World Class: The Immortal Hydra Part(3/3)

The Hydra's outer heads closed their mouths as the stream of poison smog stopped.

The next moment, a strong gust of wind formed near the lake's edge at the center of the poison mist left behind by the Hydra's breath attack.

The wind caused the smog to swirl into a vortex as it pulled in the surrounding poison and expelled it from the area. The vortex then collapsed into itself as it spun rapidly and pushed the poison mist away from the battlefield!

This was the work of Morrighan's magic; however, even she was unable to clear all of the Hydra's poison that covered more than one hundred meters of land. Fortunately, she was able to expel the poison away from the party on the ground and create a safe zone similar to the eye of a typhoon. Inside the typhoon's eye was an area of peace, but one step outside was where nothing but destruction awaited.