Chapter 36 Bob’s bar

They didn't encounter anyone on the streets as they made their way to the Drowned Mermaid. However, when they entered the bar, the demons took one look at the Heroes and jumped ship. They literally opened the windows and jumped out of them. Bob, at the bar, sighed and gave her a pained smile.

"Some of them hadn't paid yet. I expect you to pay their tabs."

Aella nodded, too amused at the reactions she was getting to be upset. Focusing on Bob, she noted that his human form seemed stronger, than his demon form. He must appear to be human to them, while he appeared as a demon to the demons. That must be a handy trait for a shop owner on the border, but it raised a lot of questions as to who this person, who was so fluent in magic, was.

"My traveling companions need rooms for the night," she said, motioning to the hero group, as they settled into chairs at a round table. She would have time to question Bob later.

"And meals?" Bob asked, grabbing mugs to fill with ale.

"Yes," she nodded, turning to join them at the table.

"I would never have considered there being a human bar this far into the demon lands. That bartender must be a pretty stout person to be able to put up with the demon filth," said Robert, leaning back in his chair. Aella fought the urge to kick the feet out from his chair, because she didn't want to make any of them an enemy yet, despite the fact they already were.

"I'm just thrilled to be able to sleep in a bed," said the Sage, Bridgette. She still clutched her bag, instead of setting it down, as if afraid someone might steal it.

"A hot meal will be nice," said Josephine as a young demon hurried towards them carrying a tray with food. Bob brought them their drinks personally, and Aella noticed they all had different drinks. How would he know what they would like to drink? It must be magic. She really needed to speak to him before heading home.

"Quail?" gasped Bridgette, setting her bag on her lap carefully and reaching for the tiny bird on the plate before her. "I haven't had any of these since I was a little girl!"

"Is this really quiche?" breathed Josephine, picking up her fork to try the egg dish. Barely holding back her moan of delight, she dug into her food enthusiastically.

"I believe my meat is burnt," grumbled Robert, poking at the blackened roast on his plate.

"I'm sorry, sir, but the fire flared as we were taking it out of the oven," apologized the waitress as she set down the last of the food.

"I guess it will be fine," he said, seeming to cut it a bit too eagerly.

Alfred rolled his eyes as he thanked the waitress and picked up the bread that came with his soup.

Aella sniffed the bowl of chili placed before her, noting the bits of peppers and chunks of meat. It smelled heavenly.

"How do you know what each of us enjoys to eat?" asked Curt, looking at the steak before him suspiciously, and glancing at Aella.

Bob laughed. "I have magic at the door. I know what each person who enters my door likes to drink and eat. It saves so much time and confusion."

"That's a wonderful use of magic!" exclaimed Bridgette excitedly, glancing towards the door as if to see the magic itself. She seemed disappointed when all there was to see, was a plain wooden door.

"Well, it certainly comes in handy! I also have keys for each of you, for your rooms. The symbol on the key is the same as what is on the doors. You shouldn't have any problems finding your room."

Josephine nodded in thanks, finished her food quickly, and all but ran up the stairs to find her room. No sooner was she out of sight, then Curt sighed and downed his drink. Hiccupping in surprise, he took his key and headed up the stairs as well; his steak clutched in his fist.

"He always tries to hit on her," said Alfred with a shake of his head. "He's never going to get anywhere with her."

"He's too stupid to understand," said Robert, savoring each bite of his roast.

"These potatoes even have salt sprinkled on them!" exclaimed Bridgette, oblivious to their conversation. "I love them!"

Setting his napkin down, Robert stood up with a sigh. "I'll make sure lover boy gets to his room, and doesn't cause any trouble."

Aella watched him go, noticing that his chivalry only occurred after he had finished his food.

"He won't get anywhere," said Alfred, "Curt doesn't have any magic, like Josephine. And Robert is only saying that, to appear important."

With a soft sigh of contentment, Bridgette finished her drink and stood up. "I'm going to bed. I'll see all of you in the morning!"

Aella and Alfred watched her head up the stairs, humming to herself. As soon as they were alone at the table, Alfred turned to her. She had barely eaten half of her chili, since she had already eaten that evening. It was tasty though, and she didn't like to waste food.

"I know the Demon King sent you. What are your intentions?" Alfred's eyes searched her face as she looked up at him, but she hid her expression well. If he wanted to believe she was sent by the king, then she would play along.

"I am to find out the truth about the heroes. Not much is known about you, except that you were the same one who killed the last king." She didn't see any reason to lie to him. It would be easier to remember later what she had told him.

Alfred studied her face for a moment longer, before taking another bite of his soup. "I don't care anymore. Killing the last king was supposed to bring a time of prosperity and relief to the people, from the evil demons, and I have seen none of that. If anything, the taxes on the poor have increased, and the demons are no more evil then the humans. If anything, the church is the most evil of all those I have encountered."

His biting tone of voice made no effort to hide his disgust. The church must have done him great harm, for him to hate it so much. Could she use this?

"What do you mean?"

Dipping his bread into the broth of his soup, Alfred was quiet, possibly thinking of a reply?

"I have fought demons, and I have fought humans. Even monsters only fight to survive. It is only the church where I have had to face true evil. The demons and humans are only following orders, struggling to survive in a world that only sees them as pawns. The monsters I have killed, are either corrupted, like that dragon you killed today, or are confused, looking for territory to claim."

"What did the church do, that was so evil?" she asked, thinking of how the counselors had pitted children against each other.

He picked up his glass and took a long drink before looking up at her. "They killed my sister."

"And yet you still work for them?" asked Aella. She didn't have a sibling for anyone to use to control her, but she was sure if that sibling was gone, she wouldn't still be controlled.

"If I don't kill those monsters, no one will. I have powers no one else has. The church tells me that those powers are meant to kill the demon king, but I don't believe that any more. I think I'm supposed to help protect the people. If I don't pretend to also be doing the church's work, they would kill me and the cycle continues."

Aella sat back in her chair. The same thing had occurred to her. If she killed the heroes, then future children born to be heroes, would be claimed and used just as they had in the past. If she was serious about ending the war, she needed to take into consideration all aspects of the war. Specifically, the heroes. She needed to understand the church more, and this man was her only access to information. He was older than any of the other heroes and had more history with the church.

"My king would know more about the church. Perhaps we could come to an understanding without continuing the bloodshed. The king believes the war has continued for too long."

He nodded, eating more of his soup. Bob brought him a bottle of some kind, and left with a knowing look.

Aella sighed, knowing she would have to pay for it.

"The church scours the countryside, until they find a hero, whenever one dies. After verifying the child is indeed the new hero, they will then take everyone in that family. You see, the heroes are born from the same family line every time. It's important that there are future heroes in the church's control, otherwise they have to start a new search every time."

"Wait, so a hero's powers are only unlocked when the parent with the powers dies?" asked Aella, wondering what that meant for her.

"Most of the time. Sometimes, when a child is born from a hero, that child's powers are locked away until released in some way. It's complicated," he said, picking up the bottle and pouring some of the amber liquid into his empty glass.

"Try and explain it. We have no information about the heroes," she said, pushing her bowl and glass away so the waitress would know to fetch them and take them away.

He tossed back the entire glass of alcohol and glanced at her. "I shouldn't even be telling you about this, but I don't care anymore."