Chapter 14 - Entering The World

He suddenly opened his eyes. He could see the blue sky. Griff was lying on the grassy ground. He raised his right hand and looked at it...

'I...I'm not from this world...'

He thought as he curled his hand in to a fist and squeezed as hard as he could.

'It was that...god? Gods? Whatever that was... that thing sent me here. From Earth. I don't know my old name nor can I remember the names of those I had once called family but I still feel their connection to me, somehow.'

He tried getting up but suddenly a hand pushed him back towards the ground to rest.

"Heyya Griff. Don't move now. You're still stiff from that reckless thing you did just now."

Standing above Griff was James! But something was different... His left arm was completely metal!

"James? How did you escape?"

"I was sold as a guard slave for one of those noblemen and he kept bringing me to the arena. I basically used your escape as an opportunity but I never guessed it was you who caused that ruckus!"

"What... what about your arm?"

"Ah. This guy who captured me severed it as a lesson. Then they attached this good old baby to my arm so I could still be useful and even 'customizable' as they would call it. Tch foul bastards."

"Where are we?"

"I carried your body as far as I could from the place, I found you. We're still on the mountain but outside the reach of those bastards. You sure made a mess there; I was watching from behind the trees. I couldn't recognize you till you fainted. Heh you truly grew up in this short time little brat."

"What? What did I do? The last thing I remember was feeling some mana and then I blacked out."

"Your magic awakened kid. I still don't know what it is but it was very very brutal. You annihilated that whole squad in mere seconds. But you obviously can't control it. Don't use it till we can get you to enroll in a magic academy or find a teacher or something."

Griff nodded his head vigorously.

"Some poor bastards tried escaping as well but I took care of them. I couldn't risk them finding your location again. Geez kid, stop scaring me like that."

James remarked and smacked Griff behind the head, grinning.

Griff wanted to grin as well, but he remembered how Humbert had fought and died trying to buy him some time. He had promised to help him and he died.

'Guess the world is still as cruel as it was before.'

He started to weep slowly as he remembered the death of the man who brought him hope after a long time.

"Hey... you okay Griff? Griff... ah god why the water works..."

"I... I couldn't save him. Another person tried helping me and he was why... I escaped. And he died trying to protect me. I'm weak. I'm weak. I'm so so weak."

James understood the turmoil Griff was going through and kneeled next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"There's nothing wrong with being weak Griff. The wrong thing is staying weak. If you want to protect, get strong. That's all I can tell you. Geez... I'm bad at giving advice kid make do with this. You can't save everyone you know."

Griff wiped his tears as he slowly stood up. He was feeling more rested now.

"Yeah... yeah you're right."

"For those you fail to protect and if you feel a burden towards them, let me tell you this. Never forget. Never forget their faces, personality, name... Never forget who they were for you. That is how you can keep their deaths from being in vain."

"I get it... They will only truly fade from this world when someone can't remember them. That's when their entire effect on this world turns out to have been nothing. I won't forget. I vow this to myself."

James's serious look slowly melted as he smiled and helped Griff stand.

"Now kid... It's time we go. We're fairly close to Alfrum. I still have my adventurer ID memorized so we have our identity with us. Be sure to never speak of this place... These people were nobles, they have connections. I am sure that others are aware of this place and are helping it to continue operating. Do. Not. Open. Your. Mouth! Under any circumstances!"

"Okay James I get it. I know how serious this is. I am not as naive as I used to be since we first met. Not after that hell I went through."

"Yeah, you had it rough too kid. Come on, we can't wait anymore. We're near the skirts of the mountain and from there we can take to the mountain road. If we can find something to point us towards where to go, we're in the clear."

The duo stood on their feet and James supported Griff as they walked down a rocky mountain road. The snow was almost non-existent compared to the summit of the mountain.

'Well... here I go. Finally, to see truly what this world has to offer.'

As they reached the bottom of the mountain the duo came across a sign pointing towards Alfrum and the border. Two opposite roads.

"Well... that was easier than I expected it to be, eh Griff?"

"Yeah, considering what this place is I thought it would be kept more secret. But I am sure as hell not complaining. Let's go before we're spotted James."

"And we have to get rid of these clothes we're wearing. If we come across a cottage or something, we have to secretly uh... borrow some laundry."

"Just say we're going to steal man. I'm okay with it considering the circumstances."

"Yeah, I forget you're not as naive as you were. Enough talking let's get a move on, and fast."


The two started walking towards the direction the sign pointed, to Alfrum.