Chapter 84 - Ho Boy... I’m Infamous

This chapter was posted a bit late, sorry. Setting up the server took some time.


Special thanks to Benny for helping me set this up.



Griff pointed at the board inside the class which had 10 names written on it.


The entire class nodded.


The class all synchronously nodded again.

Griff just stood there and crouched on the floor holding his head.

"What the fuck is gonna happen now. People are gonna challenge me aren't they? I can't prepare quietly to be a dark horse anymore can I? No wait... maybe this is more favorable. I can access more resources. And people won't look down on me anymore... BUT SOME MAY THINK I CHEATED FOR THIS RANK!"

"Um...Griff? Class is kinda starting."

Sylvie tapped on his shoulder, snapping him out of his mumbling trance. She was mostly unfazed by his rank, she was expecting it. After seeing him... rip off the arm of that monster back at Alfrum...

"Oh, yeah class."

Griff suddenly stood up as if nothing happened and took his seat. Julius just raise his finger for a second then sighed and put it down.

"Okay... today we will be looking into unique attributes and how some of you may have affinities for them..."


Class was over now, so Griff decided it was time for him and his friends to bail. It honestly felt nice, being in this sort of routine life. It felt to be a big change after his time as an adventurer.

"Hey guys, I'm hitting the cafeteria. Wanna come?"

Lance slowly shook his head.

"Um... sorry, I have something to do."

"I was actually going to the library to read up on something. I'll check on you later Griff."

Kato said.

Almost all of them came up with reasons as to why they were busy that day...


"Yeah... I'm also not gonna be that available these next few months till the final ranking tournament."

Ellen said so hesitantly, and then walked away slowly.

Jewels and Sylvie were the only ones who remained behind. Jewels simply shrugged his shoulders and approached Griff.

As he was walking past him he whispered something into his ear.

"Some people are scared of you right now... give them some time."

Griff's eyes slightly widened but he understood what this meant. They were scared of the newly formed gap between each other. He had also heard that the rumor that he might be a fallen noble was also going around... this made too much sense sadly.

"What about you Sylvie?"

He said slightly on edge.

She just waved her hand dismissively in front of her face with her usual feral grin.

"I don't honestly care. I've been with you a long time. I've kind of learned how not to be surprised. So, where we going little guy?"

She put her arm around Griff's neck and started to drag him outside. Griff slightly smiled. Yeah, he wasn't completely alone right now at least.

Suddenly something clicked in his head, so he flicked his finger across Sylvie's forehead.

"You being a little taller than me doesn't mean you can call me little."

They both chuckled as they got outside.


Kato picked another book, dusting it off. He was alone in the library. He took out the book and put it next to the pile of books he was reading. He thought to himself:

'I'm sorry to say that I won't be content standing behind you Griff...'

He slightly smirked as he opened his next book which read as "Unique Attributes and their History."

He was ready to research as much as it took him to reach a breakthrough.


"Hey... isn't that the kid who fought Anastasia?"

"Yeah that's him..."

"Who's that silver haired chick next to him."

"Dunno, but she's hot man."

"Hey hey, he's looking this way guys, let's get out of here."

A couple students stormed off as soon as Griff looked towards them after hearing them mention his name. He was confused, the air around people were different when he was near them now.

"Don't mind them... I think that this kind of reaction is quite normal after what you pulled off. I did some digging and apparently that blue haired chick you fought is in 5th place for first years."

"Wait wha- I survived against someone in fifth place? Wait, nevermind... why am I even surprised about that after fighting hordes of undead..."

Sylvie shrugged.

"Social pressure. People here have a limited vision of the real dangers outside. That's kind of why I respect adventurers, but not most royal mages."

"Yea... well, anyways."

As the two were walking down the corridor Griff bumped into someone.

"Oi oi. Watch where you're going you little shit. You stained Duke Volham's cloak!"

A burly looking boy in a Gilded King's uniform pushed Griff harshly.

Sylvie stepped in between immediately and pushed the boy back. Griff turned back with anger in his eyes. He wasn't gonna take shit from this guy.

"Oi oi to you, you cunt! Stay away from him. And you, Griff, don't do anything rash."

The guy that Griff had slammed into simply dusted his cloak. He was a red haired noble with round glasses. He had a sharp jawline and crimson red eyes.

"Who asked that you retaliate like that Williams?"

"Uhm... sire?"

"I don't remember telling you to act like a grunt?"

He moved his glasses up, a small glint appearing behind his eyes.

"Uh... yes sire."

Suddenly mumbling began in the corridor. There were words like 'Duke,' 'Emperor of Flames,' and 'Heir to the South' being thrown around now.

'Man these nobles love to gossip and whisper.'

He turned to Griff after dealing with his underling.

"You must be Griff, the Phoenix who went against Anastasia, am I right?"

Griff looked kinda confused on why this noble would converse with him. He was expecting him to just walk away ignoring him after that display of power on his underling.

"Yeah, that would be me."

Griff took a step forward to him. Even though Griff was considerably tall, this guy was half a foot taller than him. Even Sylvie was shorter than him. Only Lance would reach his height.

"I just wanted to greet a fellow ranker. I personally didn't expect to come across you in such a burly fashion though, my apologies."

Everyone except for Griff and Sylvie gasped as he apologized. Griff, however, slightly smirked. It looked like there were a few decent people around here, even though his manner of talking was weird and formal.

"Yeah no worries. I'll let bygones be bygones. That wasn't your doing anyway."

"Glad to see that you're also reasonable, this will make things easier."

Griff raised his eyebrow as he crossed his arms.

"Easier for what?"

"Communication of course. It isn't that easy to talk to people around here you know."

He fixed his glasses again.

"I wanted to ask if you had time after today's classes. I'd like to talk to you regarding your responsibilities as a ranker."

"I guess I can get behind that. So, where will we meet?"

"Come to the Gilded Kings dormitory after classes at about 6 PM."

Sylvie was just standing beside them, being completely ignored. This was getting on her nerves as she absolutely HATED to be ignored. She'd definitely bully Griff after this, but she'd let him have his way for now.

Griff nodded his head slightly as he pondered for a second.

"Then I will be on my way. I'll see you after classes."

Duke Volham started to walk past Griff. Griff suddenly remembered something and turned around.

"One second. You never told me what rank you were. Mind divulging that to me?"

Duke Volham stopped in his tracks as he slightly turned his head back towards Griff.


Then he started to walk again, not giving Griff time to respond.

Griff looked as he walked away with a slight grin. Number 2 was no prick at all, and he was definitely strong. There was no way that someone would stand near the top otherwise.

"... well I think that's enough school politics. Come on Griff, you owe me a meal. It's not nice to make ladies wait."

"Who said you were a lady. You're basically a gorilla wo-"

Griff couldn't finish his sentence as Sylvie simply turned around to him with a not so happy smile.

"Okay, yes I'll buy you food... stupid dog..."

That last part was thankfully not heard by Sylvie, otherwise the corridor would have turned into a bloody clash zone...

Sylvie smiled as she grabbed him by the arm and started to pull him.

Griff pulled his arm back and sighed.

"One condition: stop dragging me around like luggage."

"Tch... fine."


Unbeknownst to Griff, someone was looking at him from the end of the corridor. It was a familiar blue head who had her arms crossed as she leaned against the wall. She had a slight smirk on her face.