Chapter 20 - Gearing Up

Griff kept blinking rapidly as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. James had grabbed a piece of scrap metal and was trying to fight back against the old dwarf who was swinging his hammer left and right.

"You're destroying your own fucking shop you old fart!"

"Does it look like I actually give a fuck you pipsqueak?! I'm out of business because of you anyway! It's payback time!"

The old man swung his hammer, smashing James's scrap metal bar. His eyes were glowing red as he slowly raised his hammer while grinning crazily. His oiled white beard increased the terror for James.

"Wait wait wait! I actually brought you a customer this time!"

Suddenly the old man tossed his hammer and with a girly squeal he turned around.

"Where? Where is my customer!"

Griff slowly waved at the old man who ran up to him and started taking measurements.

"A fine body! Yes yes! I'll prepare the perfect fit for you! My finest armor!"

Griff gulped as he felt fear radiate because of the blacksmith's 180 degree turn in attitude.

"Aha! What do you want for a weapon kiddo? A longbow? Sword? Scythe? Spear? Halbert? I got them all!"

"Um, I... uh..."

"Hold it right there you crazy bastard freak! We don't have the cash to afford your expensive shit! Just give us some chainmail to wear under cotton clothing."

"Tsk. You guys are no fun at all. You have no sense of battle fashion."

James and Griff sweat dropped while thinking the same thing.

'What the frick even is battle fashion?'

"Well, we should at least check the weapons."

"Yup. Also, old man could you fetch us some leather boots and leather leggings with steel platings on the joints? Better get the full-set."

"Alright, alright. Weapons are over there. Pick one before I kick you out."

Griff and James walked towards several old barrels that had plain swords and other weapons in them.

"Not those you cheap bastards! Behind my counter! I'll give you a discount, so just don't look at my junk like it's gold. Tsk."

James grinned, seeing that his acts forced Yorguth's, the blacksmith's, ego to pull them towards his masterpieces. He grabbed Griff and walked towards the counter.

Behind the counter, in glass casings, were well-decorated blades, spears, and other kinds of weapons. Their steel was spotless, and their designs ranged from beautiful to terrorizing. James started evaluating the weapons, relying on his adventurer instincts. However, Griff directly walked towards a casing and started checking it out. Inside was an oddly crafted bow. Its grip and body was crafted from a black metal instead of the usually used wood body. In addition, the string was shining.

"Aha! I see you got a good eye lad. That right there is my Dark-Steel Bow. The string was crafted using the tail hair of a unicorn and its body was crafted using my specialty metal: black steel. No, I'm not telling you what I used to make it. Trade secret."

James giggled slightly at the term 'trade secret,' while Yorguth gazed at him intensely.

"Anyway. I'll give you 60 arrows and a quiver to boot as a gift. The bow itself is 6 mythrils."

Griff slowly turned towards James and started hopping up and down.

"Sheesh... kid... you're going to make me go broke one day, but that's one heck of a deal. I remember that bow's old price being 1 gold. That's why no one bought it kekekeke. Yorguth here seems to be in a bit of a pickle."

"Grrr... do you want the damn bow or do you not?"

Yorguth snapped back at James's sarcastic remark.

James ignored him as he grabbed a short sword. It was plain, but it would do it's duty. Just as he was about to pay, Griff saw something interesting in the barrel of 'trash.' It looked like it would break any second now.

"That? That's just trash. Some guy came and sold that to me a couple of years ago for some pocket money. I'll ask for only 5 silver. It's pretty sharp on one side, but don't ever swing using the blunt side. It'll shatter like glass. Cutting vertically is it's strongest forte."

Griff looked at James with sparkling eyes like a kid who found a new toy. James just sighed and took out 8 mythril coins and 5 silver coins, paying for all their gear.

A/N: Well, he is kind of a kid. Hahahahahahaah.

"You owe me when you start making your own cash kid."

"Sure thing!"

James smirked and turned to Yorguth.

"We're good for now brat. Thanks for shopping."

"Heh, thanks old fart."

"Now get out before I kick you out!"

James chuckled as he pulled Griff by his arm and led him outside.

"So, what the hell did you do to the poor guy?"

"Hahaha! It was a few years ago. I was a new adventurer. I, um, basically scammed him."

The duo laughed as they walked back towards the guild.

"So, Griff, ready for your first job?"

"You bet I am!"