Stepping Into The Mist Of The Netherworld

Izroth led his party towards the location on the Realm Chart. At the moment, he walked at the very front of the group with the Realm Chart in his hands, looking it over. Of course, he had already remembered every single detail about the Realm Chart, however, it still helped to have the physical image itself directly before him.

'I had no idea this many locations had already been discovered and explored.'

After viewing the high-quality Realm Chart, Izroth could tell that this definitely was not the work of a single person. There was simply too much ground to be mapped out and covered by a single individual. Therefore, it must have taken a dedicated team of Cartographers sent in various different directions to make this Realm Chart.

'I wonder who's behind the creation of this Realm Chart.'

The Realm Chart had no item creator name listed in its description area and Azalea did not bother disclosing who it was, therefore, he had no clues whatsoever to go on.