Practice (2)

Kali has been trying 3 times doing exam and the best result is Ogre. He ask System how he looks like when became ogre his face is same but his body became 3 meter big with slow movement.

The first exam he fail badly and got slime rebirth as prize as for second chance he got ogre. and the third chance he got orc. the one that had pig face and body as short as dwarf

It was fatal weakness if he move slow since tp be good bartender he need to be swift and agile. How can he serve many people if he cant move fast.

--- Time for Exam prepare 4th trial of Exam will be started. Haha seem like you realy desperate but at least you got some success, ok now lets go stop stop what are you doing put your hands up. ok we will start go ---

Kali see many ingredients he pick something and brew it. he then combining ingredients with fast hand it feel like he was know what he need to do and he put smile when doing that. that was awsome and cool.

He need to know where all the ingredients place and memorize it and he need to do multi task when doing mixing and then he doing muddling to mix all the thing he needs.

At the end of that the dring color is black like blood since some animal blood added inside.

--- Ok then lets judge how your dring is tuttututututut the result is. Very Good you can do it finaly young man now lets see what are your prize tuttututut Vampire race with jet black eyes like a blood with fast speed and charm skill. weakness cant see light will be burn if exposed to the sun. his taste bud also broken and only blood will be good in his younge ----

Kali said "just as i thought this whole exam is trap since when i create something that resemble any race that was the prize in the end"

--- haha yeah that what realy is. you got nice observation yeah you will got race that resemble your drink theme ---

Kali angry and said "what the fuck then why i need to create something good. I could just create something bad that had resemblance of any race that i want to be.

--- not as easy as that young man the quality of your blood the power of your bloodline will be depended at your result if you had bad result even if your prize is vampire race you will be weak version of vampir ---

Kali said "i see so it was like that. Ok ill practice again hmff so now i know how tricky is this Exam i need to make sure the theme matches with the race i need"

Kali know this is since his 3rd Trial result is perfect but got orc instead the system is too cunning since he never tell detailed rule of the exam.

"hehehe but now i was prepred just you wait God System ill make you enjoy my drink" Kali said while grasping something on his pocket

------ -------1 year passed ------ ------

---- Time for Exam prepare Last trial of Ex-- ---

before system can finish his word kali said "im ready now lets talk do more im ready for exam"

--- you are realy excited today ok then lets start eh what is it that you carry ---

Kali laughes and said " hahaha this is something that i prepared i fragmented this make this aging within years it had underwent process. after 2nd exam every time the exam ended i put something in my pocket to brew and fragmented.

since i never see any finished material, all of ingredients that you prepare is raw material how can i become good bartender if i dont have any good ingredients".

---- intresting hahaha you are smart enough to do this for rat like you, to even thinking of doing out of the box like this is very surprising. ok then lets see what you could make ----