Chapter 24 - See My Arrows Fly!

The goblin king slammed its club against the branch Griff was standing on. Luckily, Griff had already jumped off the branch, and was nocking another arrow as he dashed away.

"Kid! You're not going to damage that large piece of meat with those little pricks! Try using your magic like before! Remember that time on the cliff!"

James shouted towards Griff as he was using a branch as a walking stick, and walking away from the goblin king's wrath.

'He's right, no matter how much I want to diss back right now he is. All I'm doing right now is making that ugly lump of meat angrier by the second. I guess it's time to use something I have no idea to use.'

As the goblin king started looking around for Griff, Griff was trying to concentrate the feeling he felt on the cliff to his arrow.

Rage. Pure rage was all that he felt on the cliff, but he couldn't control what came after. He couldn't lose himself, not now. He needed to feel the mana, as Humbert had put it simply. The mana. It was warm, or was it? Was it Griff's imagination? Who knew. All he knew was that he was feeling refreshed with this warm feeling welling up inside him.

Suddenly the Goblin King turned around, and saw Griff. It roared as loud as it could, and started walking towards Griff, dragging its humongous club.

Just in the nick of time Griff's arrow started to glow, releasing a black ooze at its tip. The sudden roar made Griff flinch as he released his arrow.

The arrow flew through the sky, and just before reaching its target it started to burn. Fire, but it was black.

The arrow pierced through the right eye of the goblin, causing it to screech in pain. That tough hide of the monster had been pierced! The hole in its eye was all proof.

The beast screamed as it started waving its club madly all around it as blood poured out of its now empty eye socket.

"Bulls eye motherfucker! Or should I say... goblin's eye?"

Griff was fistpumping, seeing this James shouted at him.

"Horrible. Just horrible you little shit. Just... ah fuck it. Run ya little brat! It's coming your way!"


Griff started dashing, and jumped behind a tree as the goblin king smashed where he previously stood.

"Okay, I got this baby. I just made a giant ass hole in that bastards eye. I got this."

He spoke to himself as he nocked his next arrow, and readied himself. The Goblin King was sniffing the air as he did so.

"Alright, just like before. A calm rage..."

As Griff concentrated, the black hair on his head started consuming his white hair, and his eyes started to glow red, gaining a rageful look.

His arrow this time bursted in black flames, all flickering around him. Not hot, nor cold. It was just cracking...

Griff stepped out of his hiding spot and shouted.

"Hey big shit!"

The dumb goblin king turned towards Griff, and roared like the mindless beast it was.

"See my arrows fly!"

Griff released his arrow as it flew across the sky, stabbing the beast right across the chest, bursting in pitch black flames. The monster began to squirl and scream.

"I have no idea what I'm doing, or how I'm doing it, but it's definitely working!"

Without losing time, Griff nocked his next arrow and released it, this time stabbing its right shoulder, causing its arm to melt off.

The beast squirled as it picked a couple of trees and threw them towards Griff.

"I just hope this works."

Griff released another arrow which successfully blazed through the wood.

"Now that... was cool."

Griff said as he grinned toothily.

Then he gazed towards the black melted ooze that was now the goblin king, it reeked of burnt flesh.

"And that... is not cool."

Griff quickly turned around and started barfing.

James had managed to walk over to Griff as he saw him kill the monster. He was standing behind him as he barfed.

"Talk about ruining your image."

"First of all...blergh... no one's around to see me ruin my image... blergh... secondly... how the hell... barfff... are you tolerating this..."

"I've seem some nastier shit kiddo. Come on, let's get out of here, and let's get out fast. I don't want those two siblings catching us red handed on the scene. It would be obvious that we used some high tier magic, which I think is your attribute."

"Give me a second..."

James slapped Griff across the head, stopping from from barfing further.

"You can throw up later, move your ass."

"At least show some gratitude."

"Yada yada just walk."

The two slowly made their way to the opening that they had ran in to the forest. Rin and Reiner will still there, with Reiner's wounds being healed by Rin using some kind of lotion.

"I'm telling you sis if we don't go now those two will die!"

"And what can you do in your current situation?"

"I... I can still fight."

"You could have if you paid attention, which you usually do! How the hell did you get knocked out by some mere goblin king! Weakest of the evolved monsters!"

Hearing "weakest of the evolved monsters," Griff lost his toothy grin for defeating the beast.

"You really didn't have to come after me kid. I would have beaten it if I didn't hear you coming behind me..."

"Yeah like that was going to happen, you were about to die!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

Hearing a familiar bickering, Rin and Reiner turned towards the forest to see Griff and James alive, looking like shit, but alive.

"In the name of Archlight... How are you still alive?!"

Griff looked at Reiner with a determined look, crossing his arms. He looked pretty heroic. His hair fluttered through the wind, which had already returned to its original color pattern. He slowly opened his mouth.

"I have no idea."

All the adventurers's mouths fell agape, touching the ground. Even James was flabbergasted.

"And... the goblin king?"


James cut in before Griff fucked their situation up further with his dumb remarks. He quickly slapped Griff in the back of his head, and continued talking.

"As I was running, I ran in to a fire mage who was training. As he saw the goblin king he just blew it to smithereens. Then Griff showed up, and helped me walk back."

"What about that leg?"

"Tripped as I was running."

"Well we both need medical care fast. Come on, we better head back to Alfrum."


Several hours later a carriage could be seen parked in front of the Adventurer's Guild in Alfrum. All of the party members wearing some kind of stitch. The guild master was looking out of his window as he watched them get off. As Griff jumped off, he noticed the bit of his black hair to have consumed his white strands, and grinned.

"Looks like I better find him a teacher, and fast before he faces another adversity..."