Night King's Rite, Overconfidence Is The Fastest Way To One's Downfall!

"Venerable Earl." The Vretis Skounae said respectfully before sinking back into the earth and disappearing from view.

"This has grown rather vexatious." The last thing Salokin predicted was that two Earls would die on the battlefield. This changed everything.

"Essirie, take Norebua to the Haunting Grounds to recover. Once you finish, proceed to the Netherly Unlit Grotto. Since those two are dead, a Penumbra Inquisitor is already on their way to Vostracane. We will have to move ahead of schedule for the Night King's Rite; otherwise, nothing is left to be shown but our incompetence." Salokin stated.

Essirie looked as if she wanted to protest but maintained her silence. She nodded before leaving to carry out Salokin's orders.

"To have a Penumbra Inquisitor visit the region under your command—your luck is quite bad, Earl Salokin," Izroth commented with a carefree smile.