Chapter 11 - *Title At End - Spoiler*

It was finally the day. The day that both the tournament started and Griff escaped from this wretched place. He had one thing to do. Just one thing. And he wasn't willing to screw it up... The oafs had gathered around and were talking with the Cracker, not forgetting to praise him.

Looks like there was a hierarchy even among gladiators. Griff spotted the guy that ha dpicked on him and Humbert last night, and thought that a brawl with him could be easily justified. He approached the man and headbutted him in the nose without giving him time to process the situation.

The man stumbled and became enraged.

"I see you have grown a couple of balls since yesterday bastard. Have a taste of y'er own medicine."

The man headbutted Griff right in the nose, causing blood to gush out. Griff wanted to let loose and just fight, but he had to compose himself and strike where it hurt most. He had fallen on the ground and had a great angle.

He kicked the man with his entire strength... right on spot.

(A/N: It was very painful writing this chapter...)

The man immediately fainted from the pain and the guards stormed in the area keeping the brutes away from Griff and the fallen bastard. The Cracker didn't seem to be amused by anything that had happened up till then and proceeded to walk towards the arena without even scoffing at the scene that he just saw.

The bickering between the guards and gladiators slowly turned in to shouting. The guards were too overwhelmed with the constant pressure the gladiators presented that they failed to check on Griff and question him of his motives.

'This is my chance... If I can get out of here without being questioned as well we will have saved a lot of time...'

Griff bolted as the brutes started shoving the guards and the guards were using their spears to keep the brutes in check. He held his bleeding nose with one hand and slithered away from the ongoing fight and arrived at the restroom gates.

Griff had to slam the door with his arm as he couldn't stop in time. Humbert was already there, waiting for Griff.

"Well... that could have gone better I guess... and whoah that is one nasty nose."

He remarked and placed his hand over Griff.

"Water Magic: Minor Heal"

The bleeding stopped as Griff felt more refreshed. Suddenly Humbert kneeled next to him and without warning him, snapped his nose right back in to place as it was broken. The action was so instantaneous that Griff didn't have the time to retract himself.

"What the fuck was that for you old senile bastard?"

"Hold your horses brat, the healing spell only stopped the bleeding. I had to do something so you kept that pretty face."

"Tsk... damn old bastard."

"Shut y'er trap brat I ain't old yet."

The duo took a moment to grin at eachother before proceeding towards the barred window where Humbert had already stacked some wooden boxes to reach to.

Humbert pulled the bars of the window and broke them easily. He turned to Griff and squeezed the once strong iron bars to show they had crumbled to dust.

"And that my friend, is corrosion magic. Works like a charm."

Humbert hauled himself up and looked down at Griff from the small opening. Light shone down from the opening and Griff's eyes saw only white for a few seconds before adjusting himself. Humbert stretched his arm to pull Griff up and Griff looked at his hand.

'Damn... I waited for this.'

He jumped towards his hand and was brought up... to the outside.


It was bright at first. When his vision cleared Griff looked around quickly. They were in a flat area where various pastries were laying around on tables. A well designed building was behind them. It was painted white and seemed like a palace of luxury.

'Well, the pompous bastards have a taste at least.''

Humbert pulled Griff by the arm, snapping him out from his usual trance of analyzing his surroundings. It had become a habit to him, he saw everything as a tool to be used for survival after his experience.

"Look kid, snap the fuck out of it we have to fucking run!"

Humbert gestured towards the right side of where they had come out. There was a forest to the right and the left side was completely covered by the white building. There was only one path to take.

Just then... a bell was rung across the building. It was repeatedly being striked. What could it be at this time? The nobles were already inside unless...

'Unless it was an alarm...'

"We got to run! That is probably the alarm signaling we escaped!"

The duo started to rush through the thick pine forest. There was snow around. They were either up in the mountains or were in cold place.

An arrow pierced the tree right next to them... the guards were in hot pursuit after them.

'Damn it. Not now! Not again! I can't get captured again! Not when I'm this close!'

Griff gritted his teeth as tears streamed down his face. He was running with all he got. Sure he could put up a fight but he was scared.

'I never want to feel that despair again. Never again.... never again.... not again...'

The duo continued running as fast as they could. They had arrived at a cliffside... a dead end.

The guards caught up and surround the duo. Griff was close to losing it. He was traumatized by the events that led up to where he is now. His hope was being crushed...

"Don't give up yet kid. Calm yourself. Breathe deeply..."

Griff was about to object on how close to despair they were but when he saw the eyes of Humbert which were steeled with determination and a warm encouraging smile on his lips, he started to relax.

"Capture both of them dead or alive! No one must know of the existence of our trades!"

The guardsmen charged at the two from all sides. Humbert stood in front of Griff between the oncoming guards. He raised his hand and chanted a spell.

"Water Magic! Sea Serpent's Awakening!"

The air started to become less moist and the snow in the surrounding area melted in to water, encasing The duo in a shield of water.

"Now Griff, I want you to know nothing is impossible with magic. Anything can be done. And magic is what will save us form this predicament..."

The water shield shot out towards the coming guards and took the shape of a water snake, attacking the group of guards and mortally injuring them by biting off their arms, legs or knocking them in to unconsciousness.

The water cleared as it became moisture once more and mixed in to the air. Humbert sighed and got on one knee, panting.

"That is my strongest spell... drains all my mana and sucks me dry. Damn it. Griff, get out of here now. I'll be behind you."

"What bullshit are you spewing old bastard? I know you won't be able to move and wish to draw the reinforcements attention."

"Listen for once you brat! I don't have time to recover and if you carry me we both are doomed!"

Humbert got up and slapped Griff in the face.

"You still haven't grown up Griff! Grow a damn spine! There is no happy ending, have you still not understood that after all that?!"

Griff touched his reddened cheek and a tear fell from his eye. Humbert noticed it was black again... He decided to keep his mouth shut.

"Look Griff... I'm sorry. Just. I can't They are coming. When you get to Alfrum, show this to the adventurer's guild."

Humbert pulled out a letter from his jacket and handed it over to Griff

"Keep it safe. You will need it."

Griff looked like he wanted to say something, to reject his offer and say that everything would be fine if he carried him but he had come to the realization that he had to properly wake up from all this. Humbert was starting to look annoyed as he yelled.

Now Go... GO! And Griff, don't look back..."

Griff started running towards the right side of the cliff, further away from the arena, further away from his pursuiters... abandoning Humbert.

'I feel like a piece of shit... Old man, don't die on me!'

As Griff ran, he heard the ruffling of leaves and the breaking of twigs behind him. Someone was screaming behind him... he shouldn't look back. Humbert told so. He would be alright, right? RIGHT?

Griff peeked behind himself as he ran to see someone he hadn't expected there. Guards had surrounded Humbert but that wasn't the thing.

The Cracker held Humbert up by his head and started squeezing his head. He had a slave neck piece on him to prevent him from attacking the guards, but it looked like he wasn't working for them he was working with them.


The man was screaming at the top of his lungs and had a maniacal grin on his face as Humbert clawed at his hands, trying to set himself free.

"You are now a dead man..."

Humbert's screams died down as his body fell limp... A weird sound was then heard by the guards. Some shaking? Fire? The sound of cracking fire could be heard. The guards as well as The Cracker looked towards the source of the sound.

Eyes pitch black like the abyss glared at the group that had gathered... Griff stood before the group, his eyes completely black and weird cracks stemming from his eyes, covering the side of his cheeks ever so slightly, imposing a menacing look.

The group of men couldn't help but feel fear. This kid was radiating this much bloodlust?

"Oi oi... what is there to be scared...of...this...kid?"

The Cracker had tried to look unaffected by the bloodlust but what he noticed truly frightened him. Griff's palms had black fire making cracking noises. He looked with a sadness in his eyes. One black tear fell from his eyes...

TITLE: Terror Awakened