All The Time You Need

When Qiao Xiaoqing first awakened, she expected to be greeted by the pain of her cuts and bruises; however, to her surprise, that pain never arrived.

In fact, Qiao Xiaoqing even felt strangely refreshed, as if she had just gotten a good night's rest.

Qiao Xiaoqing placed her hand on her cheek and was shocked to discover that there were no signs of damage.

"A dream...? No, it was too vivid to be a dream. Then, how do I explain the lack of wounds? And the children..." Qiao Xiaoqing inwardly furrowed her brows.

"The children..!" Qiao Xiaoqing quickly sat up and looked around the room with an expression of panic on her face as her heart raced.

"They are safe and being looked after. You have my word." A voice sounded next to Qiao Xiaoqing's bed.

Qiao Xiaoqing's eyes landed on Jin. After she listened to his words, the initial panic on her face faded and was replaced by one of great relief.