Chapter 7 - Wake Up Call...

Griff woke up to cold water being splashed on his face. He could not see anything because something was placed over his eyes.

"This one's in good condition, he woke up fast."

Griff's head was fuzzy. Last thing he remembered was loosing consciousness. Another voice spoke up.

"Wake the other one up as well. Hopefully you didn't hurt our merchandise more than needed. I need to make sure they have potential to entertain our guests properly."

Another water bucket splashed over someone next to Griff. He couldn't see what was happening, but the man started to swear after waking up. He sounded like James... The other men were whispering.

Somebody pulled Griff up and pushed him.


He didn't know where he was being taken to, but he decided to not act rashly. One small mistake could end his life.

He had been walking for a while now... he still couldn't see a thing. As Griff walked, he heard the sound of cheering, getting closer. He heard something, an iron door?


The person who was walking behind Griff kicked him in the back. He fell on the floor. The man who kicked him then cut off his ropes that were binding his arms, and tore off the blindfold.

The buzzy noises Griff was hearing started to become clearer. His eyes were adjusting to the sudden change of light.

He could make out what he was seeing now. A sandstone floor? Floating orbs of light, probably light magic... An audience as well? They all wore creepy masks, shouting. Most of them seemed to wear noble attire.

As Griff scanned his surroundings, he saw another iron door right in front of him raising. Someone else was kicked out of the dorr. He, too, had a blindfold.

The guard tore off his restraints and blindfold, setting the new youth free.

The skinny youth in ragged clothing stood up. He had auburn hair and blue eyes. The boy could be called handsome, but his skinny body ruined his looks.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight, at the Carnage Arena we have two rookies!"

The crowd went wild.

"Tonight, these two shall have a battle... to the death!"

Griff was baffled. He could see that the other kid was as well.

"As tonights host I promise you allll a bloodyyy and bruutalll fight!"

The man's high pitched tone was freaking Griff out. A guard came from behind the announcer. He threw a large bag from the top of the floating platform to the ground. Weapons of all kinds scattered across the center of the arena. Griff and the kid did not move, looking around confused.

"Why aren't they fighting!"

The crowd's cries died down as a single noble shouted with distain. The announcer's eyes turned angry from his joyous gaze. He raised his hand, pointing at the weapons.

"You see those weapons, boys? Use them to kill each other now! Or we will kill both of you painfully."

The auburn haired kid's face turned pale and he started running towards the middle of the arena, grabbing a longsword. Griff understood that if he did not act now, he'd die. He rushed towards a short-sword and also grabbed a knife. He raised his head after strapping the knife to his belt to see the auburn haired kid run towards him with eyes of hate and fear. A moment ago the kid looked harmless with an innocent look, but now he was desperate to live! Griff dodged his slash by stepping aside, but he felt pain on his left shoulder. The kid had actually bit him! He was fighting like an animal.

"Get off me!"

Griff kneed the guys stomach, causing him to loosen his grip. Griff then used his right elbow to strike the kid's face. He quickly opened up distance to look at his injury. It was bleeding, and it was deep. The auburn haired kid's face was messed up, and he was vomiting. He stopped vomiting and turned to look at Griff murderously. If his opponent hadn't been weak, Griff would have died a hundred times over already. The auburn haired kid raised his longsword, charging at Griff. Their blades clashed, both flying from their hands. Griff lost his balance due to this. Taking advantage, the auburn haired boy knocked Griff down. The kid started to punch Griff all over his face with tears in his eyes. Griff wasn't able to block a single attack. Even though his opponent was weaker, he was more agile. Griff's nose was broken and his left eye was swollen. Finally, Griff managed to catch the kid's hand. The crowd was going crazy over the fight.

"Bloody indeed! Our new contestants are giving us one hell of a show aren't they!"

The host shouted. Griff ignored him and looked at the kid who was a mess. Now that he saw him up close, he realized that the kid was definitely younger than him. His eyes were empty... Griff whispered so that no one would hear him.

"Listen buddy, we don't have to do this! Calm down. We can try working together to bust out of this sick place."

The kid started to laugh, hearing Griff.

"Are you stupid? Retarded? You have no brain I guess. We're fighting for our lives and we're surrounded by armed guards! Just shut up and DIE!"

The kid headbutted Griff.

"You're so naïve!"

The kid grabbed Griff by the collar and punched his face once more.

"The strong survive and the weak die. There's no room for trash like you."

The kid was about to punch Griff again, but received a head-butt from him. The kid fell over. Griff kicked him in the stomach, causing him to vomit. Seeing this as an opportunity, the kid grabbed Griff's leg before he pulled it back and bit in to his Achilles Heel.



The kid spat out the piece of meat he had bitten from Griff as the latter screamed in pain. The kid smirked psychopathically.

"Weak! Weak, weak, weak, weak, weak!"

He jumped on Griff, planning to punch him to death, but Griff had pulled out his knife. The kid had jumped on the knife. Griff used this opportunity to cut the kid's stomach. The kid held his stomach as blood gushed out. His eyes were white and full of fear.

"Weak... me?"

Were his last words as he died right then and there. Griff kept laying there, panting. Tears came down his face. He was a bloody mess. The psychopathic crowd erupted in cheers.

"Rookie! Rookie!..."

Griff couldn't take it anymore. What kind of sick entertainment was this? He looked at his bloodied hands, and started to vomit. His head was dizzy. The masked announcer jumped off his platform, forcing Griff to stand. He raised his arm to the crowd.

"Tonight's champion! Ladies and Gentlemen!"

Griff was still panting and trying not to cry due to this near-death-experience. The announcer smacked him across the face, seeing bis depressed mood.

"Do not think of crying you slave. We want blood, not tears."

He turned towards the crowd.

"Does this rookie need some discipline?"

The crowd screeched, agreeing with the announcer. They were like animals.

The announcer turned to Griff once more. His expression couldn't be seen because of his mask, but his words brought terror to Griff's heart.

"Then I'll make sure to give you a special lesson. All animals should be tamed..."

The man called the guards to carry Griff. They walked towards the metal door to the left, waiting for the door to rise. They then entered to the dark, abyssal corridor...