Chapter 29 - The Sappling has Grown

Suddenly the outer door of the guild hall was blown off its hinges, and from the smoke Master Leebus entered with a toothy grin.

"Didja pipsqueaks miss me?"


Everyone had suddenly jolted in joy, knowing that with their master and strongest adventurers back they wouldn't be in a tight spot like last time.

They were dashing towards him when suddenly Leebus's smile turned vicious.

"I heard you lot got your asses handed to you on a silver plate during my absence?"


The adventurers shrieked in terror, and started scattering.

"I'll make you all regain your shapes in no time you brats kukukukukukuk."

Leebus was exerting high levels of mana as he walked towards the adventurers.

Griff, who was playing with his black flames giggled at the sight of master Leebus kicking every member of the guild in the ass like a punching bag.

One of the adventurers landed in front of Griff, extending his arm for help while crying comically.

"Help us Griff! You're our only hope!"

Griff looked at Leebus who had literally begun to spit fire from his mouth with blood red eyes. He slowly turned to look at the adventurer in front of him, and sweat dropped.

His voice was shaking slightly as he spoke.

"Yeah... you're on your own on this one guys. I may be a bit of a battle junkie after training day and night but I'm not a masochist."

Griff tried bolting away, but the adventure latched on to his leg, crying like a scared kid.

"Let me go! Oi oi! I'll really burn you to crisp."

Griff was shaking his leg but the man would just not budge off!

"Larry you did it this time."

Griff's gaze intensified as the adventurer now known as Larry shrieked and backed up, but remembered Master Leebus was on a rampage behind him. Now he and the rest of the adventurers were stuck between two people who could wipe the floor with them.



Half an hour later, Leebus had called for the Merchant's Guild in Alfrum for them to deliver medicinal herbs for the bruised adventurers. He was ruffling Griff's hair joyfully.

"I haven't seen ya properly for a year kiddo. I did occasionally visit, but it's been so long since you came to the guild. Is your training over?"

Griff sighed.

'Senile old men will be senile old men I guess... It's not like I find it comforting to have someone who is nice to me unlike James... not at all...'

"Yeah, master told me that he had taught me all he could with the limited knowledge he had on my magical attribute."

"And your attribute?"

"Not gonna lie... we haven't exactly uncovered what it is. The black flames I project are only one form of my attribute apparently because master said he could still feel other aspects of my mana that were dormant."

"Interesting... for now I say we label your magic as Shadow-Flame Magic. It is still unusual for two magic attributes to be wielded by a person, become mixed for a change, but you know what I'm trying to say aren't you?"

"Yeah... I do."

'One way or another I'll still be labelled unique for my magic but both dual and mixed attribute wielders are not as legendary as unique attributes. I'm safer like this. Most guilds have, in fact, a few dual magic wielders.'

"Splendid. Now, I know that you've definitely broken the level of being average here in Alfrum, but keep in mind that you only surpassed the average mage of Alfrum. You got a lot of work to do, Griff."

"And I'll be honest master... it excites me knowing that I'm finally understanding what I got myself into. This will definitely..."

"... be one heck of a journey eh lad?"

Griff grinned charismatically at that, lifting his head with pride.

"Hell yeah."

Leebus cackled at Griff's reaction.

"You finally have some spine! I was wondering if you'd always be that clueless kid who walked into the guildhall like a lost animal without emotion."

Griff scratched his head, smiling sheepishly.

"Well I aim to please master."

"Now, kid. I think it's fair to say that you can be considered to be at least an E class adventurer, but I can't just give that rank off the bat now can I? Take a job kiddo. And preferably one without James."

"Huh? What's wrong with the drunkard hobo?"

Leebus sweatdropped at that.

"I mean you just said what's wrong with him, but that's not the issue. You need to start getting out if your shell more like you are with me. Talk with others, make friends. You will need them Griff."

Leebus shouted towards the crowd of adventurers who were as lively as ever even though they'd been beaten up.

"Where are Reiner, Rin, and Selena!?"

"I think they went to pick a job master!"

"Okay kiddo. You already know two of them. Go make a new friend now. Toodaloo."

"Sometimes I really question how you're the guild master, but then I remember you can break the walls accidentally."

"Ahh stop! You're making me blush."

''Man... as lively as ever. I missed this place.'

"Kay master I'm heading off to find Reiner."

"Good luck brat."

Just as Griff turned and started walking to the guild job wall, Reiner bounced on him from behind.

"I can't believe you're back Griff my boy! We better celebrate this! Hey, was training hard? I heard you were tied upside down on your first day! Is it true you have a mixed attribute!?"

"Woah there man, I'm not fast at processing this many questions."

Reiner chuckled.

"Well, anyways wanna go on a job? We can talk after such a long time after all. Never got to talk properly anyway."

"Sure, why not!"

"Hey Rin! Bring Selena here so she can meet Griff. We'll be leaving in a few minutes for our job."

"What is the job anyways?"

Reiner looked at Griff with sparkling eyes.

"Undead Subjugation."