Chapter 5 Fighting Opponents 3 Through 5

"The next competitor against Aella the Small, will be Arch the Lusty!" cried the announcer as she turned to see the next demon already stepping onto the arena. They wouldn't even give her the few minutes between fights to catch her breath.

Arch smiled at her, making sure she was aware of his icy blue eyes traveling over her short frame. His pale blue skin was covered in scars, and he swung his dreads out of his face as he stalked over to his side of the arena.

"Was your mother an elf?" she asked, taking her stance.

He snarled at her, flinching at her words. Flicking one of his thin elongated ears in annoyance, he smiled at her again and ran a finger over his scarred chest, pausing briefly as his fingers brushed over his nipple.

"I will make you my concubine when I am crowned king, and you shall lose that tongue of yours!"

She laughed as the gong went off, not concerned about any threats he tried to throw at her. There was no way this freak with a pickaxe was going to win.

"Allow me to add to those scars," she said, sidestepping his swing and slashing the nipple he had caressed off.

Hissing at her, he stumbled back and glanced down. Screaming in disbelief and rage, he turned towards her and all attempts at sexy were gone from his face.

"I will split you open, you miserable little worm!" he howled, charging at her and swinging his pickaxe as if to get her between the legs.

Dodging to the side, she stepped into his swing and sliced off his other nipple.

"Now they match," she laughed, dancing back as he paused to glance at her handiwork.

The madness in his eyes was palpable as he charged her again with a beastial scream. Blood was pouring down his chest, making his skin shiny in the lights they had illuminating the arena.

Jumping back, she tripped and rolled to avoid the next attack of the pickaxe. Ending her roll in a crouch, Aella watched him jerk his weapon out of the hard rock and charge her again. Jumping away at the last minute, she reacted as soon as she heard the pick hit and dig deep into the rock. Her arm snaked out and slashed across his belly, before she was out of reach again.

Jerking the weapon out of the ground, he seemed to not have noticed his entrails spilling out of the deep slash as he turned to charge her again. What could have happened to this guy, for him to not notice the pain of having his belly cut? She didn't really want this guy to even be in her army, if he was this far gone.

As he jumped forward to attack again, his foot landed on his intestine, causing him to slip. She watched in disbelief as he fell onto his weapon and didn't get back up. Could he have killed himself? Was this a trick for her to get closer?

Stalking out of reach, she walked around him, trying to see if there was any sign that he was dead or still alive from any other angle. The crowds were just as interested in knowing as she, and many were voicing their opinion that the counselors had gone to far this time, hurting the minds of the competitors too much. They thought none of them would make good kings.

Ignoring their words, she finally spied the spill of blood that was slowly growing from under him, and lowered her guard. This Arch was dead.

The announcer declared her the winner as she walked away to her corner. The medics rushed to check on him, but she knew it was too late. The crowd didn't cheer or boo, merely talked among themselves as the counselors talked among themselves about whether they could blame his death on her or not.

"The next opponent against Aella the Small, is Seifer the Hardy!"

Her heart sunk when she saw Seifer grab two daggers. If he focused on close combat, this would be a hard fight. The crowd, however, thought it was hilarious as he stepped onto the arena.

His horns clung tight to his head as he took his position, waiting for the gong. She watched as his golden red eyes took in her stance and movements as she began to circle him warily. Taking note of the placement of his feet, she couldn't help but smile. The form he was using was very familiar to her, as it was her father's favorite. Seifer was trained by someone in the military.

As she circled closer and closer, she was waiting for him to make his move, and when he did, she almost didn't dodge fast enough. He was fast! A trickled on her cheek brought her up short. He had cut her!

"She has red blood!" cried some of the people in the crowd, causing her to grind her teeth in annoyance. "Is she human?"

"She has horns! How can she have red blood?"

"She must be a half-breed."

"It took you imbecile's this long to figure out she was a half-breed? You could tell by her height from the very beginning!"

"Can our king be a half-breed?"

"Doesn't matter, she'll never make it through all of the others."

Not allowing herself to get distracted by the words of the crowd, she was able to react when he darted in again, and managed to slash at him in retaliation.

He blocked, then slashed at her face. She jumped back, blocked his next blow, and tried to slash at his face again. He blocked her, hitting her arm away in the process, and tried to close in order to stab her. She blocked him with her other arm, and knocked his arm out of the way this time, slashing at his face, and causing him to jump back. Following fast, she kept him on his toes, slashing at him as he backed away.

Jumping apart, they both sized each other up, and circled warily as they tried to catch their breath. The crowd cheered in glee, some crying her name and others crying out his. They seemed to be greatly enjoying watching the two of them fight.

Aella watched him, and when he went to slash across her body, she jumped in, blocking his blow. Their hands were moving so fast, following the same form, blocking the blows and slashes of the other, no one in the crowd could keep up. Neither could find an opening to stab or cut the other and the crowd was loving it.

But Aella had an advantage. She knew the form, but she also knew other forms. As he went high, she suddenly kicked up, catching his knee and when he stumbled, she took advantage of his momentary lapse to stab him in the neck.

The healers rushed to his side as he stumbled back in surprise and shock, blue blood pouring down his chest. The crowd went crazy, but Aella saw the gleams in the counselor's eyes as they discussed her move.

"For using an illegal move, Aella is disqualified!" cried the announcer.

She couldn't believe it. The thought of slaughtering them all churned in her head and she had actually turned to do just that, when the crowd went crazy.

"The guy's not dead! That wasn't a killing blow!"

"You can't take her out! She just won!"

On and on they went, screaming in rage as she realized they had started to like her. A grin crossed her face as she looked at them. If they didn't rescind their decision, they were going to have a very angry mob on their hands.

As Seifer was escorted off the arena grounds by the healers, he tossed her knife back at her with a nod of respect. She caught it and saw that he had already wiped it clean on his pants.

"The judge's decision to remove Aella has been rescinded! Her next opponent will be Bane the Stout!"

Aella realized as the next demon hefted his flail, that the counselors had always intended for her to be long gone by now. This guy wasn't going to last very long at all. Glancing at the others she still needed to fight, she realized this was an opportunity she needed to take advantage of, and get some much needed rest.

As he swung his flail about, and catered to the crowd on his way to his side of the arena, she kneeled and rested. Studying his body, it was clear one arm was larger than the other, from hefting the heavy flail about. When the gong went off, she didn't move, and he laughed at her.

"Tired from fighting Seifer, little one?" Bane laughed, stalking towards her with large steps.

"Perhaps," she responded, letting her head bow a little as if more tired than she actually was.

"Don't worry, when this is over, I shall let you rest in my bed for a while," he laughed, swinging his flail at her huddled form.

Exploding up, under his blow, she stabbed into the underside of his arm, and allowed the sharp blade to cut all the way back, almost into his armpit, exposing the bone. As she expected, the flail quickly fell to the ground, as he no longer had the strength in his arm to hold it, and when he turned to swipe at her with his good arm, she kicked out his knee.

Bane went down hard with a howl of pain and rage.

Backing away to the very edge of the arena, she kneeled again, to rest. The crowd loved it, cheering and laughing as he fought to drag himself over to her. When she decided he was too close, she easily dodged his grasp and moved to the other side of the arena again. The counselors were furious.

She tried to keep the smile off her face as she listened to the taunts from the crowd, directed at the counselors, on the stupid rules they had enacted for this fight. When the counselors couldn't stand it any longer, they called the fight in her favor, and healers rushed over to Bane. The fury in his eyes told her to watch him as he was being healed, because as far as he was concerned, the fight was still on.

Infuriated, he charged at her the moment he was healed, and no one moved to stop him. The crowd cried out their anger, but she saw that those who were supposed to enforce the rules merely crossed their arms to watch.

Dancing out of the way as he tried to wrap his huge muscled hands around her, she backed closer and closer to the weapons rack. It was just outside the arena line, so if she tried to grab a weapon, she would forfeit, even though a battle wasn't technically going on. As he lunged for her again, she ducked and darted between his legs, kicked him in the butt as he twisted to see where she had gone. Her kick pushed his balance off, and he fell against the weapons, impaling himself.

As she moved back to her starting location on the arena grounds, the healers rushed over again, to try and heal him. The crowd started chanting her name, and she kneeled to rest again. Bane wasn't a threat to her any more.

"The winner is Aella the Persistent! Her next opponent is Frederik the Wieldy!"