
"I guess that I will just start heading west. Maybe an island is in that direction and I could stock up on supplies." Kenneth thought as he made it back to his small vessel.

Kenneth's small boat could only comfortably hold up to three people. This was fine because as his team increased with more members, he could always purchase more small vessels like this one for them, or even purchase a small ship.

After sailing for a whole day, Kenneth started to lose hope. He was stupid enough to not leave the previous island with more food and supplies. Therefore, though, he had these gold cards, he was starving!

"The marines would not feed a bounty hunter like myself who caused them so much trouble only a month ago. The only thing I could do is pray that I reach an island before I starve to death!" pondered Kenneth as he heard a noise close by.

"Get ready! Small vessel is up ahead and may be carrying some great loot!"

"Yes captain!"

Kenneth stood up and looked at what was ahead in the distance. He saw a small pirate ship with simple skull and crossbones on their flag slowly approaching his vessel.

"Good, looks like due to their simple flag, that on board of that ship, are very weak pirates. I hope that they have some food." thought Kenneth as he started to make his arrangements. He poured some fake blood on his body and laid down with one arm hanging outside of the vessel.

"Captain! It looks like the only person on the vessel is already dead. Now we do not need to waste any of our strength and can just worry about looting him!" a deckhand shouted out in an eager tone.

"Perfect! You three jump on the vessel and start looting it for treasures. The rest of you get back to work!" the captain of the ship ordered as he started to walk back into his den.

"Yes captain!" yelled all of the pirates on this small ship. There were only a total of twelve pirates on this ship. It seemed like the captain was experienced, but that he had just recruited a new crew to sail out to sea with.

"Damn it! This ship literally has nothing on it except for some rope and simple items not even worth our time looting!" one of the pirates who was searching the ship cried out in anger.

"Maybe that man has something valuable on him!" another pirate said while walking towards what appeared to be a dead corpse.

"G-G-Gold cards! Four of them!" yelled the pirate after he searched Kenneth's pockets. "We are rich! We are rich!"

At this moment the other two pirates turned around to face the pirate who yelled how they were now rich. "What did you say?" asked one of the pirates.

Looking over, the pirate who yelled this out was not responding to the question. Instead, he continued standing there with his arms held up high.

"Hey, he asked you a question. What is wrong with you, are you deaf?" getting annoyed, the other pirate said while walking towards him.

"Gurgle Gurgle Gurgle" blood started to flow out of the pirate's mouth as a large bloody stain appeared in the middle of his chest.

Not knowing how to react, the two pirates became stunned and quickly drew their swords. There was no enemy in sight, so how did this happen?

Standing up, Kenneth now looked like a bloody zombie with a sword in his hand that was sheathed in blood. Giving off a deathly aura while smiling in a sinister way, he started to slowly walk towards those pirates.

"Z-Z-Zombie?" one of the pirates yelled out as him and the other started to run off the vessel and back onto their ship.

Quickly taking the gold cards back into his possession, Kenneth decided to play around with these stupid pirates and laid back down where he originally was.

"What do you mean a zombie?" the vice-captain of the ship asked angerly as he ordered three other pirates to accompany him back onto the vessel to see the current situation.

"Vice-captain, it looks like there are no valuables on this ship. Maybe those two killed that other pirate and decided to test their luck by splitting the loot they found?" one of the pirates told his superior.

"Zombie? It does not make sense why those two would say something like that just to try to hide some loot. I wonder…" the vice-captain turned towards Kenneth's body. He then walked towards Kenneth with his sword drawn.

Once the vice-captain appeared only inches away from Kenneth's body, he started to bend down to pick it up while holding his sword ready to stab it.

"Swish" in an instant, the vice-captain's head flew off of his body and blood sprayed out like a miniature volcano!

"Vice-captain!" without any time to draw their own weapons, Kenneth quickly slaughtered the three remaining pirates.

"What a shame. If I was not so hungry, I would've played with all of you more." Kenneth whispered as he made his way onto the small pirate ship.

"Enemy!" cried out one of the pirates as the small group started to draw their weapons to deal with this new enemy who was covered in blood.

"Hmph." Kenneth reacted to this by throwing over the vice-captain's body.

Seeing this scene in front of them, all the pirates who were ready to battle this enemy to the death, lost their morale to fight. If he killed the vice-captain, how could they even try to fight back?

Walking out of his den from hearing the screams of his crew about an enemy, the captain swung open the door and saw this current scene in front of him.

"If you do not want to die, you will surrender now!" Kenneth said in a stern tone.

"H-How can this be?" the captain could barely let his words out. This captain, like some other captains bribed this vice-captain who was much stronger than him, to join his crew. Captains would usually do this so that they never had to enter combat. It was worth paying stronger pirates' majority of the loots the ship gained in exchange for a captain to never need to personally act.

Assuming, this captain also took this route to build up a small crew, Kenneth dared to make such a statement. It was clear that he was correct when he saw the captain's reaction to his fallen vice-captain.

"W-Who are you? And why are you in an area such as this one?" the captain asked as he fell to his knees. He valued his life and decided to surrender immediately to preserve it. Even with his vice-captain dead, he still had nine other crew members who sailed under his flag. This was enough to try and rebuild again.

"All of you, your lives will be spared if you decide to jump off this ship and onto that small vessel behind me. Those who decide to rather fight, should attack now while you have the chance to attempt such a stupid act." with his eyes shining and in a sinister tone, Kenneth said what he wanted to say.

"Men follow my lead and you will be able to preserve your life. Your life right now is more important than your pirate honor." saying this, the captain quickly made his way onto the small vessel.

Watching their captain, the rest of the crew followed him. They were all weaker than the captain, and knew that without his help, they could only dream of defeating this man in front of them.

Now with a new ship and food in his stomach, Kenneth decided to look at a map on a small table right beside the oars of the ship.

"It looks like the closest island is M-Island. I hope that I could find some worthy teammates on the island." Kenneth thought to himself as he made way with his new ship towards the island.