Chapter 31 - *Title at end*

The village was fully zombified, and the poor villagers were roaming around while growling like feral beasts.

Griff was squeezing his fists in anger while grinding his teeth. They could have saved them if they had arrived on time.

Just then Reiner pulled Griff back, saving him from a zombie that had wandered off the horde and was trying to bite him.

"I know what you're feeling Griff... we all are feeling the same amount of despair, but you still should not lose concentration. Master Alatar taught you magic up to the Master Class, but having power isn't enough when you come face to face with these kinds of situations."

He stopped talking as he grabbed a knife to stab the zombie in the head.

Selena nocked an arrow and shot it at a zombie that was making its way to their cart, and turned to Griff.

"All we can do is put them out of their misery before this plague spreads. We aren't heroes from myths. We fail at times, heck we fail a lot."

"Heh. Looks like I'm not as mature as I taught myself to be. Acting like a little kid who can't accept a defeat, and my adventuring has only just begun. I got it guys. I won't freeze again."

Rin jumped off the cart, and looked at Griff in the eyes.

"You better not! I don't wanna see anyone die... not even you."

Griff smiled.

"I guess that's your way of saying I care."

Rin quickly turned around, and started charging magic.

"Hmph, don't slow us down."

Griff jumped off the carriages as well, and rolled up both of his sleeves.

"Alright... let's do this."

As soon as they got off the carriage, the zombies all around the village began screeching, and all of them started running.

"What in the hell! Zombies aren't supposed to be this fast!"

Reiner shouted as he caved in the skulls of two undead.

"Rin! Can you use anything other than Healing Magic?"

"I can use wind magic. Mana balls won't work on them anyway! Wind Magic: Wind Blades!"

Invisible gusts of wind started slashing charging zombies from Rin's end, allowing her to breathe calmly.

"Griff! Get me my spare set of arrows from the carriage! They have runes imbedded on them!"

"Got it!"

Griff leaped into the carriage, and tossed the quiver to selena who grabbed it, and buckled it to her hip, nocking an arrow.

"I call upon the dormant power in my soul! May Flames rain upon my enemy!"

The arrow she shot suddenly duplicated itself into ten different arrows, all of them with flaming tips.

Griff wasn't standing idle while all of this was happening. He grabbed the weird sword he had bought earlier, a sword that could only strike using one side.

"Guess I won't be using a bow anytime soon."

He started jumping slightly, loosing himself up, and in an instant turned to his left to slash off the head of a charging zombie.

"The hell is that sword?!"

Rin shouted.

"You'll get yourself killed with defective stuff like that! Grab my spare knife Griff!"

Shouted Reiner.

Griff, however, heeded no attention.

"I'll show you guys how defective this is."

He looked at the still rushing zombies, all still wearing ragged villager clothing.

His eyes steeled themselves.

"Rest in peace... Unknown Magic: Blade of Despair."

His sword erupted in black flames in an instant.

'All I've been doing is projecting my magic at the level of master class since my training... I don't know a proper spell yet other than Blade of Despair, but it will do here.'

Griff raised his blade slowly and striked vertically down, causing black gushes of flames shaped in slashes to erupt from his blade.

"There's no end to these zombies! This village doesn't even have this many!"

Griff continued slashing, burning the zombified villagers.

"Griff's right! Only 300 people are said to live here but we've already killed about 200 and there seems to be no end to them!"

Reiner shouted as he tore through two more zombies.

"I think this might over exceed our paycheck guys."

Selena pointed towards a hulking monstrous undead being that had only been seen now walking behind the horde of undead.

"Shit... is that what I think it is?"

"A mutant, yeah..."

Griff clicked his tongue.

"This is definitely not a small infection. I think that this horde might have already start spreading across the continent."

As they were talking the adventurers were still burning and cutting through the zombies, awaiting the arrival of the mutant.

"Not only that... a mutant does not appear by itself."

Rin said.

"Wait... don't tell me..."

"Yeah... we got a necromancer on the loose. This undead outbreak is planned..."

Griff gripped his blade stronger than before, furious.

"We better clear this village fast then! We got to survey the whole area!"

He shouted as he charged into the horde, twisting his black flaming blade like he was twirling till he had created enough of an opening, surrounded by charred bodies, standing in front of the hideous mutant.

Title: A loose Necromancer