More Ways Than One, A Forced Hand

As the three exchanged blows, Izroth had retreated to a safe distance. But, of course, nowhere in the Fourth Heart of the World was truly safe given the individuals fighting.

Izroth observed the fight as he circulated his Source Chant to recover some of his lost essence.

'I used up too much essence. It will take me some time before I can fully recuperate.'

Izroth pushed his Source to the limit, treading a thin line that could have led him into a state of Soul Weakness with one careless misstep.


"I thought you went and kicked the bucket, stone face. " Hakros said as he landed next to Izroth.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to get rid of me. You're in a better state than I anticipated." Izroth responded as he briefly examined Hakros.