Chapter 11: Karma

Next week, Akito attends the party with Nathan and Pauline. Lyle walks up to them. "I'm sorry for your loss." Pauline ignores him and walks away.

Nathan follows his wife. Akito and Lyle see an eye for an eye. Akito speaks up, "You come here alone without bringing your wife?" "Mind your business." "Oh I will. But it seems you know nothing of it."

"Know what?" He leans in and whispers, "your father and your father in law, murdered Ai's family ten years ago." Lyle grabs him by the collar. "Just what the heck you talking about?!"

Akito chuckles. "Ask your father." Akito takes Lyle's hands off of him. "Excuse me." Akito walks away and stands next to Nathan. His hand clench. (Ai. I'll show the whole world their true colors.)

As soon as the party begins, Lyle's and Cera's fathers both went up to make an announcement. Cera's father goes, "before anything, I want to say.."

He looks straight at Nathan. "It's a shame how you lost your granddaughter from the car explosion. You have my sympathy." He raises his glass to Nathan.

Nathan didn't say anything else. As they were talking to the guests, a screen appears behind them. A video is being played in a loud volume.

"In order to get our hands on the Shuang, we need to get rid of Toma and his family."

They both startles and turns around. They seen themselves in the video.

They both look at each other. "What's going on?" "I don't know." They turns to the guests and shows an awkward smile. The guests begin to make a commotion. "whats going on? They murder Toma and his family?"

(Video) "How are you going to get rid of them? They will find evidences that will lead to us." "It's easy. Just use fire."

After the video was played, a security footage is played. Lyle's father appears in the screen, he looks around and see if there's anyone around him. He then head to Ai's car. He opens the hood and takes something out of his bag. He planted something in Ai's car and closed the hood. He checks his surrounding and left quickly.

His eyes widen. "How did—-"

"Did you actually think twice before you erased the footage?" Everyone turns around and sees Ai standing on the stairs. Akito sees Ai. "Ai." Their eyes met for a couple seconds then Ai walks down the stairs.

She walks towards the stage. "How—" "That body you saw isn't mine, but your own flesh." "What?" Nathan joins Ai. "Ai wasn't in the car. It was your daughter, Cera." "No. No. Impossible!"

He looks at Nathan. " killed my daughter?!!" Nathan smiles. "Sam. It was you who planted that bomb. It was you who killed her."

Cera's father fell on his knees. "N-no. It can't be." Police officers comes in and surrounded them. "You two are arrested for murdering Toma and his family and Cera. Also planting a bomb in the car." "Take them away." They grab them and take them away.

Akito walks up to Ai. "Ai." She turns and sees him. She smiles. She looks behind him, there's Lyle holding a gun towards Akito.

Ai looks at him. "Akito." "Hm?" She smiles. "I love you." He smiles. She grabs him and pulls him close. Then she turn their position. BANG! BANG!

Ai got shot on her back. "Ai!!!" Akito catches her in his arms. "Ai!" "A-Akito." She reaches and touch his face. She smiles, Soon her hand lose her strength, and falls down by her side.

"Ai!!" Lyle runs and trying to escape but he got captured and was taken away. "Ai! Why?! Why him? Why did you protect him for?!"