Chapter 3: Scared

Youngjae heads to his best friend's office, Jaehee, a lawyer. "Jaehee." "What now?" "What's my relationship with Minah?" Jaehee left his gaze from his computer to his friend. "..Minah?" "Yeah. When I ask them, they just brush me off. I even ask her." "..What did she say?" "Nothing. She made a painful expression." Jaehee couldn't say anything to Youngjae.

"Don't worry about it. Have you pay your respects to her family?" "Why?" Jaehee sighs. "You are going to marry her, no?" "That's what they want. I don't want to get married." "How childish." "Hey! What kind of friend are you?" "No can do. I'm sided with your parents." "What?! Why?!" "You two perfectly match." "Says who?" "Stupid, you even said that you --" Jaehee stops. "I said that?" Jaehee gets off his chair and grab him. "What?" Jaehee kicks him out of the office. "If nothing else, then go home. I'm busy." He slams the door. Jaehee sighs. "How can you forget my moron..."


In the countryside, Minah comes down and get some coffee. She turns and looks at the photo. She picks it up and put her hand over the photo. "This photo was taken after we told our parents about our future plan of us getting married. Heh..I didn't mean to cause an uproar. Because of lost your memories of us. Youngjae...I don't blame you." She shed tears.

Bobo was about to come in but he sees his master crying alone. "My lady....*sniff sniff it wasn't your fault...please don't suffer alone..." he wipes his tears and leave her alone. Bobo's phone rings. Bobo clears his throat. "Hello?" "It's me." "Ah. Master Jaehee." "How is she?" "Not so good." "I see." "You know about it?" "Yeah. He came in to see me." "I see. What are we going to do?" Jaehee sighs. "It's on Minah. It's her choice what she wants to do. Our role is just to support her." "Yes." "Please look after her then." "Yes, Master." The call ended.


Minah finally stops crying and put the photo away. She went upstairs to change in order to head out to visit the safe house. As she comes down, Bobo is downstairs prepping. "Bobo." "Yes?" "I'll be going." "Yes. Take care." "Let me know if anything happens." "Yes." Bobo watches his master leave.

Minah reaches the safe house. As she gets out of the car, the little children comes running towards her. "She's here. She's here." "Hi little ones." "Minah, we miss you." She laughs. "I miss you guys too." "Let's play. Let's play." "Let's go." Minah went to play with the kids. Sister Keke and Sister Molly comes outside to check on the kids. They sees Minah playing with the kids and smiles. "It's sure lively here when she's around." "It sure is."

Soon Minah and the kids heads back to the house. She sees Sister Keke and Sister Molly. "How are you two doing?" "We're doing good." "They're not causing trouble, are they?" "Oh, no. They're really good kids." "That's good to hear." "Madam is waiting for you." Minah nods. Minah left the children to Keke and Molly's care.

Knock. Knock. "Come in." Minah opens the door. "Yolanda." She turns around and sees Minah. "Oh. You're here." "Yes." Yolanda walks up to Minah and gives her a hug. "You've become a beautiful young lady now." Minah smiles. "And yourself too." "Oh, please. Don't tease this old lady." They both sits down. "Did you and Youngjae meet?" "Yeah." "He's still doesn't remember?" Minah shakes her head. "Dear, why not tell him?" Minah stands up and look at the window. "I don't want to lose him." "Oh, my dear." Yolanda follows her and pats her back.


Youngjae got home from Jaehee's office. "How can he treats me like that?" He sits on the couch. Soon his mother came down, and drops a ton of books on his lap. "Ow!" He picks it up and puts on the table. "What's this?" "For you." "For me?" "You never went on dates." "I'm not interested." Youngjae picks up his glass of water and drinks it. His mother looks at him and asks "Youngjae. I've been wondering...are you gay?"

He spits out of his water. *Cough cough "What?" "It's okay. I'm your mother and you can tell me." "Mom." "It's okay you went the other way. Is that why you disagree this arranged marriage?" "Mom!" His mother gives her full attention to him. "I'm not gay, okay." "Thanks goodness." "What's that suppose to mean?" "Sorry, sorry. Anyways, these books are guides for you to go on your date." "Date? With whom?" "With Minah, you silly." "Why should I?" His mother hits his head. "You dumb boy! A date won't hurt. You don't know anything about her so why not ask her out on a date. You won't die. Geez. This son of mine is useless. Must've inherited from your father." His mother stands up and points at him. "You better asks her out on a date." His mother then left the room. He sighs.


That night, he calls her on the phone. "Hello?" "It's me." "Hubby." "You..." "Hmm?" "Do you want to go on a date with me?" She shrieks so loud on the loud. "Really? But aren't you busy?" "It's fine." "I want to. I want to go on a date with you." As she said this, he didn't realize he was smiling. "Okay. You have somewhere you like to go?" "No, just...anywhere with you is good." "...Okay." "When's this date?" "Tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" "You're busy?" "No. I'm not." "Okay. I'll pick you up around 11." "Okay." "Good night." The call ended.

He heads to the bathroom and was shocked at his visual in the mirror. He was actually smiling. (Was I smiling this whole time? Strange. What is wrong with me?)