
"Even if he is a bit hotheaded, in the end, he can still be pretty meticulous when it comes to something he wants done. If I were you, I wouldn't underestimate him so much, Haishe. Just a friendly reminder. Ahahaha!" Savage said as he roared with laughter.

"Hmph." Haishe glanced at Savage and gave a simple harumph in response. He never should have allowed Silent Steps to drag him to this place. However, since Silent Steps was still the current leader of Fatal Touch and held the power of authority he had no choice but to follow along.

In truth, this was Silent Steps way of keeping a close eye on Haishe. After all, there was no way for him to communicate with anyone while inside of the Chaotic Dogma Realm and he knew that Haishe was secretly plotting behind his back. He wanted to make sure that Haishe was not up to anything now that he was back.