Chapter 46 - Have Some Guts!


Griff facepalmed himself as Rin looked at him with her hands on her hips and she leaned forward, looking at him accusingly.

"Long story short. She was about to be killed, I paid ransom. Now I brought her here."

"...full story after this mission..."

"...why exactly?"

Griff asked with a slightly puzzled tone as he raised an eyebrow.

This time Reiner facepalmed himself.

"Because I said so. Get her an ID or something if you don't want this to bite you in the ass later..."

She huffed and turned around, folded her arms and walked away.

"You know we worry about you Griff..."

Reiner said with a defeated tone and dashed to catch up to Rin.

'Hm... I guess they do.'

Sylvie was leaning on the wall to Griff's left as she just waited to see what was going to happen.

Suddenly a shout echoed through the guild.


The guild quieted down. Griff turned to look at the source to see Master Leebus with Alatar next to him standing on the stairs going up to the Master's Quarters. Master Leebus cleared his throat and spoke up.

"The Troll King suddenly began to march as you all know, even though it's known as a monster which doesn't like moving at all... and it's heading our way as our scouts spotted. That's not it as for some reason a large monster horde has also gathered around it..."

Alatar interjected.

"I saw the horde with my own eyes... but I couldn't get close to get a better look. I couldn't see the ending of the horde..."

Griff walked through the crowd, pulling Sylvie by the arm as he tried to listen.

[Oho. A monster horde.]

'Is this normal?'

[It's a phenomenon where monsters gather. I'd say so-so.]

An adventurer from the crowd spoke up.

"How many were spotted?"

Alatar looked down in stress.

"I... couldn't exactly predict such a large number."

The crowd was baffled.

"What Alatar is trying to say is that... we don't think this is a regular sized horde. We can be potentially facing not hundreds or thousands but tens of thousands. My rough estimate is about... over 200.000 demonic beasts, monsters and other dark beings."

"WHAT! 200.000?!"

An adventurer shouted in horror.


A random adventurer threw down his sword and stormed out of the building.

Leebus got angry seeing this but Alatar squeezed his shoulder to calm him down and shook his head.

Alatar spoke up.

"As one of the three guardians of Alfrum, I'd like to say that it is okay to be scared... we won't hold it against you if you leave this place."

The crowd that was chattering in fear didn't pay heed to Alatar.

Leebus stomped his feet, shaking the entire structure. He couldn't contain his anger anymore.

[That old man isn't half assed as compared to most here...]

'Even you praised him...'


'Yep... he's angry.'

[No shit.]

The adventurers quieted down... and a man with a hulking figure even let out a girly shriek... which caused everyone to distance themselves from him.


Leebus took a moment and breathed.

"The thousands of residents here can't defend themselves without us... and we cannot abandon this place... the most unique city in Kulva, Alfrum, after all it has done for our small guild here."

An adventurer shouted.

"Master! But we stand no chance!"

"I know damn well we don't genius! Not with these numbers."

A girl who was wearing a magicians hat spoke up while trembling.

"T-t-then what are we even supposed to-"

Leebus raised his hand to cut her off.

"I was getting to there. We sent a message to the Capitol yesterday... the army is on its way."

The crowd breathed a sigh of relief suddenly.

"That's not all of it you fools. Don't be relieved so fast. The force they dispatched was states that it couldn't get here as fast as we need them to... they gave us 3 days to survive."


A lot of adventurers were confused as they started talking again.

"Silence! The army's pace is fast but they won't get here for three days... while the Troll King is about one and a half day far from us given their pace."

The hall was silent again.

[...this is perfect.]

'What the hell are you saying Caphriel... aren't you supposed to be some angel? This is horrible.'

[Oh toodaloo. Humans are born humans die. I mean this is perfect for you to learn and grasp your true potential.]

'Let's talk about this later.'


"We shall defend Alfrum for about one and a half day! That is our objective. Not a victory! We are only aiming to defend. Is that understood? If you feel uncomfortable with this you can leave like the previous lad did... just know that IF i survive this... I'm banning you from the Adventurers Guild!"

Griff chuckled slightly at that. The people around him looked at him like he was going nuts... finding it funny that he could die or lose his job?!

[Why are you-]

'Because I missed the old geezers... I'm just happy.'

['re too soft... and crazy.]

" Which one of you lot is a real adventurer! The lot of you cowards that would prefer to run and hide behind mommy's skirt or man up and do something with your pesky life!"

Leebus concluded his sentence with a stern tone and folded his arms...

No one was saying anything. From the corner of his eye Griff could see Reiner and Rin hesitating as well.

"This is a bloody war. You brought me to a bloody war zone you freak!"

Sylvie whispered to Griff angrily.

"Hey... how could I know this?"


Leebus interjected again.

"No one?"

His tone held a slight disappointment.

Griff suddenly raised his arm. Sylvie first didn't understand what he did, but slowly her face twisted in shock, and anger. She latches onto him and tried to pull his arm down.

"I am not looking forward to a war you fool! Lower your hand. NOW!"

Griff was struggling but he was keeping his hand up.

"No. I. Won't."

Alatar turned to the source of the voice to see Griff raising... well trying to raise his hand. He smiled. The brat was back, and he had some company for a change.

Leebus also noticed this and nodded at Alatar with a slight smile.

"Look at all of you cowards! None of you raised your hands to defend your home, but this snot nosed brat that we took in a year ago did! Do you all have less balls than a brat?!"

The male adventurers were all flustered. Reiner was blabbering some excuses while Rin was sighing next to him.

An adventurer raised his hand.

"I'm no coward!"

And another.

"Master, I'll show you what I'm made of!"

Reiner raised his hand.

"I'm not gonna be looked down by Griff!"

Sylvie stopped trying to pull his hand down and sighed.

"You damned idiot, do you have a deathwish or something?"

Griff ignored her with a slight smile across his lips.

'I don't know why but... I think you're right Caph. This is big for me as well. My first step to become strong!'

[Now THAT is the spirit I liked about you brat. Good. Grasp this goal.]

In a few minutes the remaining adventurers had all raised their hands. They had steeled themselves for what was to come.

Griff looked at Sylvie with his smile.

"Don't look at me like that it's creepy."

"Well you're the only one who hasn't raises their hand."

"I'm not even an adventurer you idiot."

"But... you DID promise to team up with me right?"

She raised her finger to refute that... then lowered it again. She opened her mouth to say something but simply sighed and raised her hand.

"Just this one to pay my debt."

Suddenly Leebus clapped, the sound echoing around the hall.

"I'm glad to see you all have some guts! Head out to the walls! We prepare the defenses now. And you!"

Leebus pointed at Griff who pointed back at himself in confusion.

"Yes you Griff! Come over here."

The adventurers slowly started to pack their equipment to head to the walls of Alfrum.

"What are you all waiting for! Get a move on!"

Alatar shouted. The adventurers scrambled as they woke up once again to the threat they were about to face.

Reiner and Rin walked to the door, and turned back to look at Griff who was now walking behind Alatar and Leebus with that demi-human girl to the Master's Chambers.

"What do they want with him?"

"Master's just going to praise him or something for raising his hand... nevermind that right now brother. We got a job to do."

Rin said with a slightly irritated tone as she continued to look at Sylvie and Griff who had just entered the Master's Chambers.