Final Request

Izroth was not the only one who heard the painful wail as it caused Mirage, Midnight, Ying Yue, Qi Jiguang and his party, to all turn their attention towards the source of that sound and close in on its location.

"How is this possible?" Mirage said as she could not believe the sight before her eyes. Didn't that person just die?!

A cloaked figure with a greatsword in their hand had the blade of their weapon stabbed into Robin's stomach area. However, there was also a spear pierced right into the head of that cloaked figure. That spear belonged to Jyuuriel who had made his first move since their journey started.

"We are a Faceless One. We cannot die." The cloaked figure said even with a spear through their head.

"Lyn, you-!" Robin coughed up a large amount of blood as he tried to speak.

The cloaked figure who had caught him by surprise was none other than Lyn! It had all happened too fast.