sprinted down the stairs, and as he was going for broke to the basement in a speed comparison to Mach III. He saw that the boy was sitting there watching TV and eating scrambled eggs, beans and tea.

He asked him what and happened and the boy replied a serious face, "The tea was getting cold, so I had to get you up. Honestly, it seemed like the easiest way.It's my version is morning call, hot dont you think?", he said winking happily with the end of his response. Akhiko looked at him and thought, "This kid is going to be the death of me."

He then washed himself up and finished eating, then heard the alarm that signalled the finishing of the refining process. In which time he asked Jin, "So what's your decision?" he gave a smug look in return and said, "There's nothing to lose and all to gain so let's get it over with."

Akhiko knew this was, The point of no return.