Handling The Affairs of The Mystical Realm Palace

As the woman walked around the shop and examined a few things, she was pleasantly surprised by the order. However, when she stopped to view the listed pills for sale, her expression quickly darkened.

"Ridiculous...! Why are the prices all over the place...?! Does he know how much he's throwing away?!" The woman said as a hint of disbelief and outrage crept its way into her tone.

She then continued, "I have to put a stop to this at once."

While her clothes, hair, and eye color were different from reality, her overall features made her unmistakable.

This woman was not just another guest of the Mystical Realm Palace. She was the individual Izroth hired as his official financial advisor, Fang Qiu!

"Welcome, Administrator Aurora. It is my pleasure to meet you. I am the head manager, Opal." Opal approached Fang Qiu just moments after she entered the Mystical Realm Palace. Opal properly greeted her and gave a polite bow.