

Jasmine was talking to Yun Che about his destroyed veins, until...

Jasmine: Keep your laughable ideas to yourself. You have saved this princess' life, therefore this princess shall indeed repay you…. You only need to promise this princess three conditions. Then, this princess will immediately let you have….. A new set of profound veins….

A set of profound veins with the strength of a god!

Yun Che: You are… speaking the truth?

Jasmine: What reason would I, this princess, have to lie to you?

Yun Che thought about it for a while until he heard Jean's voice.

Jean: Just accept her deal, what might she do to you? Rape? She's a 13 years old girl, I doubt she is really old, either that, or you are going to eat dirt.

Yun Che: *Sigh* Okay… then tell me, what are the three conditions I have to promise you?

Jasmine: The first condition, you must promise to help this princess find three items… They are: A stalk of Netherworld Udumbara Flower, three Profound Beast Cores no lower than that of the Tyrant Profound Realm as well as… At least thirty-five kilos of Purple Veined God Crystal!

Yun Che took a sharp breath from the items she requested, because it was almost impossible for him to find them

Yun Che: Are… you… sure… you aren't… teasing me?

Jean: She isn't, those are the same items I require to create a body myself.

Yun Che: 'A body? Those three things for a body?'

Jean: Yep, now listen to the last two conditions.

Jasmine: The second condition; you must, within thirty years, reach the Sovereign Profound Realm!

Yun Che: Eh?

Jean: It's ok, thanks to me and your new Divine Veins, you will do it rather easily.

Yun Che: 'Wait, so you know something about the new profound veins she wants to give me?

Jean: Yep, there are only 2 Divine Veins, one is inheritant, while the other you need to go pick it yourself, and she is giving you the second.

Yun Che: 'Ok' Mh, I accept

Jasmine: The third condition… Kneel down and worship me as your master!

Yun Che: '...What?' What?

Jean was giggling about it while Yun Che had a dumbfounded expression in his face.

Yun Che: ...I might worship you as my master, but I will not kowtow to you! Never!

Jasmine: Reason?

Yun Che: I can kneel to my elders, kneel to my benefactor… even kneeling to my wife is a possibility if required, but to kneel to a little girl that I had just met a few days, I cannot do it. This is the basic dignity of being a man!

Jean: Moron, the dignity you were talking about, you lost it since you lost the profound veins.

Jasmine: Tsk... You are lucky that there is Jean inside you otherwise I would make you kneel myself...

Yun Che sighed in relief while Jean just shrugged and started his training with his greatsword.


While Jean was training his greatsword mastery, which wasn't even near to a novice, the plain caught fire, surprising Jean, who let fall Paragon from the surprise, the fire didn't hurt at all Jean, but it was burning the grass, meanwhile Yun Che was getting the Evil God's Divine Veins.

10 minutes later, the flames disappeared, revealing a wasteland, without even a strand of grass, the scene was a bit sad, but Jean just seen that as the result of gaining new profound veins, so he wasn't worried, he entered the Sky Poison Pearl and asked.

Jean: Is everything done?

Yun Che: 'Yes, I just gained the new profound veins and opened all the 54 profound entrances myself.'

Jean: Ok, let's see if now it works, Paragon.

Yun Che: Pa...g...

Jasmine: Mh? What was that?

Yun Che: Oh, when something happens, Jean would say the name of the Zanpakutou so I would know when I am worthy for it, right now I can hear only a P, an A and a G.

Jasmine: Pag... Well, only he knows what is the name...


Jasmine was inside the Sky Poison Pearl to rest while Yun Che was walking towards the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, meanwhile, inside his mindscape, Jean was still trying to efficiently use Paragon, but he didn't knew how, so he gave up and entered the Sky Poison Pearl to watch Yun Che.

But it was interrupted when Jasmine woke up and looked at Jean with a curious gaze

Jasmine: Hey Jean.

Jean: Mh?

Jasmine: Why do you know about the zanpakutou?

Jean: This... Is a long story... 'I am going to use Bleach...' In a lower realm far away from here, outside from the Primal Chaos Dimension, there was a planet inhabitated from weak people, there didn't existed the concept of profound strength.

Anyone from that realm was maximum as strong as someone of the 2nd Elementary Profound Realm, but there was something mysterious, when a person dies, he will not go in either heaven or hell, he will stay there for some time as a soul.

Now there is the surprise, that lower realm, is connected to 4 more realms, the first realm is called Soul Society, which is inhabitated from souls that left the lower realm and from Gods of Death, and each one of the Gods of Death has a zanpakutou.

The God of Death's job is to help the souls in the lower realms to leave and exorcize evil creatures called Hollows.

Jasmine: what is an Hollow?

Jean: An Hollow is the result of an human soul that stood for too much time in the lower realm, it became corrupted, and transformed in a monster with a white mask and an hole where its heart should be, they come from the second realm, Hueco Mundo, where its lived from Hollows.

Jasmine: What about the last two realms?

Jean: the third is called Dangai, it is a bridge that connects the lower world to the first two mentioned, while the fourth is called Hell.

Jasmine: Hell?

Jean: Yes, He-

Yun Che: 'Hey Jean, there is an evil spirit that is attacking me!'

Jean: Eh?

Then he turned and found a weak wraith that was attacking Yun Che.

Jean: Just hit it with the bottom of the handle of the zanpakutou in his forehead.

Jasmine raised an eyebrow while Yun Che raised an eyebrow before he rushed at the wraith with the zanpakutou in his hands, before the wraith could strike him, Yun Che succeesfully hit him with the bottom of the handle in his forehead.

The wraith stopped moving and screamed, making Yun Che and Jasmine curious.

Jean: Oh, it works here too, let's see, it should appear some moments from now...

Jasmine/Yun Che: Appear what?

They didn't received any answer, because when they stopped talking, a giant red gate adorned with fiery patterns streaking across the surface appeared, at each door there is a the upper body of a skeleton with a bandaged head.

The arms of both the skeletons are positioned at an angle that seemed to open the gates(look for Bleach: hell-verse gates)

The doors opened and revealed a crimson red background and two ropes that held the gates, then a chain came from the gates and binded the wraith, who was trying to escape, and slowly dragged it inside the gates, when it was skewered from a gargantuan blade, and it became particles that entered inside.

The gates slowly closed, and disappeared as if nothing happened, meanwhile every profound beast escaped from there because they were afraid of the gates of hell that just appeared, while Yun Che and Jasmine stood in shock and fear from what just happened.

Yun Che: W-What was that?!

Jean: That is the gates of hell, where sinners enters 'Thanks god I am a spirit or I would have peed on my pants...Who knew this shit was so frightening?!'

Jasmine: the... Hell...

Jean: Well, Yun Che, that thing you just did works only on spirits and dead people, now don't go to hit people's foreheads with that.

Yun Che and Jasmine decided to not talk about what horrific things they just seen and Yun Che continued to walk towards the Mountain Range.