(Mini) Chapter 72 - The Team Names

-The next day-

"Alright settle down all of you."

The murmuring in the class slowly died down as Julius clapped his hands for silence.

"So, before we get ahead with the lesson I'd like to ask of what names you came up with for your squads. Don't forget that those names will be permanent for a year, and so will your members."

There was some displeased murmuring, but it slowly died down.

Griff was sitting at the front of the class next to Kato. He had asked to change places with his previous deskmate, Jilk. Right behind them Jewels was snoring, and to Jewels' opposite was Lance who was looking as macho as ever.

"No one wants to go first? Fine... Ellen, what name did you pick for your team?"

As Ellen slowly stood up the class's gaze fell on her. There was a lot of murmuring centering around how she lost and that she wasn't as scary as they thought. Ellen huffed and heeded no mind as she cleared her throat. However, just before she spoke up someone stood up before her.

"Professor, is there no way we can change teams? I want to be on the same team with Griff."

Sylvie had stood up, giving Ellen a slight dirty look. Ellen looked confused, but slowly got angry.

"Hm? And why's that Sylvie? Ellen isn't a bad mage."

"It's not that Professor, she went off on her own during a supposed team fight and fell into the enemy trap blind. She's too much of a loose cannon!"

The murmuring grew stronger, and a random student simply added in fuel to the crackling fire that was about to start.

"She's right! Ellen never listens to anyone, so she keeps embarrassing our class!"

Ellen turned around furiously with her eyes gaining a wrathful glint.

"Which one of you pricks said that? Come up and say it to my face!"

The class's murmuring slowly died down seeing Ellen getting angry.

Kato sighed as he played with his pen.

"What a bunch of bullcrap... some of the kids here just can't get over an inferiority complex against her."

Griff slowly nodded as he carefully watched the imaginary clash between Sylvie and Ellen as they glared at each other.

"It certainly serves no purpose for our class right now..."

"Hmph yeah, not exactly a good situation when we're also the worst class in the school, and now we're also fighting amongst ourselves."

Griff's ears perked up at that.

"Wait... we're the worst?"

"Oh big time buddy. The Order of the Phoenix is... a bit reckless if I dare so say, but it's the only knight order that accepts commoners and fallen nobles. It doesn't discriminate, and that's why I'm here."

"Well... fuck."

[We've been tricked...]

'And quite possibly bamboozled!'

[Heh, glad to see we have similar tastes in humor.]

'Same here heh.'

"Both of you stop this clash at once! There will be no infighting while class is in order, and Sylvie you cannot change your team by any means at all for a year!"

Sylvie sighed in defeat and sat down. Ellen cleared her throat as she turned back to Julius.

"We were thinking of 'Crimson Rose.'"

"Is that a name you unanimously agree with?"

Ellen looked at her teammates to give them a hard gaze to make sure they would comply, but Sylvie seemed that she was about to cause trouble. Griff tossed a piece of paper that hit her right across her forehead. Thank god no one noticed it.


She let out a surprised noise as she opened the crumbled paper.

"Griff: Let it go, it's just for a year. We'll find a way to become teammates next year."

She pouted slightly as she put the paper in her pocket and nodded at Griff who nodded back, glad that a fiasco wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

"Good. Next, Kato? Have you decided on a name?"

"Well... sort of. It was Griff who came up with it."

Lance shouted from behind him.

"My name was better!"

"No it was not!"

Kato shouted back. The class slightly chuckled.

Griff stood up next to Kato.

"We were thinking of 'Vendetta.'"

Julius raised his eyebrow for a second and shrugged.

"A bit dark for my tastes, but I'll allow it."

After that the other teams gave out their names, and from now on the class would have team rankings to determine who was their elite squad.


This was the current ranking:

1)Vendetta (Team Griff)

2)Crimson Rose (Team Ellen)

3) Honored Principles (Team Kyle)

4) The Sentinel Guard (Unknown)

5) Insurgency (Unknown)

6) The Mighty Kings (Team Jared)