
"They are here! Everyone hide yourselves if you do not want to be found!" cried a citizen of this town as he ran into a small bar.

"Why do they always appear when I am trying to enjoy myself for once?" another citizen shouted as he tipped the waitress and ran behind a door.

Thump, thump, thump.

"Strange, and here I thought a party was going on in this bar. Oh well, if there is not a party, we shall make one for ourselves!" kicking in the front door to the bar, a pirate captain walked in.

"Bartender, get my men some beers as we party all night long to our hearts content!" the captain shouted out an order to the bartender before sitting at a table in the middle of the bar with the twenty crew members behind him.

"Oh captain, it looks like there are some fine women here. Should I ask them to come over and accompany you?" one of the crew members asked his captain as he started to walk towards some of the female waitresses in the corner.

"Of course you should! This would not be a very good party without some women to keep us company. Isn't that right crew?"

"Yes captain!" the crew members replied before pushing the male citizens into the outer areas of the bar.

"Hey you must be new here. You should move out of my way if you do not want us to hurt you!" one of the crew mates told a cloaked man who was sitting at the end of the bar with a sword around his shoulders and a gun on his side.

"Hm?" this cloaked man replied giving the crew mate a quick glace as he continued drinking his beer.

"Hahaha! This man seems that he is deaf, you should force him to the side." the pirate captain laughing at his crew mate said.

This crew member was now angered to the point where he could split blood. Not only has this mysterious man disrespected him, but, his captain now looked at him like he was a weakling.

"Why you little!" drawing his sword in anger, the crew mate bolted full speed towards this cloaked individual. He needed to prove to his captain that he deserved to be on his ship!


With his sword swung, the crew mate actually missed the cloaked man and slashed the seat instead.

"Wher-" in a mere moment, the cloaked man stood behind this pirate and punched him. Flying backwards, this pirate had no idea what had just happened before he hit the wall and fainted on the spot.

"Huh?" the pirate captain was shocked in his reaction before issuing an order to the rest of his crew. "Surround him!"

In a mere moment, this cloaked man was now surrounded by the whole pirate crew. It seemed as if he had nowhere to run!

"So, who may you be?" the pirate captain asked this cloaked man in anger as he took out his axe.

Without even giving this pirate captain enough face to hold a conversation with him, the cloaked man took off his cloak and threw it to the side.

"Y-Y-You!?" the pirate captain almost fell backwards after he recognized this individual in front of him.

"Everyone attack him now!" the pirate captain shouted to his crew members before running out of the bar.

"Hmph." taken back by how this pirate captain of a small crew acted towards his men, this mysterious figure drew his sword and finished these pirates within only several breaths of time.

"Damn it! How can such a powerful bounty hunter be in the weakest of the seas?" this pirate captain told himself as he was almost at his ship in the coastline.

"M-M-my ship, is on fire?" falling backwards from shock, this pirate captain watched as his ship that has sailed the seas for many years now was now on fire and falling apart.

"We couldn't let you escape now could we?" several yards away stood this bounty hunter.


"Too bad you are not worthy enough to feel my blade." collecting the body of this pirate captain, this bounty hunter started to walk towards his small vessel.

"I hope that I can find some reliable individuals to add to my organization." this bounty hunter thought to himself as he headed towards a nearby marine base to bring in this corpse for payment.