Chapter 5 - The Mana Surge

"Hey Griff, wake up!"

Griff woke up to the shocking sensation he felt. Somebody was shacking him. He was pretty sure that it was pitch black... well he did feel some sort of light, but it was definitely not morning.

"You have to see this Griff! Trust me."

James's voice was more excited than the usual. Even though he was kind of pissed off that his blissful dream was ruined, Griff opened his eyes.

"James what's more important than rest..."

"The quarterly mana surge of the Ange Plains! That's what."

Griff, raising his head, was bewitched by the scene he saw. The air looked like it was dancing with blue orbs of condensed energy, lightly glowing and floating. The energy seemed to originate from everything, living or inanimate. Griff looked down at his hand to see a portion of blue energy pass through it as it came from the soil beneath him.

The balls of mana were slowly rising above, creating a magnificent spectacle. Griff stretched out his arm and touched one of the floating orbs. His hands passed through it like it was not even there. Griff could feel all of this energy, like it was connected to him. It was a warm sensation. Not only him but also the rest of his companions seemed to feel the same connection he felt towards the energy around him.

James sat next to him, looking at the scene together.

"You couldn't miss this Griff, you're leaving Ange as far as I know and I thought you'd at least want to see a specialty of the Ange Plains.

James smirked as he continued looking at the beautiful scenery. The night sky was illuminated by the surging mana.

Griff was dazed, he was always dazed apparently as he kept being surprised at whatever he saw. He felt someone smack him on the shoulders.

"Oi Griff, this isn't the only reason I woke you up. C'mon get up."


Griff got up, looking at James with his same blank expression.

"You see, I know that you want to become an adventurer. I think I can help you learn some sword skills for that! We have a spare short-sword that we use to spar. It's in the cargo. It's kind of rusty, but I think it will fit you just right with your posture. I want to test your talent now, in fact!"

"Wait, James are you serious? You'll teach me how to use a sword? I don't want to be a burden if it really is bothering you. I'm coming on this trip with your party, suddenly appearing out of nowhere and all."

James karate chopped Griff's head.

"You're not a burden you idiot. We took you in because we liked you."

Griff's eyes lit up hearing that last part and he hugged James like a spoiled little kid.

"Thank you master! I'll do my best!"

"Calm down you clumsy brat! You're making a scene here! I'm like 25 years old! Too young to be called a master. Heck no, I don't want a white beard. And I'm not dying as a virgin sword saint, thank you very much. Secondly! Aren't you 17 or something? Why did you suddenly start acting like a 12-year-old?! Snap out of it! This is too awkward for even me to laugh."

James was trying to push Griff from the head as he was annoyed by this gesture of affection by the lone youngster.

"Let go of me you grizzly bear!"

Looking at the weird due that seemed like a father and son having fun, Ann started giggling.

"That's very bro~mantic James."

She said seductively.

Harry was holding a tree to support himself as he was about to collapse from laughing.

"Master? James a master? Over my dead body!"

"Shut your trap old hag! And you cool boy! Don't make me come over there."

James waved his fist angrily, grinding his teeth.

"You first got to get rid of him though."

Ann remarked, pointing at the seemingly happy Griff.

"Oi Griff, enough! You're causing problems for me here! Do I have to teach you common sense too?!"

James pushed Griff off. Griff was laughing, he hadn't laughed ever since waking up.

"Kind of felt like teasing you old man!"

"I'm 25 damn it! 25!"

Griff reminisced about the time he woke up, several hours ago. He was really scared at the time. He was alone and that feeling didn't fit with him. He sometimes acted too mature, and sometimes he felt like acting immature.

"Catch you brat!"

As Griff dozed off, thinking about what had happened up till now, James had already gone to take the rusty short-sword.

"I'll see if you have talent and teach you a little over the two weeks, you're with us. If you do good, I'll even give you a tip on the adventurer exam."

Griff, with a determined face, grabbed the blade from James's hand. James walked back about several feet and turned to Griff, bringing out his blade.

"Let's dance Griff."

"Dance? What does th-"

Before Griff could even finish his sentence, James had appeared in front of him, pointing his blade towards his neck. James raised an eyebrow at Griff's unresponsiveness.

"You let your guard down Griff. That could be fatal in an adventure... Again."

"Hahaha that was fast! Let me get re-"

"In a real battle, there is no such thing as getting ready Griff. You need to integrate this to your soul to survive. This world isn't as beautiful as the Mana Surge you just saw."

Griff gulped. He hadn't seen James, who was a very laid-back guy, become so serious. It was frightening.


"James stepped back to his starting position and raised his blade once more. A blue light could be seen surging through his blade. Without saying anything, or warning that the spar had begun, he rushed towards Griff.

This time, being a bit readier, Griff rolled to the side, evading James's fast maneuvers.

"Good, better in fact."

He then poked Griff on the back, who was looking away, touching his spine.

"But you're still an open book. Goblins and such can use that opening to kill you. You wouldn't even know what hit you."

Griff felt a chill once more, adrenaline was pumping through his veins.



The duo had been sparring for over an hour now, and Griff was drenched in sweat. James stood over him as he panted due to running out of air.

"Jeez Griff, we better get you a solid base for endurance. Whether you'll use magic or become a close combat expert in the future, you'll need a high endurance. Even a slime could catch you if you tried running away right now!"

James picked up Griff up as he was still panting, and walked towards the carriage. The sun was rising from the east slowly. He placed Griff on the carriage.

"Borgel! We're all set. We can leave anytime. The kid's tired but that won't be a problem."

"Aye James, let me finish picking up my tent then."

James's muttering could be heard by Griff, even though he was tired.

"You have a tent... lucky bastard."

James turned to Griff.

"And you!"

Griff raised his head, still tired from the spar, looking at James who had finished wiping his somewhat sweaty face with his bandana.

"Get some rest, drink some water for all I care. Then go check on that bag over there. Sort out the food and tell me what we have and how much. I'm training you, but hey, this isn't free you know. You'll be helping with logistics."

James patted Griff on the shoulder and gave a smile, a warm one instead of his usual playful grin.

"As for training, you got some talent in you. Not much but, I'll help as much as I can."

James walked towards the front of the carriage and sat beside Borgel and Harry. Ann was sleeping again in the back, a little further from Griff. The carriage started moving as the team set forth towards the rocky road...