Polkentin's Failed Chimera Part(2/2)

The Serpents of Malice were not very strong; however, they were numerous, quick, and their venom could cause paralysis while also dealing a bit of damage over time.

Handling them was not an impossible task, but it was not something that could be brushed aside or put off. After all, if they were left to roam the battlefield freely, then there would be a deadly repeat of what happened the first time the Serpents of Malice appeared before Sacred Beasts.

However, not only were the Serpents of Malice wiped out by Izroth's Great Storm, even the Failed Chimera was not spared from taking damage during the rain of wind blades!

In addition to the Great Storm's wind blades, the Failed Chimera was also inflicted by the weapon skill's bleedout effect. On top of that, Izroth's Blood Stigma proc'd multiple times, causing the Failed Chimera to receive even more damage over time.