
The next day, Kenneth had a breakfast meeting with the governor of M-Island along with his advisors.

"Kenneth, as you have requested, we have given you a proper seat in the front row of the arena. There are many fighters who have arrived from the different surrounding islands. I hope that you can publicly announce who you would be choosing to take in." one of the advisors mentioned.

"We will also personally have several guards ready to escort anyone in which you would like to talk to, if the tournament were not to end, but you still have several prospects." the other advisor said.

"Perfect, I am very fortunate to have your help." replied Kenneth as he handed over twenty-five gold coins to both advisors.

"Young Master is too kind!" both advisors nodded in approval. This type of tip that Kenneth felt nothing about, was enough for these advisors to live for a whole year without worry.

M-Island was located in an ocean area which could be considered not only the weakest, but also the poorest oceans in the world! Therefore, Kenneth, though not wealthy, was still considered a VIP with the amount of gold he was throwing around!

"On that note, it is time for me to prepare for today. I hope to see you three tonight after the tournament ends." Kenneth told the governor and his advisors before standing up to walk back to his room.

"Young Master, the tournament will last for a total of three days due to all of the participants. Will this be alright?" the governor becoming nervous asked Kenneth as he personally started to walk him out of the room.

"Oh? That allows me to scout potential talents for more than just a single exchange. This is perfect, because I can now be truly satisfied with those who I choose!" replied Kenneth with eagerness.

Several hours later, Kenneth was escorted to his seat within the arena and was able to look at the current participants who were all standing together while listening to the rules of the tournament.

"Hm, it seems that there is only really a single participant that seems usable. That younger man with a weird mask on has a very big physique. Even if I need to personally teach him how to fight, just with his physique alone, he could be used as a shield or a punching bag." Kenneth thought to himself while showing a slightly evil grin on his face.

Truth be told, Kenneth only wanted to recruit some quality talents, rather than an army of subpar talents. If he was going to build up a bounty hunter organization which was taken seriously, he did not necessarily need quantity.

Once he has established his organization, there would be plenty of room to recruit some talents who had only a little potential. However, the organizations who had chosen to mass recruit so many bounty hunters, ended up losing quite a bit of face.

The world government would give proper bounties and assignments to bounty hunter organizations, in which they could handle with their members. If an organization was filled with subpar bounty hunters, those organizations would not receive as many assignments, and would eventually crumble!

"I hope that this young man does not disappoint me. If he shows that he is capable of taking enough hits and even winning a single round, I will recruit him." thought Kenneth as the arena started to fill up with citizens from all around the island.

One hour later, the tournament begun. Just as Kenneth had predicted, there was not a single fighter who stood out to him.

This was not unexpected, due to the current situation of this ocean area. The poorer the ocean area, the harder it was to find strong fighters. Many of the capable fighters in ocean areas such as this one, would choose to travel outward to other areas to test themselves.

"Hahaha! You are simply too weak!" as Kenneth was waiting to see the young masked fighter, in one of the smaller arenas stood a fighter with many weapons on his back fighting a middle-aged fighter.

This fighter seemed as if he was toying with this middle-aged fighter who was obviously very experienced.

"You think that you can beat me? Think again!" the middle-aged man dashed towards this fighter while he threw down an object to miss the fighter entirely to land next to him.

"Old man, you are so weak that you can't even hit a target that stood still?" laughing this fighter was about to make a move, however, the object the middle-aged man threw exploded and let out smoke!

"You think such petty tricks would work on me?" the fighter instantly stopped laughing and rather became extremely angry!

Trying to use the smoke to his advantage, the middle-aged man made a stabbing motion with his sword to where he felt this fighter stood to land his finishing blow.

However, once this middle-aged man stabbed out with his sword into the smoke, he realized that he was unable to land his hit! "Wh-" before he was able to react, the fighter ran out from the smoke nearby and threw a strong kick.

Within a single moment, this middle-aged man was sent flying out of the ring as he coughed out a mouthful of blood. "Jenkins has been eliminated, Ben has won the battle!" shouted the referee as a guard unit escorted Jenkins out of the arena for medical treatment.

"Interesting, maybe I was wrong?" pondered Kenneth as he watched this Ben walk off the arena and into the back of the building.