Chapter 7 Opponents 9 And 10

Kieran stepped forward, flexing his shoulders and rolling his head around to stretch out his neck. He held a sword in his right hand, and took his place, with another military position. Aella could tell how he got the title Big, for he was indeed huge. To stab him in the neck, she would need to jump off his knee to reach.

Flipping her daggers around while she studied him, she wondered what tricks the councilors would try to pull off. It had already been established that as long as the healers could get to her opponent before he died, her blows wouldn't be considered a killing blow. However, she knew that if she tried to rely on that any longer, after the spectacle from the last fight, they would probably cause the healers to move slow enough for him to die.

Once the gong went off, she slowly began to make her way to the center of the arena, but he charged. She could tell that he was hoping to bank on her being tired from all of the previous fights, and wanted to take her out quickly. As he swung to hit her, she put on a burst of speed and dodged the blow, darting in to cut him again, as she had done numerous times already, but he was expecting it.

Twirling away from her daggers, they found nothing to stab, and instead she ended up having to jump away herself, as he swung his sword back to catch her.

Crouching for only a single beat of her racing heart, she analyzed his form and knew that he was going to take two steps and swing again. Darting into the spot he expected her to be in, so he would begin the first of those two steps, she broke to the left, messing up his momentum. Swinging her leg out, she was able to wrap it around his knee, but he had already started pulling back before she could get enough force to kick it out, and she had to drop to the ground and roll furiously to avoid the sword slashing at her.

He backed off several steps and tried to get his bearings, but she was already up and running at his right side, around his sword as he was trying to get it up to block her. Slashing out, she quickly cut his hand and wrist, leaving a deep gash that almost made him drop the sword.

Kieran danced back to keep her in front of him, and swapped his sword to his left hand.

Aella grinned as she could tell he practiced with both hands, but the muscles in that hand were smaller. As he gasped for a breath, she darted in again, pulling the same move where she dodged just inside his sword swing, and slashed at his hand. He tried to jump away, but it was too late, her dagger had already cut him.

With both hands wounded, he couldn't hold his sword well enough to fight.

"Nice moves, little one. But your little blades cannot stop me."

He threw the sword to the side and charged her. She knew that if she didn't cut something vital soon, she really wouldn't be able to keep up with him. Ducking under his grab for her, she felt him wrap his fingers in her shirt. Reaching out, she was able to bury her daggers into the back of his knee as he lifted her into the air.

One of the daggers remained, but the other was jerked out, and to keep him from getting a better hold of her, she cut her shirt.

Landing in a crouch, she darted away from him, leaving her shirt in his hands. The crowd went wild when they saw her bare skin, as she was never given any form of undershirt or bra.

Kieran jerked the dagger out of the back of his knee and flung it as far away as he could. That was one blade she wouldn't see again.

"You only have one claw left, little one. You should give up so I don't crush you into a paste."

"I can do more with my claw than you can with your dick," she spat at him, to the howls of mirth and glee of the crowd.

"If I used my dick on you, little one, you would split like an overripe tomato. Best leave the adult activities to the adults."

He charged at her again, not seeming to have any problems with the knee she had stabbed, and she charged right back. As he reached for her, she dodged by sliding under his feet, and kicking with all her might at the injured knee. He had been about to kick and stomp her, but as her feet connected, his eyes went wide in realization of what she was doing.

The crowd jumped to their feet, cheering as he went down. She crouched just out of his reach, panting.

"If you wanted to see my dick that bad, I would have shown it to you," he joked, laying on his side with his leg at an odd angle.

She ignored him and stood to see that her shirt was laying in a heap off to the side, outside of the arena.

"Take my shirt! It's a good color for you!" cried someone from the crowd, flinging a bundle of fabric into the arena.

The counselors went to complain, but no one was paying attention to them. She picked up the bundle, noting that it was obviously too heavy for just a shirt. Two beautiful short swords were wrapped in the tunic, along with a piece of jerky and another water bag.

"The crowd is not allowed to interfere with the competition!" cried one counselor finally, making his voice heard above the crowd's laughter and cheers.

Ignoring them, she slid the tunic on, and tucked it into her belt, to make it fit better, as it was a bit big on her. Then she slid the swords into her belt and munching on the jerky, returned to the side of Kieran as he sat up painfully to see what was going on.

"It seems you've already won over the crowds. I could still put up a fight, but I think I will sit a bit before trying. Did you realize the counselors told me to take you out, no matter what? They said whoever managed to kill you, would get to be king."

She paused with the water bag half way to her lips and looked over at the counselors, who hadn't heard a word of what he said. They were too busy having guards throw the guy out who had given her the bundle.

"You best be careful, that water could be poisoned."

She smirked. "Poison has never bothered me before; I doubt it will now."

"That's a handy thing to have, it would have helped my brother."

She looked at the demon sitting before her with mangled hands, and a blown-out knee, having a calm conversation.

"Does the pain not bother you?"

"Oh, it does, but I've felt so much pain, I know it will pass."

She nodded and tossed him the water bag. He caught it, then shook his head and set it down. "You may need this later. I will leave it for you. Besides, poison does bother me."

Returning to her starting position, she watched the healers rush forward. She had gotten her immunity to poison from her mother, according to her father. He was very grateful for it, when he found out, because she had been drinking poison while he was out, that was intended for the vermin in the basement.

"The 10th opponent for our Aella, will be Mathian, the Solid!"

The dark blue demon that stepped out, had six horns protruding from his face, angled backwards, and horns sticking up along his arms and back. With wide heavy steps, he dragged a long spear behind him.

She knew that if he managed to get a single hit on her, she would be lost, but she could also tell, he had so many muscles he couldn't move fast. This would be a quick match. The crowd seemed to think so too, already discussing who she would have to fight next.

As he reached his spot, he hefted the long spear high into the air, and began to spin it around. Sharp blades popped out, creating a deadly fan that gently lifted her hair away from her face.

The moment the gong went off, he slowly started walking towards her. She darted towards him, knowing his tactic was to force her off the arena, or into his blades. If she could stay near the center of the arena, his tactic wouldn't work, and she might be able to dart behind his twirling spear. She wondered, as she reached the center long before him, how long he could keep up his twirling.

As she tried to stalk around him, she quickly realized he could pivot and she would never be able to get behind him. There was only one chance to defeat this guy. Taking her last dagger, she flipped it over and held it by the tip of its blade. Waiting for him to start walking towards her again, she flung it at the very center of his spinning weapon.

The dagger flew true, burying itself deep into Mathian's hand. The spinning spear, covered in blades, tipped since it was no longer being controlled by both hands, and embedded itself into his face. There was absolute silence in the auditorium as he took one step back and fell. The sound of the thud, when he hit reverberated throughout the entire arena, before the crowd started screaming in delight. She watched as they jumped to their feet and cheered.

Glancing quickly at the counselors, she was surprised to see two of them quickly covering their grins of delight as the others gritted their teeth in rage.

"The winner of this match, Aella the Determined! Her next opponent will be Zaff the Tough!"