Chaoter 8: Find You

Youngjae just finds out the truth that Minah and Taehyun were involved. He curses himself and trying to find Minah.

He heads to the countryside. Once he got there, Bobo notices him but ignores him. Youngjae asks Bobo to ask Minah to come out.

"Why should I?" "Bobo. Please." "She's not here. Even if she told me where she went, I wouldn't tell you. Humph." Bobo turns around and continues to work.

Youngjae sighs and returns to his car. (If shes not here then where could she go?) As he thinks about it, he have no clue where she could possibly go. (Where are you, Minah?)


Minah was hanging wet clothes on the clothes line. She looks up at the sky. "Minah!" She turns around and sees the kids come running towards her.

She smiles. "How's school?" "Too boring." "Is that so?" "I'm hungry." "Lets go inside." She grabs the basket and walk back with the kids.

As they reach the foster care, Minah went to cook for them. Once the food is ready, Minah sets the table and calls for the kids. They pray and starts eating.


Youngjae throws papers on the floor. "Damn it. Where the heck are you?!!" He sighs and fall on his chair, slumped.

Then it hits him. He remembers that Minah loves to help out at the foster care. "There is one place she would go."

He books a flight and head there. As he reaches there, he looks in a far distance seeing if Minah was there.

He didn't see her. (She might not come here.) He turns around and hears the children giggling. "Ah! Minah!" He stops and turns around.

There she is. She smiles. "Here's your lunch." She checks every children have their lunch in their bags. They left and waves at her.

She smiles and wave back. She notices Youngjae standing there. Her expression darkens and ignores him. She heads back to the kitchen.

Youngjae follows her in. He then grabs her hand. "Minah, let's talk." She pulls her away from his. "Get out." "Minah." She grits her teeth and left the kitchen.

Youngjae follows her and grabs her hand again. "Let's talk." "Theres nothing to talk about. I'm over with it."

Someone comes between them. "She told you to let her go." "Mind your business." "This is my business." Youngjae ignores the man, and looks at her.

"Minah. Let's talk." "I told you already. I'm over with it." She looks away. The man next to her puts his hand on her shoulder. "Minah. How's your fever?" "I'm feeling a little bit better than usual." "Thats good."

Youngjae knits his brows. "Minah, Who's he?" Minah looks at him in the eye. "Taeyong. My husband. So leave." Youngjae doesn't believe her words.

"You're lying." She went inside of the house and comes back. She hands him the paper. "See it for yourself." He takes a look at it.

He couldn't believe it. Minah and this Taeyong already register for marriage. Minah takes it back. "Leave. And don't come back here."

Minah went inside the house. Taeyong follows her.


After youngjae left, Minah sighs. "Minah." "Taeyong, Sorry." He sits next to her. "It's okay, but as your cousin, you and him should really talk about it." "There's no need. Everytime we talk, there's always an argument. I don't want that." "Minah." "Besides he never listens to me or hear me out. He's...changed...ever since SHE appears in our life."

Taeyong sighs. "I dont want you to follow my footsteps." "Taeyong." "Go and talk to him. Hear what he has to say before you regret it."

She sighs. "Fine." Minah stands up but one of the townspeople rushes in. "There's a car accident nearby!" Minah's heart stops.
