In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.
I thought it'd seem an interesting novel from the first chapter but it ended up as another cliche trash novel. Read up to chapter 20 and half of my brain cells are gone. For someone who seemed to be on the top of the world in his past life, he goes full on retard the moment he reincarnates.
Writing Quality:3/5 Barely passable. Stability of Updates:4/5 Good Enough. Story Development:1/5 Too much inconsistency that I can't even say anything about it just that read the comments on some chapters and you will see the amount of stupidity in this story goes. Character Design:1/5 Does this guy have a split personality? or just retarded? He will act like a kid to that slightly offended him the Xia but when it comes to Jasmine who tries to murder him he will just lick her shoes off like a retard, I mean just a few seconds ago she tried to murder him only for him to tell all about his secrets I mean who the f*ck does that.. World Background:2/5 meh.
Reveal Spoiler
I shamelessly give you 5 stars because i love all fanfic novel ATG and not only that but i think your writing quality was good enough. I hope you don't rushed this novel...
Another atg trashfic, same as the atg nurarihyon no mago ,same stupid trashfic, it's ok if he time travel but combining novel and anime is faking dumb
I really like the mix of atg and bleach thanks for a good story and chapters hope you keep going. . .
😎 Thug LIFE I don't know what the author thinks, this story is very strange and excessive. MC seems weak with bleach system. What's more this is plagiarism and I hate that. I hope all readers report this content abuse. And I hope this novel will be deleted like some other fanfiction novels.😎 Thug LIFE
Sorry if i offended you but this story sucks, the character sucks and the way you wrote sucks. Honestly i think this is a wasted potential.
the worst MC ever. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
An interesting fan fic of ATG and Bleach. When I was reading the first 20 or so chapters there was many times I felt the urge to cringe but after those chapters I feel like the story has found its tone and rhythm which now has made it one of my favorite fan fics on Webnovel ☺ So if you can get past the initial hurdle in the first few chapters you will find a well written and enjoyable story 😝 Keep up the good work! 👍
first: I will say that the author of this work is a degenerate schoolboy. second: there is a constant mention of the Canon in the novel(I read up to Chapter 20). but the constant mention of the nirazu Canon was not correct (for example, Jasmine was found on the mountain behind the Xiao clan. for Jasmine there were no pursuers because she killed everyone, and the goddess received her own poison). third: why should all the characters be given the appearance of other people? the appearance of the characters has already been shown in pictures, and then in manhwa. four: too many Grand pianos. the behavior of the characters is not realistic, not canonical, and especially not like Chinese cultivators. the hero's actions are stupid and meaningless. the narrative jumps like a mountain goat with a mental disorder. as a result, this is not a fan fiction on a Chinese work. a mockery of a good novel by the hands of this author. still davlenie Japanese ****. only inserts from the original and the world itself are similar to the style of Chinese works, and so on and so forth. my rating is 2/10. did not put 1 only because of the original world of atg and ideas with the addition of bleach. the implementation of the idea is just terrible.
Reveal Spoiler
All was good so far at the start but the story contradiction and mc is well the best full of **** of the most craps it ruining the world you writing the story base on and put other world in it to make it more of a ***** writing style os good but you brain process for this is story is well not even considerable.....good luck for the future development so you make a good mc and world BASED story to not ruin the world story with crao developments.....
Exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp Exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exmp
Its nice and all with an op hero but you should make his goals clear or at least make it so that he will have his hard moments with an exciting fight once every few dozens of chapters because everybody knows human character is shaped through hardships and pain