Chapter 27 - The Hermit Returns

James was pissed. He was so pissed that he didn't name his beer mug this time. A couple bandits had stormed into the guild just a few minutes ago, making use of the opportunity that the master and the top adventurers were at the yearly guild meeting.

"Aight mates we ain' here for a lot o trouble. We jus' here to grab a few coins, and we'll make our way. You, reception lady! Toss us that bag o coins under the desk. Ai know its the reward for requests."

The guild membere were pissed, but most didn't have the ability to challange these brutes. Most of which had the abilities of at least D- level adventurers. The average adventurer rankings stood globally at D. The group was truly strong compared to the weaker members left behind.

"I decide to take a mother fucking day off and I come across these hobos?! And in my guild!"

A young kid approached James, tugging at his shirt.

"Don't do it big brother. You're the only strong adventurer we have here right now. If we lose you it's only the newbies."

"Tch! I know! Otherwise I'd already kicked those hobos out of our property."

Steam was coming off James's head.

One brave yet knuckleheaded adventurer rose from his seat, grabbing his shortsword, and charged at the bandits.

"Get out of our guild before our master breaks every bond in your body you low-li-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as one of the bandits had sneaked behind him, squeezing his head, which caused the man to cower in pain.

"Alright, still want to make things difficult?"

The head bandit who had a nasty scar across his face gave a shiny grin, as shiny as his bald head.

"Wreck this place. We got two days before thejr master returns, so we're safe. As long as none of them get out of this guild to inform the local guard we are thejr gods!"


The bandits started pillaging the hall, wrecking tables and brawling with desperate newbie adventurers.

"Oi. This one doesn't look as weak as this lot. Care for a duel chap?"

One of the bandits had spotted James at the corner gritting his teeth in irritation, and he wanted provoke him into action for amusement. After all, his fellow bandits were all over the place. He was safe.

Without any warning James drew his blade, slashing at the bandits left arm.


The bandit was shocked at his sudden, fluid movement. He didn't actually expect him to act so fast. But... what just happened. Some blood dripped off his cheek. Weird.


The bandit boss who seemed to be getting ready to round up the female adventurers stopped in his tracks, losing his grin.

"Bring that bastard to me. I'll show these adventurers a lesson so they know not to mess with us!"

The bandits surrounded James and started to clash with him. James was putting up a tough fight for the crude brawlers, but their numbers were sure to overwhelm him slowly.

Outside the guildhall, under the night sky a lone figure clad in black started making his way towards the guild hall. He had a grin on his face, snapping his fingers several times, each snap birthing a black flame and extinguishing it.

"Not so tough now are you?"

The bandits had managed to subdue James and the other adventurers, beating the crap out of them, bathing in their sadistic pleasure.

Slowly the door creaked.

"Eh? Who the hell would come here in the middle o the night?"

"Probably some beggars. Ignore them and let them loot this place too."

The bandits ignored the sound of footsteps closing in on them, but they were feeling anxious as the footsteps got closer.

One of the bandits turned around pissed.

"Alright pal, didn't you hear us? You can loot this place too but stay away from us."

Without any warning a black clad fist impacted the man across the chin, sending him flying.

"The hell!"

The bandits turned around to fight this new entity, but were all dealt with ease as the figure danced in the night, throwing them aside, cracking their ribs, all so brutally yet elegantly.

The boss of the bandits was wrathful.

"I'm an earth mage you prick and I can kill you right this instant using my handcraft Bandit Spell! Fuck off!"


The figure spoke.

"I know some myself."

He cracked his fingers.

"Unknown Magic: Blade of Despair."

A black blade materialized from the flames, the black steel was dancing with fire as the figure held it high.

"Still up for it?"

"You bastard!"

The earth mage bandit stomped on the ground, raising several spikes, but the figure dodged them easily, slicing the rest.

"That's literally it? And I got my hopes up. Here's a special magic for you!"

The figure took off his robe, revealing Griff. His hair was majorly black now with patches of white. The entire guild was looking at this scene with their mouths agape.

"Unknown Magic: Hades's Judgement."

He stabbed his blade to the ground, grinning with bloodlust as flaming spikes erupted from the ground, trapping the bandit.

"Now I call that a job well done."


James walked up to Griff shocked.

"Hey old man!"

Griff waved his hand playfully at James.

"Been some time eh?"

James grinned.

'His smile is... genuine now, and his eyes... they're shining. He really has developed his personality hasn't he..."

"Yes it has."